Sample Products Newsletter

Design Tip : A quick hack to help images blend into an email design is to give them a color filter that matches the rest of the design elements. You can do this by adding a color layer over the image and adjusting the opacity within our online editor.

Take a look at how the blue color filter on the image in the email newsletter template above blends in seamlessly with the rest of the design. You can also add your own image from the free stock photos library. Maybe you need to address a crisis situation within your company.

This straightforward company announcement newsletter is simple to edit and send out quickly. You can use one of the above email templates for other announcements as well.

Find more crisis communications templates or browse our business letter templates. Keep your employees up to date with your remote work expectations or any other company news, guidelines and updates.

Gallup estimates that you can add up to 59 percent more growth in revenue per employee and great communication is critical to getting there. Using a newsletter to keep employees in the loop is a simple but effective tactic.

Using design tools like Venngage makes it easier to slot your own content into existing designs. Double-click the text box and paste your text inside or start writing. You can also change fonts easily. Add your brand font to the editor via My Brand Kit. Or pick a font from the options available.

As countries reopen their economies during the age of COVID, companies are scrambling to put together return to work plans. Use this letter-style newsletter template to communicate either with your customers or staff and stakeholders.

Import your brand colors, upload your logo and your own photos too. When done well, they are powerful tools for nurturing customer relationships. A beautiful design helps see below but be sure to pack it with thought leadership from internal experts at your business and helpful tips and tricks.

Design Tip : One way to make your email newsletters more engaging is to use an uncommon email layout. Most newsletters follow a simple left-to-right, top-to-bottom layout.

But a more unusual layout will stand out from the others. For example, the snake layout in the example above draws the eyes back and forth across the page, making for a more engaging reading experience.

This email newsletter is a great example of what a company newsletter should focus on: your unique expertise and deep experience. Design Tip : Picking alternating colors is a fantastic way to break your email newsletter templates into consumable sections.

The different color schemes help the customer see that each section is different and unique. They then see five small sections that they can work through rather easily. You can also use borders or lines, but I think that different colors make an instant impact in their mind.

And a common mistake that you can make while designing a newsletter is having too much going on visually. In this simple newsletter example, the designer did just that. The header is clean, precise, with a bold colored background. They could have just as easily used a stock image or something else, but because they stuck to one theme the newsletter template from this organization looks professional.

Another example of a company announcement newsletter that preaches the importance of a minimalist design:. Note that this one is a quarterly email, but you can totally edit and make it your monthly employee newsletter template. Graphs and charts are simple ways to visualize complex data or information.

Perhaps you need to update stockholders and show that your company has been doing well lately we hope. Point out exactly what you want the readers to take from a graph or chart by using accent colors or visual cues like arrows.

New to newsletter design? I cons are a great way to illustrate information and emphasize points in your newsletter. Design Tip :Pick icons that reflect the theme of your information.

Just be sure to use icons with a consistent style—this will help your design look cohesive. Venngage has over 40, icons and illustrations you can use to customize your email newsletter templates. Hopefully, you already have your brand colors , brand fonts or logo that your subscribers know belong to your company.

If not, no fear, click the links to get tips and pre-made templates to whip up your own. Hence, utilizing these colors in their newsletter will help readers recognize it immediately. Real estate agents may find that purely promotional emails with listings work.

But try combining listings with insider information like tips on hot neighborhoods or helping first-time home buyers learn what they need to know. Up your chances by filtering and cleaning your email list your list based on demographics or interests so potential buyers are only seeing the listings and information they want.

Not a designer? Try using our easy-to-edit newsletter templates. You can also browse different types of email marketing software from G2 to help with this. This process will help you identify areas of improvement and ensure that your strategies align with your marketing goals.

With the insights gained, you can make informed decisions to enhance the effectiveness of your email marketing efforts. This email newsletter design uses a variety of icons and illustrations to make the real estate organization stand out from the crowd.

For more real estate marketing tips and templates, our post on real estate marketing has it all. Health and wellness programs and retail have largely gone online. Making it even more important to keep connected to your customers or clients. Color overlays are a simple way to create a strong email newsletter or upgrade your boring one.

All you need is a photo, some text, and a semi-transparent shape, which can all be found in Venngage. Ever since I started designing and creating content, this tip has been one of my favorites based on the simplicity alone. Just look at the example above—the semi-transparent rectangle makes the text easy to read without totally obscuring the background image.

Put your products front and center with this easy-to-edit sales newsletter. Swap out the product photo and edit the text. Then, click to change the colors. You can edit this template for any industry—not just cosmetics.

Need to send a monthly update for your company, retail operation or small business? A beautifully-designed newsletter will help your message stand out. No problem. These newsletter templates are easy to edit. Plus, with our new Export to HTML tool, you can create a clickable newsletter that you can import to Outlook or Mailchimp Professional Plan and up only without any coding skills.

Lists work very well in a newsletter. But here, I want to highlight how Zapier does something a bit different. In many newsletter examples I looked at, people would use a catchy header and then bury the information they referenced somewhere else in the newsletter.

Instead, Zapier gives the reader exactly what they said they would in the header. This may sound like a small thing but people get mad if they have to really search to find something that should be easy to find.

An important part of making your brand recognizable is to use cohesive branding in all of your messaging. Since your email newsletters will be one of the main ways you contact your audience, make sure the design is in line with your branding guidelines.

You must make your business stand out by the convenience you can provide to customers. Same day delivery, curbside pickup, buy online and pick up in store—retailers need to offer one or all of these options and do it more effectively than their competitors. This beautiful store reopening newsletter is clean, stylish and effective.

Be sure to add your eCommerce URL and all the ways customers can buy—via PayPal, Instagram DM, Facebook Marketplace or any other creative solution that works best for you and your customers.

Enter our drag and drop online editor by clicking the template image above. Upload your own photos or choose from our in-editor free stock photo library. We have thousands of beautiful options. But, you need to gauge what really matters to them and their willingness to pay for this convenience.

It could be delivery options, more product offerings, a better eCommerce experience etc. Send a survey email newsletter to get feedback and offer a discount code to encourage shopping! Keep your holiday emails short and sweet.

You can also use this template to run a flash sale to get rid of extra stock or revive a slow season. Design Tip : Venngage newsletter templates can be downloaded as a PDF or PNG file.

Add them to your newsletter service and link the image to your chosen destination, like your sale page. Use this newsletter template to run a survey and bring in new customers and sales.

This sweet and simple newsletter works well to promote a new study or blog post. You can also use it to send an update about your company or how your retail business is responding to a crisis.

The focus here is on text, but you can also upload your own images or browse our free photo and illustration library. Numbers can help keep people engaged with your content. In this ShopStyle email newsletter, they use numbers at the top of each email newsletter section to keep things organized and hook the reader.

Using numbers in this way gives your eye and brain a simple path to follow, and pulls you deeper into the content. This newsletter design does something exceptionally well. It deliberately uses vagueness and mystery to push you to click on their call to action.

Using FOMO is a powerful way to drive people to take a very specific action that they already know will benefit them in an email campaign.

For example, signing up for a giveaway, accepting a gift card or getting a discount, like in this newsletter. When it comes to calls to action CTAs , take a cue from business infographics by keeping it simple and direct. They can help express emotion, show someone how to do something or just add some motion to your graphics.

In this newsletter example above, a GIF is used to add a tiny bit of motion to the header. Handwritten newsletter fonts are a big design trend.

You can use a handwritten font to draw attention to a particular part of your newsletter. Like Loeffler Randall did in the example below to show their subscribers there was a new location.

Handwritten fonts jump off the screen. It may be the first thing your eye sees on a page or email newsletter as well. Our post on elegant fonts has lots of examples.

To say that Cotton Bureau used a bold font on this newsletter may be putting it lightly. This is an easy hack to put the reader in the right state of mind before they read all the other information as well. Now they know that they will be getting free shipping before they even look at the shirts or read more about the company.

Before sending out an email newsletter to new subscribers, I would recommend sending a customized welcome email. This graphic welcome email is short and sweet. Replace the icons with your product shots and add your social media links to the bottom.

This makes a lot of sense, especially if you send a well-written welcome email while your brand is still bouncing around in their head.

This will ensure that the recipient has a good first impression of your company from the start. Make sure you have a good onboarding email strategy as well that extends beyond your welcome email.

Also if your brand only sends out a monthly or biweekly newsletter, you can still engage them quickly after they subscribe. This sales email newsletter from Fossil may be one of my favorite examples in this article. All of the design elements like font and icon usage are excellent. But the best part of this newsletter design is that it targets their whole audience so effectively.

In the simplest terms, they have two main customer groups based on this sales email : men and women. Now, instead of targeting both of them in separate campaigns, they hit both with the same email.

A recipient may not need a watch that instant, but their significant other or family member could. By targeting both groups around the holidays, they could maximize the potential sales.

Sometimes your brain needs a little hint about what to look at next, and that line connecting points or sections will help it out. Nonprofit marketing can be tough, especially with limited resources. It can be a challenge to engage donors, convince them to donate their time or money and keep them coming back to your cause.

Nonprofit email newsletters are critical to getting compelling visuals and stories in front of your donors to keep them engaged. Facts and figures are good, but storytelling is what really connects donors to your cause. This simple fundraiser email template can be quickly edited to give an update on your nonprofit as a whole, on a cause, on an upcoming event etc.

Taking your programs online? This well-organized visual newsletter quickly gets your point across, with easy to digest pointers on your new services.

Get more nonprofit crisis communications templates. This example, from Charity Water , is a great example of a nonprofit newsletter.

In this case, the newsletter uses a simple list infographic design to make key points easy to read. After they state their case on why you should donate, a call to action seals the deal. Our post on nonprofit infographics will teach you how to create your own visual story. Our post on 9 powerful examples of nonprofit storytelling is a great way to learn to tell the story of your own nonprofit.

Preschools and daycares are reopening across the country. Easily upload your own photos, click any text box to change the words and add your school colors to the backgrounds with a couple of clicks. As schools plan to reopen in fall , back to school newsletters will be important to communicate the transition plan and new safety measures to keep students and staff healthy.

Get them excited about upcoming events and new clubs and outline what they can expect during their first week back. Colleges and universities have a lot of people to communicate with—alumni, staff, applicants, enrolled students and prospective students.

MailerLite has a great guide to education newsletters if you need advice on how to meet your goals with email. The following newsletter templates will help you fire off all these communications, with minimal effort.

This classic university newsletter template is easy to customize. Click the text boxes to change the words and change the background colors to match your school colors. Click the image to replace it and upload your own. Or choose from our free stock library with thousands of high-quality images.

Here are some tips to ensure success, thanks to the Independent Fashion Bloggers :. If you are featuring a selection of different products in your newsletter, I would recommend adding a background shape or frame to each. Borders or frames can help unrelated parts of your newsletter look uniform.

This may be one of the easiest things to add to your newsletter, yet many people forget it completely. In this example from Net-A-Porter, they use subtle frames to make it look like these 8 items go together. There is going to be a time that you need your readers to go to bat for your brand.

It could be filling out a survey, like in this example below, or helping you promote a new blog post. Whatever it may be, most of them are going to need an incentive to help your company out, so give it to them.

Only the most hardcore followers are going to do something without seeing the benefit for themselves. All of your CTAs should stand out relatively quickly in your newsletters.

An easy way to do this is to use different sized or colored fonts. Or just by picking a wacky font that is used nowhere else. But what if you just used italics or underlined the text to make it even more eye-catching?

In this example from Edited, they do just that for the three CTAs in their newsletter. In addition to using some bold colors, this newsletter also has a very straightforward goal: to get people to check out their sale. There is no pitch or hidden agenda that NeedSupply wants their readers to fall for.

You want them to check out your sale—nothing else is really needed. Using a well staged and shot photo can make an outstanding background for your email newsletter. Be sure you pick or create one that allows the important text to be seen easily. Plus, it shows off all of their products in a very natural way.

Like you just saw them laying out on a table in your house, which feels genuine. An understanding of color theory can really help spice up your newsletter designs. Check out this guide to picking colors to get started. In this example from Trunk Club , they use complementary colors in their email design very well.

The orange CTA button contrasts with the blue background. This type of color usage can be added to buttons, links or important pieces of info to bring attention to them. A curated gift list will make it easier for customers to buy, says Omnisend.

Bundle promotions, like buy three and save 30 percent, are popular. And remember, good quality images of products help customers convert much better. So, invest in good photography. One of the most interesting things that I saw researching this article was the unique way brands framed text.

Most of the time it was with a nonintrusive border or a background. But some of the trendsetters decided to use graphics and icons to frame their copy. Like in this newsletter example, from Nordstrom , which used a handful of flowers.

This not only makes draws your eye directly to the message but fits what the text says. You can check out these newsletter ideas from popular brands for more design tips. To start working on a gift package with Greetabl , the customer simply has to the email.

No clicking a link or filling out a form. Just an easy reply, like they are talking to a real person down the hall. Also, I like how they use white space and large font to put that CTA at the forefront of the newsletter example.

That section is the first thing you are going to be drawn to and it has some of the most important info of the whole newsletter. Hybrid events combine a physical location and a virtual component, like someone moderating a panel remotely—with audio and video of that person.

This option may be better for event organizers as they navigate trying to include speakers or attendees who cannot or will not travel given the pandemic. New to virtual events? Slido has a comprehensive guide to best practices for virtual events. Virtual events work differently than in-person events in terms of communication.

Tailor your email communications accordingly. You can also send feedback surveys after the event is done. Convene recommends asking for three tips on how to improve the event for next time. A lot of newsletters use only one call to action, placed at the very bottom.

Features Send emails Email marketing Grow your audience and build stronger relationships. Automation Send perfectly-timed and targeted emails automatically. Transactional emails Personalize these emails to build stronger customer loyalty.

Build websites Website builder Build stunning websites on your own and let your business shine. Create a blog Drive traffic and engage visitors with an easy-to-build blog.

Collect leads Landing pages Create pages to collect leads, sell products and more. Signup forms Invite people from across the web to become subscribers.

iPad Subscribe App Collect subscribers at your event or store - even offline! Email verifier Clean and optimize email lists to improve deliverability. Sell products Digital products Sell e-books, downloads and more to grow your income.

E-commerce Integrate your e-store with email marketing to boost sales. Paid newsletter subscriptions Easily set up recurring payments to offer paid subscriptions.

Gallery Examples Newsletters See designs for various occasions and industries. Landing pages Get inspired by examples made by customers like you. Automations Automation examples Check out these email automation ideas to inspire your own.

Automation templates Build professional email workflows quickly using pre-built templates. Templates Use these expertly-designed templates to quickly build effective newsletters, web pages and forms. Newsletters Websites Landing pages Pop-ups.

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Hire an expert Find approved consultants to help your business grow. Blog Read stories and how-to articles to level up your strategies. Best practices by industry Discover the best email marketing practices for your industry. Email marketing guide Explore the email essentials for a successful campaign.

Curious about email marketing? View all Academy courses. Check out our newest how-to guides: Migrating from Classic to the new MailerLite Authenticating your domain to maintain deliverability.

en {window. Examples Newsletters See designs for various occasions and industries.

Take a look at these top-notch newsletter examples from a variety of industries to get inspiration for your own email marketing strategy Looking for an ideal newsletter template to showcase your product? This is it. You can use this fully customizable template to reach out to your subscribers and 15 of the best email newsletter examples we've ever seen · 1. General Assembly · 2. Penguin Random House · 3. The Moz Top 10 · 4. Fizzle · 5

Sample Products Newsletter - 90+ Free Email Newsletter Templates. Choose designer-made, fully customizable newsletter templates to save time and create professional-looking email Take a look at these top-notch newsletter examples from a variety of industries to get inspiration for your own email marketing strategy Looking for an ideal newsletter template to showcase your product? This is it. You can use this fully customizable template to reach out to your subscribers and 15 of the best email newsletter examples we've ever seen · 1. General Assembly · 2. Penguin Random House · 3. The Moz Top 10 · 4. Fizzle · 5

And speaking of that, Home Chef uses purple to make its button stand out on the black background, while the CTA highlights the irresistible offer in the best way possible. NPOs use a variety of email marketing campaigns to inform their audiences about new actions and provide them with weekly updates and highlights.

To rock your newsletters for your non-profit organization, make sure to:. To do that, the NPO sends weekly round-ups to keep its audience up-to-date. More specifically, the NPO uses an image-infused header with the logo and a relevant visual to make the message more engaging.

The rest of the design is simple, favoring white space to make each individual element stand out. Moreover, while the email copy is quite extensive, the structure of the newsletter and the choice of fonts make it easy to read.

In the right hands, it can be a weapon of immense power to build better customer connections. In this case, banks can leverage its power to create newsletters that will:. Creating readable and easy-to-navigate emails is important to improve your engagement.

To make it happen, Revolut has adopted a very specific newsletter design that favors white space, crisp visuals, and valuable copy. As mentioned above, the bank uses spacing to make the message pleasant to the eye.

When it comes to the email copy, Revolut takes advantage of the above-the-fold space to add a heading with the benefit the subscriber will get. This way, the recipient will know what the newsletter is about at first glance.

Then, the bank uses actionable language to inform its customers about the new features and capabilities. The CTA is also placed above the fold to increase clicks and conversions. For better results, Revolut adds a duplicate button at the end of the newsletter. Lastly, the blue color is perfect for this example as it makes it hard to miss.

Hospitality businesses have used email marketing to promote their reservations and give special deals to their customers. To craft the best email newsletter for your restaurant make sure to:. Subject line: 🍕🏁Do you want a Deal that will send you to pole position?

Since this email is inspired by the Formula 1 races, the brand used darker colors and a race track background to set the mood. Regarding the copy, it only adds the necessary info to get customers to place an order, i. Moreover, the button uses specific copy to excite its audience and lead them one step closer to conversion.

So if you want to create an equally beautiful email campaign, just register for an account and then start creating! Another industry that has benefited from the use of email is Real Estate. Realtors can promote their properties effortlessly, educate their audience, and keep it up-to-date about new listings.

For an effective real estate newsletter you need to:. The following campaign is a great example of how the realtor tries to help its target audience solve common pain points. Like Revolut, Zillow uses spacing to make its email more readable and enjoyable to its recipients.

The use of high-quality visuals also helps the email become more unique and relatable as it uses a real-life image of a property. For the copy, the realtor uses a heading in question form to boost engagement with the content. Then, the short text underneath describes a common problem many homeowners face.

The solution comes with the blue CTA, where recipients can take the quiz and find answers to their questions. Moreover, to keep them engaged, Zillow also infuses its newsletter with additional resources to help its email subscribers and adds a second CTA to boost conversions. Webinar marketing is a powerful tool to nurture your target audience, build better relationships, and offer instant solutions to their problems.

If you are planning monthly webinars or weekly podcasts you can use email to promote your registrations effortlessly. To make them perform, make sure to:. Subject line: [WEBINAR] Register to kickstart your call marketing strategy with ActiveProspect and Fluent!

Starting with the design, this example is very short yet has all the necessary elements the potential participants need to see to click on the register button. The brand has added a visual summarizing the event, including the name, day, and time.

The email copy is also very explanatory, using dashes to introduce what the participants will learn in a clear and concise manner. Creating the perfect newsletter may take time. From choosing the right design and copy to adding your CTAs, a good email needs to be intriguing and valuable enough to give you the conversions you desire.

Hopefully, the above examples managed to get you inspired and show you how you can create a beautiful newsletter for your brand. Blog Resources.

Published By Marilia Dimitriou. December 6, Table of Contents. Try Moosend Today. The easiest and most affordable email marketing and newsletter software! Start Free Trial. Try Moosend! START FREE. Creative Boom is a UK-based arts and design magazine specifically for creatives, illustrators, and designers.

So for their email newsletter, they pair thought-provoking and inspirational article roundups with beautiful imagery — including a sleek header GIF. Instead, Creative Boom leads by example, highlighting artists and creators making cool stuff.

Substance and style. In this case, Asana breaks down mid-year goal setting, which is an important rallying call for corporate America and knowledge workers everywhere.

Their visual consistency and branding are huge differentiators. Plus, it feels organized, which is exactly what you want from a project management software. Academy of American Poets knows how to keep their content fresh and diverse. Take a look at the example below. Their newsletter features a list of summer-themed poetry, a feature piece on a judge that will participate in an upcoming competition, and more.

Theming your content gives it a cohesive POV, and it also signals intentionality in your sends. Instead of a new send every time they publish a poem, Academy of American Poets curates its best and most thought-provoking content.

This increases the likelihood of social shares and forwards, growing their brand awareness in the process. Take a look at a newsletter from, Virgin Experience Days. The company uses red, which is their main brand color, throughout the newsletter, to make each offer pop.

The brain looks for patterns and visual consistency, and with Virgin Experience Days, the viewer immediately knows that color indicates significance. pops of color.

Unsplash is a stock image company that prides itself on beautiful, free photography. Many Unsplash images wind up on popular Instagram accounts or aspirational Pinterest boards. One of the newsletters that Unsplash sends out is a selection of curated images that the brand thinks will best suit its readers.

This email works on multiple levels. First, it shows that Unsplash features its user-generated content, meaning that anyone who contributes has a chance of their photography or imagery being seen by an email list of thousands.

Secondly, Unsplash only includes a few lines of text, leaving plenty of room for contributor images to be the star of the newsletter. For one of their newsletters, running brand Tracksmith uses a tried-and-true email tactic: the letter. With our powerful yet easy-to-use tools, it's never been easier to make an impact with email marketing.

Easily build sign-up forms that convert Our easy-to-use tools help you build landing pages and sign-up forms to grow your lists. Learn More. Case Study This nonprofit uses advanced tools and automation to create more emails—and more time.

Learn how. In the email newsletter example we've chosen below, you can see how AIGA does an excellent job summarizing a complex article about big data. You'd think a piece written about such a topic would be dry or possibly daunting to follow in an email. However, by using clear headings, images to break up text, and even a quote excerpt, the whole article becomes exciting and easy to read.

Another factor that stood out to us is that the whole newsletter consists of three: colors pink, black and white. This simplistic yet stylish email allows for a clear newsletter layout.

Highlights a story each week. Makes long-form content digestible. Is simple and stylish. Subject line: We say it best when we say nothing at all. Sometimes it's good to think outside the box. WeShare's whole newsletter is image-based which makes a statement about the file-sharing app.

We can learn that you do not have to be traditional in your email newsletters. In fact, going against the stream can help you stand out and send the right message. They've thereby connected the dots between the newsletter's focus on art and its tool that allows you to share your creativity and files.

Goes against the norm with an image only newsletter. Knows its exact audience and caters to them. Subject line: The dos and don'ts of great logo design.

When you subscribe to the Wix Blog newsletter , you're updated with tips and guides across website design, business growth and marketing to help you succeed online. We assign themes to our weekly newsletters to help readers focus and go in-depth into a specific topic.

We also support each niche topic using three closely related blog posts. Looking at the example of our logo-focused newsletter below, you can find one article about dos and don'ts of logos, a second one analyzing logo colors and a third post showcasing the best logos.

On top of content depth, we also find it helpful to add a product link to the landing page where users can take action and begin their creation journey. In the case of our example, you can go directly to the logo maker from the Wix Blog newsletter to get started.

Creates weekly newsletter themes that go in-depth into one topic. Includes a link to the end product to help readers get started. Looking to start a blog? Get started with our blog maker.

Subject line: Your Account is Still Waiting. While the color green might make you think of money, it also represents sustainability. In the case of Ando bank, the group is fighting climate change and wants clients to know that all its investments support green initiatives.

Since a lot of thought goes into where we deposit our money, Ando is wise to include that as part of its mission: "Banking with purpose" and "Banking for a more sustainable tomorrow" to help build a brand that's authentic and generates trust.

Additionally, Ando uses powerful repetition in its subheadings like "Banking for balance," "Banking with clarity," and "Bank with confidence. Then, at the bottom comes the CTA "open my account" to convert the lead.

Is well-written content. Uses strong CTAs to drive conversion. Subject line: Congratulations, you made it! Who said school newsletters have to be dull? Deakin University welcomes its accepted students with a celebratory greeting, "Congratulations, you made it!

Each section in this newsletter example is sectioned off with a different neon color—courses in yellow, upcoming events in pink, scholarships in blue, and preferences in purple.

This type of organization method greatly enhances the user experience and makes it effortless to find what you need. Friendly subject line. Well organized color coding of categories. Exemplifies that long newsletters can still be intuitive. Subject line: Prepare For The Future. The subject line "prepare for the future" helps contextualize Tech Will Save Us' newsletter.

The education company promotes projects and games that help students prepare for future careers such as in AI, robotics and space travel.

Tech Will Save Us uses cartoon images, boasting oversized typography and solid colors that make the email playful and engaging. There are sticker-like overlays such as a power voltage, pencils and stars that encompass an educational tone. Lastly, its included subscription prices make it easy for the reader to understand the different tiers that they can choose.

The group also makes the wise choice to add pricing toward the bottom email, hoping to convert at the end of a user's scrolling journey. Contextualizes its mission.

Adds playful design and colors that align with the educational brand. Incorporates subscription tiers in an effective way. Subject line: Watch "The Long Way Up" streaming on YouTube now!

Passion City Church's newsletter comes in bright colors, providing a happy and cheerful tone. In this newsletter example, the church starts by prompting new videos which are uploaded to its YouTube channel. You, too, can use a video maker to create engaging video content for your email campaigns.

A church newsletter is also a great place to remind people of upcoming gatherings and important speakers. Passion City Church advertises its pastor series effectively with a CTA button where readers can learn more about him before the event. Uses an inviting visual language. Promotes video content successfully.

Subject line: Hey, you're in! Multivitamin company Ritual is a good example of a company staying on brand throughout its email marketing efforts. Try to use the same visual language in your newsletter as you do in your website design. Ritual has kept each section to just a few sentences that educates without overwhelming the reader.

Lastly, Ritual utilizes the bottom section of the newsletter to prompt readers to follow the company on social media. Shows consistency in design and colors that align with its website design. Displays great use of a large image in the newsletter.

Offers a strategic way to gain social media followers. An effective email newsletter blends engaging content with a visually appealing layout to capture subscribers' attention and convey the desired message.

Here are the key elements of an email newsletter:. Compelling subject line: The subject line is the first impression your newsletter makes, so it should be clear, concise and attention-grabbing.

Use strong verbs and relevant keywords to entice recipients to open the email. Preheader text: The preheader text is a brief summary that appears below the subject line.

It provides additional context and encourages readers to open the email. Keep it concise and informative, highlighting the main points of the newsletter. Header: The header is the top section of the email newsletter, typically featuring your brand logo and establishing a consistent visual identity.

Use a clean and professional design that aligns with your brand aesthetic. Hero image: The hero image is a large, visually striking image that captures the essence of the newsletter.

Choose a high-quality, relevant image that sets the tone for the content. Content sections: Divide the newsletter into clear and distinct sections, each focused on a specific topic or theme. Use clear headings and subheadings to guide readers through the content. Body copy: The body copy is the main text of the newsletter, where you deliver your message.

Keep it concise, informative and engaging. Use a clear and readable font, and break up the text with bullet points, numbered lists or short paragraphs. Call-to-action CTA : The call-to-action is a prominent button or link that tells readers what you want them to do next.

But Newsleter of the trendsetters decided to use Discounted brunch specials and icons to frame Sampel copy. Operations Producrs systems better. Overall, it was one of the better uses of consistent branding that I saw in all of the examples. Learn more in our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. I love TheSkimm's daily newsletter — especially its clean design and its short, punchy paragraphs.

6 examples of ecommerce newsletters · 1. ARQ · 2. Noise Pop · 3. People I've Loved · 4. Diaspora Co. · 5. Maude · 6. Huckberry business and accessible Template: Corporate Newsletter Template accessible icon. Business. business Template: Company Newsletter Samples. Business. premium and Every issue is packed with top tips, proven strategies, advanced tactics, real-world examples, and valuable insights on customer acquisition and marketing: Sample Products Newsletter

Sample Products Newsletter Professionals. Sample Products Newsletter Hustle also allows Affordable specialty ingredients to customize the content Producs receive to fit their interests see the "Snippets" section in the Prodycts Sample Products Newsletter. Sakple, the use of Nrwsletter and Nrwsletter humor in the headings and content makes this email newsletter the favorite of startups and entrepreneurs. And More! They also have an abundance of amazing places that you can stay around the world. While looking for examples for this article I found some that could be a flyer and others that looked like a novel. Finally, the newsletter spotlights one of their blog articles. This email makes quite brilliant use of responsive design. However, Ben Evans goes against that. Do You Even Blog — Host a giveaway for email subscribers. Topics: Email Marketing. Crew combines humor with a low-stress, low-friction solution to a gifting struggle that many people have. Take a look at these top-notch newsletter examples from a variety of industries to get inspiration for your own email marketing strategy Looking for an ideal newsletter template to showcase your product? This is it. You can use this fully customizable template to reach out to your subscribers and 15 of the best email newsletter examples we've ever seen · 1. General Assembly · 2. Penguin Random House · 3. The Moz Top 10 · 4. Fizzle · 5 90+ Free Email Newsletter Templates. Choose designer-made, fully customizable newsletter templates to save time and create professional-looking email To do that, you need a beautiful and converting email newsletter to share product updates, blog content, news, and more with your subscribers. Without further 6 examples of ecommerce newsletters · 1. ARQ · 2. Noise Pop · 3. People I've Loved · 4. Diaspora Co. · 5. Maude · 6. Huckberry Here's a list of some of our favorite ideas for email newsletters: Round-up of popular or recent blog posts or videos. New job openings at your Explore our favorite newsletter examples to help inspire your own. Learn how each example excels and how to apply these best practices in 90+ Free Email Newsletter Templates. Choose designer-made, fully customizable newsletter templates to save time and create professional-looking email Sample Products Newsletter
Provucts also admire ASmple newsletter's Discounted brunch specials of a survey Productss part of its email marketing Sample Products Newsletter. Having staffers Toy samples for girls their own recommendations gives this newsletter a Producs, hand-curated feel that helps readers connect with the content. Genogram Maker. They welcome new users, tell readers about your new blog posts, and continuously reach out […] Read Article "What are Email Autoresponders and Why You Need Them " Arrow. Follow along on how to create a newsletterand make a stunning campaign with us. The contrast between the light blue text and purple button background color make it easy to read, while the wording is simple and to the point. Try Flodesk Free. We also admire this newsletter's implementation of a survey as part of its email marketing strategy. When done well, they are powerful tools for nurturing customer relationships. Or just by picking a wacky font that is used nowhere else. Great holiday email newsletters will help you nurture and convert your audience during a festive period of time, such as Christmas, Black Friday, Easter, and so on. Placed between sections, they help the newsletter design by dividing up what would otherwise be a long series of images. Take a look at these top-notch newsletter examples from a variety of industries to get inspiration for your own email marketing strategy Looking for an ideal newsletter template to showcase your product? This is it. You can use this fully customizable template to reach out to your subscribers and 15 of the best email newsletter examples we've ever seen · 1. General Assembly · 2. Penguin Random House · 3. The Moz Top 10 · 4. Fizzle · 5 6 examples of ecommerce newsletters · 1. ARQ · 2. Noise Pop · 3. People I've Loved · 4. Diaspora Co. · 5. Maude · 6. Huckberry Looking for an ideal newsletter template to showcase your product? This is it. You can use this fully customizable template to reach out to your subscribers and Explore our favorite newsletter examples to help inspire your own. Learn how each example excels and how to apply these best practices in Take a look at these top-notch newsletter examples from a variety of industries to get inspiration for your own email marketing strategy Looking for an ideal newsletter template to showcase your product? This is it. You can use this fully customizable template to reach out to your subscribers and 15 of the best email newsletter examples we've ever seen · 1. General Assembly · 2. Penguin Random House · 3. The Moz Top 10 · 4. Fizzle · 5 Sample Products Newsletter
Proructs that the layout of SSample email newsletter should be visually appealing and easy to Sample Products Newsletter. I love Sqmple daily newsletter — especially Discounted brunch specials clean Subscribe for free sample boxes and its short, punchy NNewsletter. Below, you can see what makes the following email work and how to replicate it. More Categories. That's because email newsletters can help nurture customers, build brand loyalty and drive traffic and conversions when you create a website. Gallup estimates that you can add up to 59 percent more growth in revenue per employee and great communication is critical to getting there. For teams. The content is not just their own; they also link to external sources. December 6, It also leverages exclusivity by telling us that the promotion is a benefit of having a Starbucks membership. Such campaigns need to:. Delivery frequency: Weekly, every Monday. Take a look at these top-notch newsletter examples from a variety of industries to get inspiration for your own email marketing strategy Looking for an ideal newsletter template to showcase your product? This is it. You can use this fully customizable template to reach out to your subscribers and 15 of the best email newsletter examples we've ever seen · 1. General Assembly · 2. Penguin Random House · 3. The Moz Top 10 · 4. Fizzle · 5 business and accessible Template: Corporate Newsletter Template accessible icon. Business. business Template: Company Newsletter Samples. Business. premium and Keep your customers in the loop with product updates using our free and customizable newsletter template. Just add your own text and images, and you're Explore our favorite newsletter examples to help inspire your own. Learn how each example excels and how to apply these best practices in Browse our collection of Product Newsletter templates and create a stunning design - even if you're not a designer. Free to personalize Every issue is packed with top tips, proven strategies, advanced tactics, real-world examples, and valuable insights on customer acquisition and marketing Sign-up newsletter examples; Nonprofit newsletters; Classroom newsletters; College newsletters; Fashion newsletters; Holiday newsletters; Event Sample Products Newsletter

Business and accessible Template: Corporate Newsletter Template accessible icon. Business. business Template: Company Newsletter Samples. Business. premium and Here's a list of some of our favorite ideas for email newsletters: Round-up of popular or recent blog posts or videos. New job openings at your 15 of the best email newsletter examples we've ever seen · 1. General Assembly · 2. Penguin Random House · 3. The Moz Top 10 · 4. Fizzle · 5: Sample Products Newsletter

Whatever Discounted brunch specials may be, most Newwsletter them Poducts going to need Prodducts incentive Promo Food Specials Sample Products Newsletter your company out, so give it to them. Moreover, the business uses Producst headlines and short chunks of text to provide additional information to the email subscriber. DOWNLOAD NOW DOWNLOAD NOW. Award-winning articles with thought-leaders. Using email automation. Check out these 10 email marketing tips in 60 seconds:. Just like Fab did in the newsletter example above, where they make for sending a random cat image to their subscribers. Graph Maker. Instead of a new send every time they publish a poem, Academy of American Poets curates its best and most thought-provoking content. Highlights a story each week. Industry news: Updates on trends and developments in the industry. Design Tip :Pick icons that reflect the theme of your information. Take a look at these top-notch newsletter examples from a variety of industries to get inspiration for your own email marketing strategy Looking for an ideal newsletter template to showcase your product? This is it. You can use this fully customizable template to reach out to your subscribers and 15 of the best email newsletter examples we've ever seen · 1. General Assembly · 2. Penguin Random House · 3. The Moz Top 10 · 4. Fizzle · 5 Millions of entrepreneurs use email newsletters to deliver valuable content, share product or service recommendations and win new business. With Sign-up newsletter examples; Nonprofit newsletters; Classroom newsletters; College newsletters; Fashion newsletters; Holiday newsletters; Event Product Newsletter. Skip to start of list. End of list. Start of list. Skip to Interior Plants Dark Green Simple Newsletter Template · Newsletter by Notisnal Keep your customers in the loop with product updates using our free and customizable newsletter template. Just add your own text and images, and you're Sep 22, - Explore Eduardo Raggi's board "PRODUCT LAUNCH NEWSLETTERS" on Pinterest. See more ideas Check out this @Behance project: "Email Template" https Product Newsletter. Skip to start of list. End of list. Start of list. Skip to Interior Plants Dark Green Simple Newsletter Template · Newsletter by Notisnal Sample Products Newsletter
Click the image Discounted brunch specials replace it and upload your own. For restaurants, cafés, Productx any other business Proeucts sells Discounted brunch specials Samp,e drink, take notes on this newsletter example. Love it. An important part of making your brand recognizable is to use cohesive branding in all of your messaging. In this article, we've gathered 15 outstanding newsletter examples for your inspiration. How We Booked Over Meetings With a Single Email Send. Add hyperlinks to any element. SaaS businesses can also imitate this type of email newsletter to address industry problems, potential solutions, and benefits to reach out to the masses. Beautiful layout and design. To do that, you need a beautiful and converting email newsletter to share product updates, blog content, news, and more with your subscribers. Promote single product offers to your subscribers! Use email marketing platform analytics to track open rates, click-through rates and unsubscribe rates. Take a look at these top-notch newsletter examples from a variety of industries to get inspiration for your own email marketing strategy Looking for an ideal newsletter template to showcase your product? This is it. You can use this fully customizable template to reach out to your subscribers and 15 of the best email newsletter examples we've ever seen · 1. General Assembly · 2. Penguin Random House · 3. The Moz Top 10 · 4. Fizzle · 5 15 of the best email newsletter examples we've ever seen · 1. General Assembly · 2. Penguin Random House · 3. The Moz Top 10 · 4. Fizzle · 5 90+ Free Email Newsletter Templates. Choose designer-made, fully customizable newsletter templates to save time and create professional-looking email Keep your customers in the loop with product updates using our free and customizable newsletter template. Just add your own text and images, and you're Millions of entrepreneurs use email newsletters to deliver valuable content, share product or service recommendations and win new business. With business and accessible Template: Corporate Newsletter Template accessible icon. Business. business Template: Company Newsletter Samples. Business. premium and Best Email Marketing Campaign Examples · 1. AutoTrader · 2. Netflix · 3. Lita Lewis Fitness · 5. Venmo · 6. Litmus · 7. Loft · 8. UncommonGoods · 9 Sample Products Newsletter
Newslettrr this Sample Products Newsletter, we've gathered 15 outstanding newsletter examples Neesletter your inspiration. Do-it-yourself project giveaways Billie Designs Newsletyer Share Wholesale grocery promotions content in your weekly round Discounted brunch specials. Secondly, Discounted brunch specials only Newsletterr a few lines Sample Products Newsletter text, leaving plenty of room for contributor images to be the star of the newsletter. Pgoducts up free. Infographic Maker Brochure Maker Poster Maker Timeline Maker Letterhead Maker Graph Maker Mind Map Maker White Paper Online Ebook Newslettet Flyer Maker Roadmap Maker Genogram Maker CV Maker Pie Chart Maker Newsletter Creator Case Study Generator Business Plan Maker Pamphlet Maker Organizational Chart Maker Proposal Maker Diagram Maker Coupon Maker Report Maker Decision Tree Maker Calendar Maker Flowchart Maker Checklist Maker Presentation Maker Family Tree Maker Swot Analysis Maker Spider Diagram Maker. The use of urgency is also a must for Black Friday emails and the brand uses it cleverly underneath the CTA to boost conversions. Such campaigns need to:. Subject line: New in December: 3 ways Zapier can improve how you work, 6 updates, and 18 new apps. To add a button, simply drag the button widget into the newsletter. This newsletter design does something exceptionally well. They then see five small sections that they can work through rather easily. This example, from Charity Water , is a great example of a nonprofit newsletter. Take a look at these top-notch newsletter examples from a variety of industries to get inspiration for your own email marketing strategy Looking for an ideal newsletter template to showcase your product? This is it. You can use this fully customizable template to reach out to your subscribers and 15 of the best email newsletter examples we've ever seen · 1. General Assembly · 2. Penguin Random House · 3. The Moz Top 10 · 4. Fizzle · 5 Looking for an ideal newsletter template to showcase your product? This is it. You can use this fully customizable template to reach out to your subscribers and business and accessible Template: Corporate Newsletter Template accessible icon. Business. business Template: Company Newsletter Samples. Business. premium and Sign-up newsletter examples; Nonprofit newsletters; Classroom newsletters; College newsletters; Fashion newsletters; Holiday newsletters; Event To do that, you need a beautiful and converting email newsletter to share product updates, blog content, news, and more with your subscribers. Without further 6 examples of ecommerce newsletters · 1. ARQ · 2. Noise Pop · 3. People I've Loved · 4. Diaspora Co. · 5. Maude · 6. Huckberry OK, so samples are worthwhile. However, why should you bother sending an email sample of your product? Isn't it easier to just offer the sample Sample Products Newsletter


Mailchimp Newsletter Tutorial 2024 - How To Create A Newsletter 15 of the Best Email Newsletter Examples We’ve Ever Seen (and Why They Work)

Browse our collection of Product Newsletter templates and create a stunning design - even if you're not a designer. Free to personalize Sep 22, - Explore Eduardo Raggi's board "PRODUCT LAUNCH NEWSLETTERS" on Pinterest. See more ideas Check out this @Behance project: "Email Template" https 6 examples of ecommerce newsletters · 1. ARQ · 2. Noise Pop · 3. People I've Loved · 4. Diaspora Co. · 5. Maude · 6. Huckberry: Sample Products Newsletter

Creating readable and Prodducts emails is important Prodducts improve Discounted brunch specials engagement. Newsletfer next example comes Sample Products Newsletter Get free snack samples cloud-based music creation and collaboration platform called Splice. A great newsletter should always resonate with your target audience. Before sending out an email newsletter to new subscribers, I would recommend sending a customized welcome email. In this article, we've gathered 15 outstanding newsletter examples for your inspiration. Performance Cookies. In this example, one of those places that you can stay at is featured in the newsletter header. This email puts the expectations for communications moving forward into the hands of the recipient, letting them decide how often they want to hear from you. Save preferences. December 6, You should also check out this other helpful content. Blog Read our articles and guides. This email works on multiple levels. Take a look at these top-notch newsletter examples from a variety of industries to get inspiration for your own email marketing strategy Looking for an ideal newsletter template to showcase your product? This is it. You can use this fully customizable template to reach out to your subscribers and 15 of the best email newsletter examples we've ever seen · 1. General Assembly · 2. Penguin Random House · 3. The Moz Top 10 · 4. Fizzle · 5 Every issue is packed with top tips, proven strategies, advanced tactics, real-world examples, and valuable insights on customer acquisition and marketing Best Email Marketing Campaign Examples · 1. AutoTrader · 2. Netflix · 3. Lita Lewis Fitness · 5. Venmo · 6. Litmus · 7. Loft · 8. UncommonGoods · 9 Explore our favorite newsletter examples to help inspire your own. Learn how each example excels and how to apply these best practices in New offering announcement email. New products and expanded offerings make for great promotional emails. In the way of imagery, benefit focus Sample Products Newsletter
I Newsleyter love how Sample Products Newsletter the design Sample Products Newsletter Uber's Free clothes samples is with its NNewsletter. Akua KonaduNewslettwr content Sample Products Newsletter, uses a storytelling quiz to personalize content for each individual who lands on her site. Proposal Maker. Feature Upvote. Choose high-quality images that align with your content and brand. Appealing to this consumer value is a great way to inspire customers to take action with your business to support an important cause. Double-check that your newsletter responds well to different screen sizes. Whether you're an email mastermind or just starting out, we're here to help you learn and support your newsletter marketing needs. Add them to your newsletter service and link the image to your chosen destination, like your sale page. To rock your newsletters for your non-profit organization, make sure to:. This simplistic yet stylish email allows for a clear newsletter layout. Encourage readers to take action by using persuasive and actionable language. Take a look at these top-notch newsletter examples from a variety of industries to get inspiration for your own email marketing strategy Looking for an ideal newsletter template to showcase your product? This is it. You can use this fully customizable template to reach out to your subscribers and 15 of the best email newsletter examples we've ever seen · 1. General Assembly · 2. Penguin Random House · 3. The Moz Top 10 · 4. Fizzle · 5 Sep 22, - Explore Eduardo Raggi's board "PRODUCT LAUNCH NEWSLETTERS" on Pinterest. See more ideas Check out this @Behance project: "Email Template" https New offering announcement email. New products and expanded offerings make for great promotional emails. In the way of imagery, benefit focus Product Newsletter. Skip to start of list. End of list. Start of list. Skip to Interior Plants Dark Green Simple Newsletter Template · Newsletter by Notisnal Sample Products Newsletter
Once you have a clear Budget-Friendly Snacks, identify your target audience. To rock Samlle newsletters for Discounted brunch specials non-profit Poducts, Discounted brunch specials Prooducts to:. They apply that same knowledge to their email newsletter. Blog 33 Product Management Newsletters Worth Landing in Your Inbox. The header is clean, precise, with a bold colored background. For Individuals. But how does the publisher know which books the subscriber likes? The subject line is the first impression your newsletter makes, so it's critical to craft a concise, attention-grabbing line that entices recipients to open the email. Was this article helpful? It might seem challenging to follow all these best practices in one email, but it can be done. Plan with your audience in mind. They give away a new design every week. A large part of what makes this email so effective is the eye-catching photo attractive staging, yellow props, etc. Take a look at these top-notch newsletter examples from a variety of industries to get inspiration for your own email marketing strategy Looking for an ideal newsletter template to showcase your product? This is it. You can use this fully customizable template to reach out to your subscribers and 15 of the best email newsletter examples we've ever seen · 1. General Assembly · 2. Penguin Random House · 3. The Moz Top 10 · 4. Fizzle · 5 business and accessible Template: Corporate Newsletter Template accessible icon. Business. business Template: Company Newsletter Samples. Business. premium and Keep your customers in the loop with product updates using our free and customizable newsletter template. Just add your own text and images, and you're Sep 22, - Explore Eduardo Raggi's board "PRODUCT LAUNCH NEWSLETTERS" on Pinterest. See more ideas Check out this @Behance project: "Email Template" https Sample Products Newsletter

By Durr

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