Workout equipment samples

Just follow these simple steps:. Remember, your gym inventory template should be flexible enough to accommodate future growth and evolving needs.

Continuously review and update it as your gym expands and your inventory management requirements change. Tracking and maintaining your gym equipment inventory ensures that your assets are in optimal condition and readily available for use.

Here are some valuable tips to help you manage your inventory effectively:. By following these tips, you can ensure that your gym equipment inventory remains well-maintained, reliable, and always available to your members. A gym inventory template is not only about organization and tracking; it is also a powerful tool for maximizing efficiency and cost savings.

By having a clear overview of your inventory, you can optimize space utilization and avoid clutter. When you can track equipment maintenance needs, you can proactively address issues before they escalate, preventing costly breakdowns and repairs.

Additionally, by monitoring stock levels and obtaining accurate data on usage patterns, you can make informed purchasing decisions that eliminate unnecessary expenses. Ultimately, a well-implemented gym inventory template can boost your bottom line by improving efficiency and decreasing costs.

Overstocking ties up capital and creates storage challenges, while understocking leads to dissatisfied members unable to access the equipment they desire.

With a reliable gym inventory template, you can strike the perfect balance. Maintain accurate records of stock levels and usage patterns, and establish reorder points to prevent both overstocking and understocking.

Implement automatic alerts to notify you when certain items require replenishment. By avoiding stock imbalances, you can provide the best gym experience for your members, streamline operations, and avoid unnecessary expenses.

The value of a gym inventory template extends beyond mere tracking; it also facilitates purchasing and replenishment processes. By using your inventory template effectively, you can streamline the purchasing workflow, saving time and ensuring efficient supplier communication.

When it is time to reorder items, consult your template to identify low stock levels and determine suitable quantities. Use the template to compare prices from various suppliers, evaluate delivery lead times, and track order statuses. With a systematic approach to purchasing and replenishment, you can maintain an uninterrupted supply of gym equipment and eliminate stockouts.

An often-overlooked benefit of a gym inventory template is its ability to provide insights into equipment usage patterns. By collecting data on equipment usage and incorporating it into your template, you can monitor trends and make data-driven decisions.

Identify which equipment is most popular among your members and allocate resources accordingly. Evaluate usage patterns to schedule maintenance during off-peak hours, minimizing disruption to member workouts.

By leveraging the data captured in your gym inventory template, you can optimize the gym experience, tailor your offerings to member preferences, and ultimately enhance customer satisfaction.

Gyms often have a diverse range of equipment, from traditional machines to specialized gear. As such, it is crucial to customize your gym inventory template to efficiently manage different types of equipment.

Consider creating separate tabs or sections within your template to categorize and track various equipment types individually. This approach allows you to tailor specifications, maintenance schedules, and even location tracking based on the unique requirements of each type of equipment.

By customizing your gym inventory template, you can efficiently manage the entire range of equipment in your facility. A gym inventory template is only effective if it is kept up to date and accurate.

Implementing best practices for updating and auditing your inventory ensures optimal functionality and reliability. Some best practices to consider include:. By adhering to these best practices, you can maintain an accurate inventory reflection and ensure the smooth functioning of your gym operations.

In the age of technology, incorporating digital solutions into your gym inventory management is essential. By using a gym inventory template, you lay the foundation for seamless integration with various technology solutions. Consider utilizing barcode or QR code scanning tools to automate the check-in and check-out process.

Explore inventory management software that integrates with your template, allowing for real-time updates and automated notifications. By leveraging technology, you can enhance the efficiency and accuracy of your gym inventory management, saving valuable time and resources.

The role of automation in managing gym inventory cannot be overstated. By using a gym inventory template, you pave the way for automation, saving time and minimizing human error. With the help of barcode or QR code scanners, you can automate the check-in and check-out process.

Set up automatic alerts in your template to notify you when stock levels are low, equipment maintenance is due, or reordering is required. By embracing automation, you can focus on strategic decision-making and delivering exceptional experiences to your gym members.

In the ever-evolving fitness industry, future-proofing your gym operations is essential for long-term success. Embracing an advanced inventory template ensures that you stay ahead of the curve.

Look for templates that allow integration with emerging technologies such as Internet of Things IoT devices or Artificial Intelligence AI algorithms. Consider templates that offer predictive analytics capabilities, which can help you anticipate inventory needs, prioritize maintenance tasks, and make data-driven business decisions.

By future-proofing your gym operations with an advanced inventory template, you position yourself to thrive in the dynamic landscape of the fitness industry. The success of your gym inventory management lies in continuous evaluation and improvement.

Regularly assess the performance of your gym inventory template to identify areas for enhancement. Solicit feedback from staff and members to gain insights into their experience with equipment availability and condition.

Read More: Best Gym KPI Metrics. When selecting a gym inventory template, consider the following features to ensure you choose the best fit for your needs:. A gym equipment inventory sheet should include details like equipment name, quantity, condition, purchase date, and maintenance records.

A gym cleaning supply inventory template can improve gym maintenance by keeping track of cleaning supplies, their quantities, and reorder dates. This ensures that the gym is always stocked with necessary cleaning materials, contributing to a hygienic and safe environment for members.

Using a gym equipment checkout form helps in managing the use of equipment, especially items that are frequently moved or borrowed, like resistance bands or yoga mats. This form can include details like equipment name, member name, checkout date, and expected return date, ensuring accountability and proper tracking.

com can assist in managing gym equipment inventory by providing digital solutions for tracking equipment usage, maintenance schedules, and inventory levels.

The benefit of having a gym equipment log sheet in Excel is the ability to easily organize and update information. Excel templates, like an equipment tracking spreadsheet or a fitness tracker excel template, offer flexibility in customizing columns and formulas to suit specific inventory needs.

A gym inventory spreadsheet example can serve as a guide for setting up an effective inventory system. There are a variety of Olympic weight benches out there that range from flat, incline, and decline.

The olympic weight bench is versatile; there are lots of moves you can do. Check out how to use it here. You can target lots of muscles using an Olympic weight bench. If you want to specifically focus on pumping up those biceps, then you can perform isolated movements with a preacher curl bench.

On this bicep curl bench, you sit on a seat with your upper arms rested on a slanted surface in front of you. Then you can do bicep curls using dumbbells, barbells, or any other type of weight.

Preacher curls are beneficial; learn how to perform them correctly here. This exercise is beneficial for footballers, boxers, powerlifters, and those who use their biceps to hit or swing in sports. The arm curl machine is slightly similar to a preacher curl machine; the main difference is that this machine has a built-in bar for a cable or weights.

This machine provides consistent resistance to your forearms and biceps. It isolates the biceps and allows for full movement. To learn about using an arm curl machine, watch this video. This machine is best suited to commercial gyms unless you have a large space in your home to fit this machinery.

You can achieve similar results also using dumbbells at home. This machine allows you to specifically focus on your triceps, working them out using resistance weights. It allows your triceps to extend and return back to their normal position.

Some machines also allow you to work your biceps too! To know how to use the machine properly and avoid the common mistakes, watch this video. Commercial gyms — these machines are too bulky and expensive to store in a home gym.

Similarly there are alternative movements you can do in your home such as different types of free weight or multipurpose machines. The arm extension machine contributes to strong arms and will most likely help gymnasts, tennis players, basketball players, golfers and more.

You can either get a seated or standing tricep press machine. Either way it allows you to isolate the triceps and use weights to develop them, under control. For a visual guide on how to use this Tricep press machine, check out this video. Commercial Gyms — this machine is bulky to store in a home and you can achieve similar results using free weights.

This is another machine which serves as an excellent finisher to a tricep workout. The purpose of this machine is to tone and strengthen your upper arm.

To use this machine, you have to sit down, place your arms on the padding in front of you, and extend your forearm and elbow. To know more, watch this video. Gymnasts, tennis players, netball players, volleyball players, basketball players, golfers and more.

Out of all the various shoulder machines, the shoulder press is the most popular one. It involves you sitting in an upright position using your shoulders by lifting a weighted press.

Normally you will be lifting a flat bar or handles. To know how to properly do a Shoulder press using the machine, watch this video. Other alternatives you can do at home are handstand pushups, dumbbell shoulder presses, and overhead barbell press.

The shoulder press machine is good if you play baseball, softball, tennis, swim, football, basketball, and any sport that involves an overhead movement. If you have a damaged rotator cuff, you should not include this machine in your exercise regiment.

The Overhead press machine is the common name used but is also known as the shoulder press machine. In comparison to using free weights, this machine is a lot more balanced and allows you to effectively target your muscles with less risk of injury. To have a better idea, watch this video.

Commercial gyms — while you can do shoulder and military presses using this machine, you can do a range of alternatives at home. If you play a sport that involves an overhead movement like football, swimming, basketball, baseball, cricket and more. If you want a machine substitute for dumbbell lateral raises, then the lateral raise machine is for you.

This machine is attached to weights that are pulled by a cable when you use it. To move the weights, you have to move rotating shoulder pads upwards and outwards when using them.

Your spine gets a lot of support using this machine due to the padded seat, and therefore you also reduce stress on other areas of your body. For visual tips, watch this video. Commercial Gyms — while they are available to use in commercial gyms, this is not a popular machine. Regardless of where you workout, you can still achieve similar results using a resistance band, free weights, and cable pulley.

The lateral raise machine promotes hypertrophy, improves blood flow, and helps your joints work better. Most of the time, this is a safe machine for anyone to use.

If you have an injury or experience pain from doing a few reps, consult the advice of a physician. This equipment allows you to lie facing downwards at an angle on a padded bench and ankle supports to do exercises focusing on your lower back.

Make sure when using this bench it does not feel uncomfortable using it. Similarly, you will want to get a hyperextension bench that allows you to adjust the stomach pad and rollers to align with your exercises.

H ere are a variety of exercises you can do with this bench. This piece of gym equipment you can find in a gym and is the right size for a home gym. Gym equipment like this is great for intermediate to advanced gym goers.

It strengthens your back, and it can help support you in other movements such as squats and deadlifts. This equipment is also a great rehabilitation exercise to help strengthen your lower back, but it must be done slowly and under control.

You can do alternative options like good mornings and barbell stiff leg deadlift that get the same results with less money. This is a machine that allows you to do compound exercises.

When working out, you sit on a padded seat and pull onto handles, which are attached to a cable, and the cable moves the weights. Make sure your arms are outstretched above you, and your head and spine are neutrally aligned when doing this exercise.

To learn how to use the cable row machine properly and avoid common mistakes, watch this video. Commercial gym — the cable row machine is quite big, and you will need a lot of space to store it in your home.

In your home gym, you can do alternative workouts such as dumbbell rows, inverted rows, bent-over barbell rows, and more. If you participate in a sport that involves a lof of work from your lats, like swimming then this machine will be good for you to use.

When using the lat pull down machine, never pull the bar towards your stomach. For more tips and instructions on how to use one of these workout machines, watch this video. Commercial Gym and Home Gym — this machine is affordable and a great one to have in any gym.

Similarly you can do a range of workouts using your back,biceps, and lats. Do you like doing hamstring curls? If so, this machine will allow you to do them slowly and controlled, using your body weight.

It is one of the more challenging types of machines, but the sweat and hard work are worth it, as you will get to see results easily with this machine. To know how to use this machine, watch this video. Commercial gyms and home gyms — the GHD machine is highly effective at building lower body muscle, and there are not many alternative exercises you can do to achieve the same results that this machine provides.

If you play a sport that involves your lower body like soccer, sprinting, lacrosse, field hockey, and anything similar, this machine will help increase your power. This machine causes you to sit on a seat with a pad in front of you and pull down two handles attached to weights that work your latissimus dorsi.

Muscles used. To know how to use the machine front pull down effectively, watch this video. This machine is robust and quite bulky for a home gym. You can do other cheaper alternatives and take up less space, such as landmine t bar rows, dumbbell rows, bent over barbell rows, and more.

This is equipment allows you to undergo abdominal exercises in a safe position. It has a lot of similarities to a hyperextension machine, except this is specifically for your abs.

To learn the form and what exercises to do, check out this video. Home and commercial gym — the abdominal bench is portable lightweight and can be used in any space.

If you participate in a sport that uses a lot of core muscles, then this is a highly effective workout. If you want to add some variety to your normal crunches, then you should try using an ab crunch machine.

The ab crunch machine allows you to isolate and specifically focus on your abs. The brilliant thing about this machine is that you get to work out your abs from a comfortable seated position. Remember to slowly inhale and exhale when doing this exercise. Plus make sure you bend your arms when using the ab crunch machine, and your back is against the padded seat.

To know how to use it properly, check out this video here. This equipment allows you to do leg raises and dips to focus on your abdomen. It has a pull-up bar at the top and allows you to perform a variety of exercises.

If you want to know more watch this video. As the name suggests, the ab roller is a small piece of equipment which is a wheel that has two handles attached to it. The purpose of this device is for you to hold the handles, roll along the floor and engage your core.

Make sure you are well positioned and kneeling, with knees wide apart before using the ab roller. When moving the ab roller, make sure you keep your pelvis stable. There are a few different ways you can use the ab roller, learn how to use it here.

Home gym — this is a small, cheap, and portable piece of equipment that can easily go into your home gym. To know how to use the rotary torso machine effectively, watch this video. Commercial gyms — this machine is bulky and not suitable for a home gym.

Plus, you can do alternative exercises using free weights. The leg press machine allows you to add more definition to your legs without having someone to spot over you. To gain more experience, learn how to use the leg press machine here. Commercial gyms — this machine is bulky, is expensive, and requires a lot of space; you can achieve similar results to a leg press exercise in a home gym using squats and lunges.

Leg press is a resistance-based activity that is good for building muscle. While the leg press is effective for building muscle, it can easily cause your legs to lock up. If you play a sport that depends on your legs for movement, then this exercise can limit you.

The leg extension machine involves you sitting on a padded seat and using a lever or cable attached to weights to extend your legs.

Out of the many machines that exist, this is one of the oldest and most effective for strengthening and toning your legs. Want to see a video?

Check out the leg extension machine being demonstrated here. The leg extension machine isolates your quadriceps and is beneficial for sports like running, basketball, soccer, and cycling.

This machine allows you to lie or sit on a padded bench and curl your legs. The leg curl machine isolates the leg muscles and strengthens them.

When using this machine, make sure your leg curls are smooth. Commercial gym — this expensive and bulky machine can be swapped for squats and stiff-legged deadlifts in your home gym.

Leg curls will help improve the flexibility and therefore are beneficial for athletes like gymnasts and sprinters. This leg abduction and hip a machine adds resistance to your legs and hips while sitting.

It basically involves you opening and closing your legs against weights. In particular, it isolates your glutes and inner thigh muscles. Learn how to use this machine properly here. Commercial gym — this is a very expensive machine to own and has no purpose or need in a home gym.

The muscles it uses can be easily targeted using compound exercises such as deadlifts, lunges, and squats. You can even use gym equipment like barbells, exercise bands, and different types of weight to achieve the same results.

This machine helps you build strong adductors, which adds to your rotational power in sports such as hockey, baseball, tennis, and lacrosse. Similarly, it reduces the risk of your groin becoming strained when playing sport. The seated calf machine involves you sitting on a seat, raising your toes on a platform, and pushing your knees against pads.

It helps isolate and develop the calf muscle and also strengthens the joint around your ankle. Learn how to use the seated calf machine here. The seated calf machine may increase your calf muscle but provides plenty of support for ankles which benefit sports that involve running and jumping.

Similarly, it allows you to work your calves at a different angle to isolate and lengthen them. To know more about this piece of machinery, watch this video. In fact, you can achieve the same results for less money and room in your home by doing one legged calf raises, and barbell calf raises.

The calf press machine causes you to push your knees against pads and raise your toes so your calves are activated. Learn how to use it here. Instead, you can do donkey calf raises and standing barbell calf raise and achieve the same results.

If you play any sport that involves running or jumping, this is one of the gym machines that may help. It involves you leaning over a pad, with your arms on padding and kneeling on padding also.

If you do this, it could add stress to your spine and put you at greater risk of getting injured. To know how to use it safely, watch this video. This gym machine is bulky, and you can activate your glutes easily in a home gym by doing glute bridges. If you want to have a bit of help doing a normal squat, then you might want to use the hack squat machine otherwise known as a squat rack.

This allows you to balance better while doing squats and have more weight placed on the power rack to isolate your quadriceps. Learn how to use the power rack here. You should pay attention to this machine if you do a sport like running, tennis, sprinting and etc.

This is also good for seniors who want to increase their bone density. This machine enables you to train your lower back without having to put lots of weights on and causing risk to your spine.

To know more about how to use it, watch this demo. Commercial gyms — this machine takes up a lot of floor space, and a good alternative to doing this is lying hamstring curls using towels.

The kettlebell is an ancient piece of gym equipment! Before you do any kettlebell workout, make sure you bend your knees and sink down into a squatting position before picking up the kettlebell with your hand.

Kettlebells are versatile; there are so many moves you can do with them, have a look here. They also compliment sports that involve core and shoulder movements. A dumbbell is an iron bar with weights attached to each side, sometimes they can be fixed, or other times you can adjust the weights to your liking.

To gain an insight into a few of the best dumbbell exercises, watch this video. Commercial gyms and home gyms — free weights are versatile as you can perform many different moves with them. If you have a home gym, you might want to consider adjustable dumbbells to save you worrying about storage.

Dumbbells can be fantastic for strength training but also for endurance. The Olympic barbell also has a similar purpose, but it tends to be made out of higher quality metal to easily handle heavy loads.

When picking up a barbell, you will want to pay attention carefully and stand with your feet slightly wide. Before picking up, you should hinge forward, bend your knees slightly and keep your back straight.

Similarly, your torso must be parallel to the floor. To know the correct form and learn barbell exercises, watch this video. Commercial and home gyms — all you require is weights and clips, allowing you to use this gym equipment anywhere.

A medicine ball is a heavy weighted ball that can be thrown, caught, or slammed. Commercial and home gyms — this piece of equipment is not expensive to buy, takes up little space and you can do many moves with it. A stability ball is a giant inflatable rubber ball that helps you with your balance and stabilization.

Always use a stability ball over a cushion, yoga mat, or padded area in case you fall off it. Plus, use them on a smooth and clean surface; this will reduce the risk of the ball being punctured when using it. Watch this video to learn about the different exercises you can do with this ball.

Also anyone wanting to better their core. A wall ball is a heavy weighted ball that can be thrown or slammed against the wall. It helps increase your strength and endurance. Learn the different exercises you can do with wall ball here.

Commercial and home gyms — this exercise ball is affordable, takes up little space, and you can do many moves with it.

Cardiovascular training is essential for improving your overall fitness and heart health. From treadmills that simulate running and walking to spin bikes that mimic road cycling, these machines offer various ways to increase cardiovascular endurance. Air bikes, upright and recumbent exercise bikes, and ellipticals provide full-body workouts while targeting specific muscle groups.

For those with a more sedentary lifestyle or limited space, under desk bikes offer a convenient way to stay active throughout the day. Specialized equipment like ski ergs and vertical climbers cater to sports enthusiasts or those looking for a unique challenge.

A treadmill is a great machine that can be used indoors. There are different types of treadmills available most are either electrical or manual. The treadmill is mainly a cardio machine that focuses on your lower body and increase your cardiovascular endurance. Always wear good sneakers with ample grip when using the treadmill.

Before you go into a full workout using a treadmill, aim to do minutes of brisk walking first. To know more about how to use a treadmill and tips, watch this video. They provide the benefits of running and walking without you having to worry about the weather or leaving the house.

Anyone wanting to better their cardiovascular fitness. They can be beneficial for sprinters and long-distance runners. A spin bike is a stationary bike that mimics a road bike. The difference is, there is only one singular wheel.

Using this machine, you sit on a padded seat and peddle, causing the spinning disc to move. The disc can have different levels of resistance added to it to simulate cycling in the real world. Make sure the seat is the same level as your hip height to allow you to pedal efficiently.

Similarly, slowly get a feel for the pedals and then begin to add resistance. To know how to use it properly, watch this video. An air bike is an indoor exercise bike that has moving handles and a built in fan. It has more benefits than a standard spin bike as it allows you to work out your upper body and lower body too.

To know how to use an air bike, check out this video. Commercial gyms — these are expensive equipment to have in your home gym, and you do alternatives like seated or standing dumbbell or kettlebell shoulder press.

The bike helps your aerobic capacity and is good for sports such as swimming, running, and cycling. An upright exercise bike is an indoor exercise bike, where your legs are positioned a lot closer to your body.

These machines are a lot shorter than other indoor exercise bikes. Never hunch over when pedaling; you could give yourself a bad back. Plus, always set the seat height to the same height as your hips to give you adequate room to peddle. To know more about how to use upright exercise bikse, watch this video.

Home and commercial gyms — this is one of the most popular machines used for home workouts. You can get some that are portable, can fold up, and not take much room in your home.

This is an indoor exercise bike that differs from others as your feet are out in front of you, peddling and not down below. This recumbent bike makes it easier for your lower back and allows you to exercise your lower body using a different angle. Always do a gentle warm-up on the recumbent exercise bike before beginning your workout.

Watch how to use the recumbent exercise bike here. While at home, you can easily pair this workout with activities such as reading a book or watching TV. Outdoor gym equipment is becoming increasingly popular as people look for alternative ways to stay fit and healthy.

With the rise of sedentary lifestyles, outdoor gyms provide a fun and accessible way to get people active and improve their overall health and wellness. In this blog, we'll explore the benefits of outdoor gyms and provide examples of outdoor gym equipment to help you build a perfect outdoor gym for your community.

While a park provides a space for people to play and relax, an outdoor gym offers a more structured workout experience.

Outdoor gym equipment can be used to perform exercises that target specific muscle groups and help improve fitness levels. Parks are great for families and children to enjoy, while outdoor gyms are designed for people of all ages to exercise and improve their physical health. Sometimes, outdoor gyms can be found within local parks, while others can exist independently.

The main difference is the equipment they offer and their intention. Quality outdoor gym equipment is easy to use and accessible for people of all fitness levels. Most equipment is self-explanatory, with instructions or diagrams explaining how to use each piece.

Some equipment, such as pull-up bars and parallel bars, can be used by people of different heights and sizes, making it easy for everyone to participate. Some pieces of equipment also offer adjustable resistance levels, allowing users to increase the difficulty of their workout as they progress.

No matter what, outdoor gyms or parks need to have signage for each machine, and any warnings should the person begin feeling fatigued. There are many types of outdoor gym equipment available, each designed to target specific muscle groups and improve different aspects of fitness.

GameTime's Thrive collection includes many great options that range from compact to adaptive. Here are a few general examples of classic outdoor gym equipment:.

There are some factors to consider when looking for outdoor gym equipment. Think about the available space and what kind of exercise you want to include in your community. If you're going to encourage people to do push-ups, for example, but don't have the budget for parallel bars or similar equipment, a bench can do the trick!

Outdoor gyms provide several benefits , including:. When it comes to outdoor gyms, there are a lot of different options.

We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors In this library of gym equipment names, we'll break down more than 60 pieces of home fitness equipment, explaining what they do and how to List of Top 10 Commonly Used Commercial Gym Equipment · 1. Training bench · 2. Dumbbell set Rubber dumbbells-FitnessExpo Stores · 3. Treadmill · 4

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Workout equipment samples - You have so much choice! For example, you can use a leg press machine, seated curl machine, barbells, dumbbells, treadmill, abdominal roller, resistance bands We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors In this library of gym equipment names, we'll break down more than 60 pieces of home fitness equipment, explaining what they do and how to List of Top 10 Commonly Used Commercial Gym Equipment · 1. Training bench · 2. Dumbbell set Rubber dumbbells-FitnessExpo Stores · 3. Treadmill · 4

Our team thoroughly researches and evaluates the recommendations we make on our site. To establish that the product manufacturers addressed safety and efficacy standards, we: Evaluate ingredients and composition: Do they have the potential to cause harm?

Fact-check all health claims: Do they align with the current body of scientific evidence? Assess the brand: Does it operate with integrity and adhere to industry best practices?

We do the research so you can find trusted products for your health and wellness. Read more about our vetting process. Was this helpful? Share on Pinterest. A quick look at the best home gym equipment. Best home strength training equipment. Best home cardio workout machines. How we chose the best home gym equipment.

How a home gym compares with a gym membership. Tips for choosing the best home gym equipment for you. Frequently asked questions. What is the first thing you should buy for a home gym? The following home gym equipment items may be good starting points: free weights weight bench treadmill exercise bike rowing machine elliptical trainer workout mirror.

What basic equipment is needed for a home gym? Here are some of the best basic pieces of home gym equipment: adjustable dumbbell set resistance bands jump rope exercise mat core sliders medicine ball.

What is the most effective piece of home gym equipment? Are home gyms worth it? Can you build muscle using a home gym?

Yes, you can do a variety of home gym workouts to gain muscle and build strength. The bottom line. How we reviewed this article: Sources. Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations.

We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy. Nov 27, Written By Emily Cronkleton. Aug 14, Written By Emily Cronkleton. Share this article. Read this next.

How to Use: For heavy lifts, the idea of a wrist wrap is to immobilize the wrist joint, so you are less likely to lose power under a heavy pressing movement like bench or overhead press. Most wraps have thumb loops to help with the wrapping process, but be sure to take off the loops before you lift.

Average size: Average length is around 18 inches, however some brands offer longer wraps. What It Is: Chalk is made from magnesium carbonate, which helps remove moisture from your hands and helps you get a better grip on barbells and dumbbells.

How to Use: If you have a fresh block of chalk, just take that thing and rub it around your palms, making sure to get the space between your thumb and index finger. Who Should Use It: Anyone who finds themselves failing to grip a barbell due to sweaty palms, regardless of weight on the bar.

Average Size: Chalk usually comes in 3- or 4-inch blocks, and is broken down into powder over time. What It Is: A specially designed water bottle for protein shakes or mixing other supplement drinks.

How to Use: Add your liquid, then add your supplement powder s , and make sure your mixing ball is inside the bottle. Screw the cap on and be sure the lid is closed, too. Shake the bottle well to blend your liquids and powders together. Suitable For: Mixing and drinking protein powder, pre-workout , or other supplements like BCAAs and creatine.

Average Size: Most shaker bottles fit inside traditional cup holders and range from to ounce volume. How to Use: There are different variations of how j-cups attach to a rack; the most basic include just a pin that slides into the hole of the upright.

More sophisticated j-cups use a pop-pin design. What It Is: A helpful safety device that you can attach to the uprights of a squat rack or power cage through the same holes you use for a J-hook. How to Use: On a power cage, spotter arms are long metal cylinders that are long enough to extend the cross-section of each side of the cage.

On a squat rack or squat stand , the spotter arms are attached to the uprights and jet out from the cage to catch the bar if you should fail the lift. Suitable For: Heavy lifts with or without a human spotter. Safety arms can also assist in deadstop training like pin press or pin squats.

Who Should Use It: Anyone who likes to train with heavy weights or lighter weights to failure. Spotter arms are also a huge benefit to anyone lifting alone. Average Size: Length will depend on whether your spotter arms are for a cage or a rack, but can range from anywhere between 2 and 4 feet in length.

What It Is: Safety pins are metal arms that are attached to a power rack for either safety concerns, such as bailing on a heavy squat, or to aid in exercises, like rack deadlifts. How to Use: Safety pins can be placed on a power rack at any height you need in accordance with the holes in the uprights.

Most safety pins come with a pop-pin design to lock the attachment in place. Who Should Use It: Anyone using the squat rack who wants an added layer of safety or assistance with rack-specific exercises.

What It Is: Safety straps are attachments for squat racks that provide—wait for it—an added layer of safety to your rack workouts. Similar to safety pins, these cloth attachments can be used to protect lifters on missed attempts or to assist with barbell exercises like rack pulls.

Who Should Use It: Anyone using a squat rack for barbell exercises who wants added safety or assistance while decreasing the damage to equipment. What It Is: A squat rack attachment that resembles a pair of hooks that eliminates the need for someone to walk a barbell out of the rack.

A monolift is a common sight in powerlifting gyms and generally reserved for very heavy weight. How to Use: Most monolifts require two people: the lifter, and someone to pull the lever to remove the hooks.

After adjusting the monolift to the desired height for the lifter, load the barbell and weight plates. Once the lifter is in place under the barbell, they should stand up straight. Average Size: Vary greatly in size, though most adjustable monolights meant for home gyms are about 1.

What It Is: A deadlift jack assists people with loading deadlifts. This tool lifts the barbell off the ground, making it much easier to slide plates on and off the bar. You typically only see these in powerlifting gyms, but the occasional commercial gym may have them.

How to Use: Place the jack under the loaded barbell. Pull the top lever to inch the bar off the ground for easier loading. What It Is: A platform is a dedicated space to safely lift weights and prevent damage to flooring and equipment.

How to Use: Set up the barbell so the center of the bar is in the center of the platform, with the collars and sleeves resting on the rubber mats. Load the bar and deadlift. Who Should Use It: Powerlifters, Olympic weightlifters, and anyone seeking to protect equipment and flooring.

Akin to taking an ice bath, this type of post-workout recovery is intended to reduce inflammation and swelling. There are some cold tubs on the market that can double as hot tubs as well. Who Should Use It: Anyone looking to avoid sore muscles, including those who lift weights and those who participate in endurance activities.

What It Is: A recovery tool that uses percussive therapy with the intention of relieving sore muscles. Many of these devices typically come with different attachment heads to target different body parts in different ways.

Think of it like a jackhammer for your muscles; the constant bursts of pressure hurt so good. How to Use: Select the attachment head and speed you desire, then place the attachment right up against the target area and push the start button. You can move the attachment head around the muscle or leave it in place.

Who Should Use It: Strength athletes, endurance athletes, or anyone who gets sore muscles. What It Is: Coming in all shapes and sizes, foam rollers are cylindrical pieces of foam meant for massaging sore or tight muscles.

You can find foam rollers that are textured or smooth; short or long; narrow or thiccc. How to Use: To effectively use a foam roller, you need to use your body weight. You can stay in place or move up and down the roller to target the muscles. Who Should Use It: Strength athletes, endurance athletes, or anyone who gets sore and tight muscles.

What It Is: A storage system for weight plates. These are often freestanding pieces of equipment, though some are attached vertically to walls or racks. Who Should Use It: People who have weight plates and want an organization system.

Average Size: 40 inches tall, 14 inches in diameter, and five inches in depth. Simply use an Aidas promo code to save money on your next order. Read more. Looking for an inexpensive solution for ice baths?

Then check out this DIY budget-friendly cold plunge with our Tuff Stuff Stock Tank review. Learn how to do hammer curls correctly in the step-by-step guide along with the benefits of strong arms.

The Dominion Strength Powerlifting Beltis a 3" belt most often used for deadlifting that is made in the USA and utilizes 10mm leather and a single prong roller.

After reading Mark Rippetoe's article on the use of a thinner belt in the deadlift, and using the Dominion Strength Belt over the course of two months, we highly recommend the belt to anyone who desires a top quality power belt at a great price.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Check Out the 14 Best Treadmills for Your Home Gym View More. Best Online Workout Programs Learn More. This includes physicians, certified trainers, elite-level coaches, and more. Learn more about our experts.

Ever wondered what all those things are meant for? With this knowledge, we hope you feel more confident in building your own home gym. Muscles Used: Full-body RELATED: Deadlift Muscles Worked How to Use: There are many different ways to use a squat rack, such as for back squats, front squats, bench press, pull-ups if your cage has a pull-up bar , and isometric deadlifts.

Muscles Used: Full-body How to Use: Load the weight plates onto your barbell or plate-loaded weight machine to make them heavier. Suitable For: Any barbell-based movements or plate-loaded machine exercises Who Should Use It: Anyone who owns or is thinking about owning a barbell or plate-loaded weight machine Average Size: Depends on how heavy the weight plate is.

Dumbbells What It Is: One of, if not the most popular, piece of strength training equipment ever invented. Muscles Used: Fully-body How to Use: Dumbbells can be used in a variety of ways, but generally you want to grab them in the middle of the handle this will sometimes be marked by knurling , though there are some moves that require grabbing them by the head.

Suitable for: A wide-variety of full-body exercises Who Should Use It: Anyone interested in low-impact resistance training Average size: Most full-size loop resistance bands will be 41 inches in length.

Muscles Used: Full-body How to Use: Select the weight you want to use, grab the handles, and perform moves like cable crossovers, curls, rows, and even crunches. Workout Mirror What It Is: A piece of smart home gym equipment that can be used for resistance training or bodyweight workouts.

Suspension Trainers What It Is: A set of straps with handles or stirrups on the end used to complete challenging bodyweight exercises Muscles Used: Full-body How to Use: Securely anchor the straps, adjust the length for the exercise at hand, and use the straps to help you balance while completing a variety of moves, like push-ups, squats, rows, or biceps curls.

Suitable For: Full-body resistance training without weights Who Should Use It: Anyone, from beginners to advanced trainees, looking for low-impact resistance training. Reverse Hyper What It Is: Short for reverse hyperextension, this machine is designed to decompress the spine as well as increase strength in the lower body.

Muscles Used: Lower back, hamstrings, glutes, hips How to Use: Mount the machine, chest, and stomach laying on the pad and your hip creases lined up with the bottom of the pad. Suitable For: Prone hamstring curls, back extensions, glute exercises Who Should Use It: People who need to rehab a back injury, or anyone who wants to build strength in the glutes and hamstrings without any strain on the lower back.

Landmine Attachment What It Is: An attachment that holds a barbell secure on one end, the landmine allows you to move and load the other end.

Muscles Used: Full-body How to Use: Slip one end of the barbell into the landmine attachment, then you can perform a variety of exercises such as a variety of presses, rows, and squats.

Suitable For: Isolation movements like rows and presses Who Should Use It: Those who want to work on stability, core strength, unilateral movements, and power. Trap Bar What It Is: Also known as a hex bar, a trap bar is a type of specialty barbell with the bars bent at an angle, forming a hexagonal shape.

Muscles Used: Primarily targets the hamstrings, glutes, and quads but can be used for full-body exercises How to Use: Load the trap bar with appropriate weight, then step into the center.

Suitable For: Performing deadlifts and carries Who Should Use It: Trap bars are a versatile specialty bar and can be beneficial especially if you have back or shoulder pain, as it tends to take the pressure off both of these areas due to the weight placement and handle placement respectively.

EZ Curl Bar What It Is: A type of specialty barbell used mostly for biceps and triceps exercises. Muscles Used: Biceps and triceps How to Use: Load weight on either end of the barbell, grip it in a comfortable position, and perform a variety of biceps and triceps exercises, like reverse curls, preacher curls, or tricep extensions.

Suitable For: Arm exercises Who Should Use It: Anyone who finds a traditional barbell uncomfortable during biceps and triceps exercises Average Size: Approximately 47 inches long with a 1. Dip Station What It Is: A piece of equipment that allows you to do variations on a dip movement, which includes tricep dips and pushups.

Muscles Used: Pectoralis major and minor, triceps, anterior deltoids, abdominal muscles How to Use: There are different types of dip stations—some attach to a rack or rig, while others are two separate portable bars that rest on the floor. Suitable For: Performing dips Who Should Use It: Anyone who wants to improve upper-body strength with just their bodyweight Average Size: The attachment is approximately 25 inches long by 25 inches wide.

Chest Press Machine What It Is: This machine works your chest muscles, allowing the user to perform a movement pattern similar to a bench press but with more stability. Muscles Used: Pecs How to Use: Sit in the machine with your back against the pad and grip the handles. Pull-Up Bar What It Is: A bar that can be mounted to a wall or doorway to perform pull-ups.

Muscles Used: Latissimus dorsi, pectoralis major, triceps, rhomboids, biceps, core How to Use: Portable pull-up bars can be mounted in a door jam, while other more permanent options need to be screwed securely into the wall or a rack or rig. Suitable For: Building upper-body and core strength through pull-ups, hanging knee raises, dead hangs, toes-to-bar, and other gymnastics movements Who Should Use It: Anyone looking to build upper-body strength.

Leg Press Machine What It Is: A gym machine that allows the user to train the lower body. Muscles Used: Quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, adductors, calves How to Use: Load weight onto the machine, then sit in it with your back against the back pad and your feet on the foot pad in the center is good, although different foot placement can target different muscles more heavily.

Suitable For: Building leg strength Who Should Use It: Anyone looking to build lower-body strength. Leg Curl Machine What It Is: A piece of weight equipment that allows you to isolate your hamstrings Muscles Used: Hamstrings and calves How to Use: There are two versions of the machine—the seated leg curl and the lying leg curl.

Leg Extension Machine What It Is: A piece of weight equipment that allows you to isolate your quadriceps Muscles Used: Quadriceps How to Use: Sit on the machine with the padded lever positioned in the middle of the shin.

Suitable For: Building lower-body strength through isolation exercises. Smith Machine What It Is: A barbell within a safety rail system. Preacher Curl Bench What It Is: A bench used to isolate the biceps muscle without causing unneeded strain on other extremities Muscles Used: Mainly long-head of biceps How to Use: Hold weight in one or both hands and make sure your armpits are touching the pad palms up!

Plyo Boxes What It Is: A versatile box used for a variety of exercises such as step-ups, box jumps, dips, raises, and more Muscles Used: Legs, general lower body How to Use: Generally speaking, you can use a plyo box to hone your jumping ability, or simply use it as a platform to perform various weighted and unweighted exercises.

Treadmill What It Is: A machine that can be used for walking, jogging, running, or sprinting. Muscles Used: Mostly lower-body engagement, specifically the calves, hamstrings, quads, and glutes How to Use: Simply plug in the machine unless it is a manual treadmill and press the start button.

Muscles Used: Full-body How to Use: Put your feet on the pedals and grasp the two handles. Exercise Bike What It Is: The non-moving version of a regular outdoor bike. Muscles Used: Calves, quads, hamstrings, glutes, core How to Use: Lightly rest your hands on the handlebars and sit down on the main part of the seat, otherwise known as the saddle.

Air Bikes What It Is: A stationary bike that is completely powered by the user. Muscles Used: Full-body How to Use: Sit in the saddle and put your feet on the pedals. Rowers What It Is: A cardio-focused machine that is meant to mimic traditional water rowing on land.

Muscles Used: Full-body How to Use: Sit on the seat, and insert your feet into the pedals on the machine, tightening the straps around your feet. Climbers What It Is: An indoor cardio machine that simulates the movement of climbing on a vertical path.

Muscles Used: Full-body How to Use: Grasp the handles and stick your feet on the pedals. Stair-Stepper What It Is: A cardio machine with stairs that moves at various intensities Muscles Used: Lower body glutes, calves, hamstrings, quads How to Use: Keep your posture upright and do not lean on the machine as support.

Jump Rope What It Is: A rope with handles used for jumping Muscles Used: General lower body, biceps, shoulders, core How to Use: Using a jump rope is simple: Spin the rope via the handles using just your wrists.

Suitable For: Double-unders, regular jumping, ski jumps, single-leg jumps Who Should Use It: Beginners and advanced fitness enthusiasts alike can enjoy using a jump rope. Medicine Ball What It Is: A large ball used for various exercises. Muscles Used: Full-body, with emphasis on upper or lower body depending on the exercise performed How to Use: Hold a med ball for squats or lunges; use it for shoulder press or rows; do wall-balls; throw it for rotational strength; use it to practice squat depth; hold it and do crunches or sit-ups; there are countless uses for medicine balls.

Battle Ropes What It Is: A pair of heavy ropes you anchor to a secure point, and move with your arms for conditioning exercise Muscles Used: Can work all muscle groups, but primarily used for upper-body training How to Use: Make sure the ropes are securely anchored.

Glute-Ham Developer What It Is: A large piece of gym equipment designed to train the glutes and hamstrings in a prone position Muscles Used: Glutes and hamstrings, but the machine can be used for other exercises as well How to Use: To train the glutes and hamstrings, anchor your feet in between the foot pads and foot plate after adjusting the machine to your height.

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A portable and equkpment tube in the shape samplex a cylinder and Product testing insights out Workout equipment samples foam. It Workout equipment samples suspension training where equipmen hold onto handles that are attached to a wall or bar. As it comes around the front, jump over the rope to avoid getting tangled up. Would highly recommend this to anyone! Benches made of heavy-gauge steel or solid wood cost extra.

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