Free gym equipment samples

YouTube Short. YouTube Channel Art. Pinterest Graphic. Twitter Post. Twitter Banner. Whatsapp Status. Snapchat Geofilter. Tumblr Banner. Tumblr Graphic. LinkedIn Post. LinkedIn Career Cover Photo.

LinkedIn Background Image. Etsy Banner. Business Cards. Gift Certificates. Price Lists. Rack Cards. Yard Signs. Door Hangers. Mood Boards. Album Covers. Magazine Covers. Podcast Covers. Google Classroom Header. Blog Header. Email Header. Twitch Profile Banner. Twitch Overlay. Twitch Offline Banner.

Twitch Panel. LinkedIn Banner. Eventbrite Banner. Soundcloud Banner. Zoom Backgrounds. Digital Signage. Use the template to compare prices from various suppliers, evaluate delivery lead times, and track order statuses.

With a systematic approach to purchasing and replenishment, you can maintain an uninterrupted supply of gym equipment and eliminate stockouts. An often-overlooked benefit of a gym inventory template is its ability to provide insights into equipment usage patterns. By collecting data on equipment usage and incorporating it into your template, you can monitor trends and make data-driven decisions.

Identify which equipment is most popular among your members and allocate resources accordingly. Evaluate usage patterns to schedule maintenance during off-peak hours, minimizing disruption to member workouts.

By leveraging the data captured in your gym inventory template, you can optimize the gym experience, tailor your offerings to member preferences, and ultimately enhance customer satisfaction. Gyms often have a diverse range of equipment, from traditional machines to specialized gear.

As such, it is crucial to customize your gym inventory template to efficiently manage different types of equipment. Consider creating separate tabs or sections within your template to categorize and track various equipment types individually.

This approach allows you to tailor specifications, maintenance schedules, and even location tracking based on the unique requirements of each type of equipment.

By customizing your gym inventory template, you can efficiently manage the entire range of equipment in your facility. A gym inventory template is only effective if it is kept up to date and accurate. Implementing best practices for updating and auditing your inventory ensures optimal functionality and reliability.

Some best practices to consider include:. By adhering to these best practices, you can maintain an accurate inventory reflection and ensure the smooth functioning of your gym operations. In the age of technology, incorporating digital solutions into your gym inventory management is essential. By using a gym inventory template, you lay the foundation for seamless integration with various technology solutions.

Consider utilizing barcode or QR code scanning tools to automate the check-in and check-out process. Explore inventory management software that integrates with your template, allowing for real-time updates and automated notifications. By leveraging technology, you can enhance the efficiency and accuracy of your gym inventory management, saving valuable time and resources.

The role of automation in managing gym inventory cannot be overstated. By using a gym inventory template, you pave the way for automation, saving time and minimizing human error.

With the help of barcode or QR code scanners, you can automate the check-in and check-out process. Set up automatic alerts in your template to notify you when stock levels are low, equipment maintenance is due, or reordering is required.

By embracing automation, you can focus on strategic decision-making and delivering exceptional experiences to your gym members. In the ever-evolving fitness industry, future-proofing your gym operations is essential for long-term success.

Embracing an advanced inventory template ensures that you stay ahead of the curve. Look for templates that allow integration with emerging technologies such as Internet of Things IoT devices or Artificial Intelligence AI algorithms.

Consider templates that offer predictive analytics capabilities, which can help you anticipate inventory needs, prioritize maintenance tasks, and make data-driven business decisions. By future-proofing your gym operations with an advanced inventory template, you position yourself to thrive in the dynamic landscape of the fitness industry.

The success of your gym inventory management lies in continuous evaluation and improvement. Regularly assess the performance of your gym inventory template to identify areas for enhancement.

Solicit feedback from staff and members to gain insights into their experience with equipment availability and condition. Read More: Best Gym KPI Metrics. When selecting a gym inventory template, consider the following features to ensure you choose the best fit for your needs:.

A gym equipment inventory sheet should include details like equipment name, quantity, condition, purchase date, and maintenance records. A gym cleaning supply inventory template can improve gym maintenance by keeping track of cleaning supplies, their quantities, and reorder dates.

This ensures that the gym is always stocked with necessary cleaning materials, contributing to a hygienic and safe environment for members. Using a gym equipment checkout form helps in managing the use of equipment, especially items that are frequently moved or borrowed, like resistance bands or yoga mats.

This form can include details like equipment name, member name, checkout date, and expected return date, ensuring accountability and proper tracking. com can assist in managing gym equipment inventory by providing digital solutions for tracking equipment usage, maintenance schedules, and inventory levels.

The benefit of having a gym equipment log sheet in Excel is the ability to easily organize and update information. Excel templates, like an equipment tracking spreadsheet or a fitness tracker excel template, offer flexibility in customizing columns and formulas to suit specific inventory needs.

A gym inventory spreadsheet example can serve as a guide for setting up an effective inventory system. It can demonstrate how to categorize equipment, track usage, and monitor maintenance needs.

Using templates like an excel equipment list template or a gym spreadsheet template for inventory tracking can simplify this process. Additional templates that can be useful for gym management include a gym budget example, fitness progress report template, and gym price list template.

These templates help in various aspects of gym operations, from financial management to tracking member progress and pricing services. Member Management. Staff Management. Custom-Branded Apps. Remote Door Access. Workout Plan Creator.

Workout Logger. TV Workouts. Exercise Library. Rep Max Progressions. Performance Reporting. Progress Photos.

Habit Tracking. Member Engagement. Push Notifications. Sales Funnels. That is one round. After that, do another 4 rounds. When you've done your final squat in your final round, you'll check the time on the clock or watch. That is the score you will log for this workout.

When choosing a weight for the presses, the dumbbell s should feel light enough that you can perform all 7 reps in a row without needing to rest. Take your time with both movements and practice solid technique.

Be sure to watch the Technique Videos for the press and squat by swiping left or tapping the right arrow on the video above! For this one, you'll set up a timer counting down or up, whatever you prefer from 8 minutes. Start the timer and perform 16 single unders or 16 toe taps, then 8 lunges alternating legs each time, 4 per leg , and finally 4 push ups.

After the 4th push up, you've completed one round. You'll continue to cycle through those movements until 8 minutes are up. Let's say you're able to complete 5 full rounds in 7 minutes. With the 1 minute remaining, you'll do as many reps in the 6th round as you can until The lunges are alternating, which means you'll perform a lunge on a different leg each rep.

For 8 alternating reps, you'll be doing 4 per leg. Be sure to watch the Technique Videos for the Push Up and the Lunge. If you are having trouble with either or both of the movements, check out the Customizations for more accessible options. This workout is very straightforward. You'll start a clock or stopwatch and do 6 deadlifts and then immediately do 3 burpees.

Repeat 8 more times for a total of 9 rounds. At the end of your ninth round, check the time on the clock or watch. Choose a weight for the deadlifts that allows you to move well and perform all 6 reps in a row without taking a break.

That doesn't mean you need to move quickly, but that you are confident and comfortable with the weight you've chosen. Take your time with the burpee reps. It is a big movement but is manageable when performed step by step.

To set yourself up for success for both of these movements, watch the Technique Videos provided above. We recommend having a running clock visible for this workout.

You'll start the clock and from , you'll perform as many air squats as you can. At , you'll transition to performing as many inverted rows as you can until At , you'll choose a movement to move through continuously until At that point, you'll rest until To complete 5 rounds, you'll repeat all of that until Keep a running count of the reps you perform.

So, if you do 10 squats then you'd start counting the inverted rows at If you perform 13 inverted rows, your running count at the end of round 1 would be Jot that number down on a scrap sheet of paper or whiteboard, then start your count over in round 2.

At the end of the workout, you'll add those 5 numbers together, and that's your score! pretty much anything that keeps you moving and gets your heart rate up.

If you have a bar and rack or low gymnastics rings to perform Inverted Rows, go with that movement option! If not, go with the Bent Over Rows! As always, be sure to watch the Technique Video for the Squat and whichever Row variation you choose before tackling this workout!

For this one, you'll start a clock or stopwatch and perform 12 eye level swings followed by 8 sit ups. You'll do 12 and 8 two more times, for a total of 3 rounds.

That's one set. At this point, you'll look at the clock and rest for exactly one minute from that time. Then you'll do another 3 rounds of 12 and 8. That's the second of three sets.

Rest another minute before completing your final set. When you perform your final sit up in the third round of the last set, check the time on the clock - that's your score! Choose a weight for the swings that allows you to find a smooth rhythm and focus on the drive of your lower body.

If it's so heavy that you aren't able to perform all 12 reps in a row, we recommend switching to a lighter load. If you don't have anything lighter, reduce the reps to 8.

Be sure to watch the Technique Video for this movement so you know how best to perform it! For the sit ups, if you're struggling to perform these smoothly or without grabbing at your knees when you're sitting forward, check out the Customizations as there are options to make this movement more accessible.

For this workout, set a timer counting down from 10 minutes or up to 10 minutes, whatever you prefer. Start the timer and perform 7 hang power cleans, followed by 7 shoulder presses, and then 7 low jump or low jump overs. After the 7th jump, you've completed one round.

Continue cycling through these movements as many times as you can until 10 minutes are up. Let's say you complete your 8th round with 30 seconds remaining in the 10 minutes. Continue to do as many reps as you can in the 9th round until the 10 minutes are up.

Be sure to watch the Technique Videos for the Hang Power Clean and Shoulder Press! For the low jump or low jump over, we want you to jump onto or over an object that you are comfortable with.

That may be a small box, a stack of bumper plates, or a line in the floor! Start a stopwatch or clock and being to move continuously until the time hits At that point, you'll move onto 16 step ups alternating legs each rep, doing 8 per leg.

After those step ups, you'll perform 8 push ups. At that point, you've completed one round. Do that all three mores times.

When you've finished your fourth round, check the time - that's your score! The step ups are alternating, which means you'll perform a step up on a different leg each rep. For 16 alternating reps, you'll be doing 8 per leg. Be sure to watch the Technique Videos for the Step Up and the Push Up!

Reducing the height of the step is a great way to make that movement more accessible. Browse the Customizations for push ups if you struggle to perform those from your toes!

From start to finish, this workout will take 14 minutes. It'll likely be best to have a running clock counting up from When the clock starts, perform 6 hang power snatches on your right arm and then 6 snatches on your left arm. After that, do 20 hop or skip overs.

Then, you'll rest Then you'll work again , rest , and do your final set from You should start over at the beginning for each 4-minute set. Be sure to watch the Technique Video for the Hang Power Snatch before getting after this workout!!

Choose a weight that you can do 6 reps in a row with on both arms. For the hop or skip overs, we want you to be moving side to side. If you can jump over an object or a line in the floor with both feet at the same time - do that!!

If not, a skip over or even a sideways step over is a great option. Hopefully at this point in the program, you're feeling more comfortable with how to go about timing and scoring these workouts.

But, just in case, we'll continue to explain! You'll start a clock or stopwatch and perform 30 single unders or toe taps whichever you prefer , then move on to 15 deadlifts, and then 12 inverted rows.

Check the clock at this point and rest for 30 seconds from that time. Once your 30 seconds of rest is over, start a new round. You'll continue this pattern until you've done 5 rounds total. Check the time when you complete your final inverted row.

That's the time you'll put as your score! Each of these movements have been practiced in previous sessions, but if you need a review, check out the Technique Videos for the deadlift and inverted row. If you choose the jump rope option but are tripping up a lot, just move to performing toe taps.

We don't want you guys spending the entire workout frustrated by the jump rope. This one is super simple! But keep in mind that simple does not necessarily mean easy! You'll start the timer and do 5 burpees followed immediately by 10 hang power cleans.

The time on the clock when you complete your final hang power clean is your score! Find a smooth, steady pace on the burpees. Those 5 reps shouldn't take you longer than 45 seconds to complete.

If you need to customize, that's OK! Check out the Customizations for some other options. For the hang power cleans, go with a weight that you can do all 10 reps with in a row for the first half of the workout.

It's OK if in those later rounds you need to take a break at the halfway point before finishing those 10 reps. As always, check out the Technique Videos is you need a refresher on these movements!

You're so close to completing the On Ramp program! Keep up the great work! For this one, you'll set a timer counting down from or up to , whatever you prefer.

When the timer starts, you'll do 7 low jumps or jump overs, followed by 14 goblet squats, then another 7 low jumps or jump overs, and then finish the round with 14 lying leg lifts.

Continue to cycle through those movements as many times as you can until 14 minutes are up. Let's say you complete 6 full rounds and still have 2 minutes remaining in the 14 minutes.

Proceed to the 7th round and do as many reps as you can. The best way to perform a goblet squat is the EXACT same as the air squat, only now you will hold a weight at your chest to make it a little more challenging.

Go with a weight that's light enough to keep your chest proud and your torso as upright as possible for all of your squats. If you notice your form is breaking down, either go with a lighter weight or skip the weight altogether and just do air squats!

The lying leg lifts are very simple but challenging! Break these up early every reps. While you're performing a few reps in a row, try not to let your heels touch the ground between reps! You've made it to the final session of the SP On Ramp program! We are so proud of you. Let's finish off strong!

From start to finish, this workout is 19 minutes. If you set up a running clock counting upward, you'll move continuously from , then do as many hang power snatches as you can from , then as many lunges as you can from At , you'll rest until , then start a new round there.

Continue to follow this pattern until you hit the mark. You'll keep a running count of your hang power snatches and lunges only. Use your rest time to jot down your reps so that at the end of the workout, you can add them all together to get your score!

For the hang power snatch, you will switch hands each rep. We recommend switching at the hips, but if you feel comfortable switching in the air, that works too! Every rep will count toward your total. The same goes for the lunges. So right is 1, left is 2, right is 3, so on and so forth Be sure to watch the Technique Videos for the Hang Power Snatch and the Lunge if you need to review these movements.

Street Parking program is designed for real people who don't have hours to spend in the gym. It helps them build consistency, keep things simple, time efficient and fun, so they can achieve a level of fitness that allows them to fully participate in life outside of the workouts.

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Daily Workouts according to your equipment. Sample Daily Workouts. Program A. Your browser does not support the video tag. Movement Demo: Dumbbell Thruster. Movement Demo: Devil Press.

Weight Suggestions: Men: 40 DBs. Coaches Notes OK, guys. Dumbbell Thruster. Devil Press. Movement Demo: Barbell Thruster. Weight Suggestions:. Women: 25 DBs. Barbell Thruster.

Movement Demo: Sandbag Thruster. Movement Demo: Sandbag Burpee. Sandbag Thruster. Sandbag Burpee. Movement Demo: Goblet Squat.

Movement Demo: Burpee. Coaches Notes For this workout, you'll rotate back and forth between 8 goblet squats and 3 burpees as many times as you can until 10 minutes are up! Goblet Squat. Program A Demo. Movement Demo: Run.

Movement Demo: Dumbbell Bent Over Row. Movement Demo: Dumbbell Farmer Step Up. Extra Challenge: Men: 50 DBs. Score: Total Time. Coaches Notes There's no rest between rounds on this one so find a pace from the start that you're fairly certain you can hold across all 4 rounds. Dumbbell Bent Over Row.

Dumbbell Farmer Step Up. Program B Demo. Movement Demo: Barbell Bent Over Row. Movement Demo: Sandbag Bent Over Slam. Movement Demo: Sandbag Shoulder Step Up. Barbell Bent Over Row. Sandbag Bent Over Slam.

Sandbag Shoulder Step Up. Program C Demo. Movement Demo: Assault Bike. SHIFT Demo. Movement Demo: Continuous Movement. Movement Demo: Dumbbell Single Arm Bent Over Row.

Movement Demo: Unweighted Step Up. Coaches Notes For this one, you'll move continuously for 1 minute, then you'll complete 8 single-arm bent over rows per side, then you'll do 10 step ups.

Single Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row. Unweighted Step Up. Movement Demo: Box Jump. Movement Demo: Dumbbell Power Snatch. Part Rest 3 Minutes.

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Make sure you are well positioned and kneeling, with knees wide apart before using the ab roller. When moving the ab roller, make sure you keep your pelvis stable. There are a few different ways you can use the ab roller, learn how to use it here.

Home gym — this is a small, cheap, and portable piece of equipment that can easily go into your home gym. To know how to use the rotary torso machine effectively, watch this video. Commercial gyms — this machine is bulky and not suitable for a home gym.

Plus, you can do alternative exercises using free weights. The leg press machine allows you to add more definition to your legs without having someone to spot over you.

To gain more experience, learn how to use the leg press machine here. Commercial gyms — this machine is bulky, is expensive, and requires a lot of space; you can achieve similar results to a leg press exercise in a home gym using squats and lunges.

Leg press is a resistance-based activity that is good for building muscle. While the leg press is effective for building muscle, it can easily cause your legs to lock up. If you play a sport that depends on your legs for movement, then this exercise can limit you. The leg extension machine involves you sitting on a padded seat and using a lever or cable attached to weights to extend your legs.

Out of the many machines that exist, this is one of the oldest and most effective for strengthening and toning your legs. Want to see a video? Check out the leg extension machine being demonstrated here. The leg extension machine isolates your quadriceps and is beneficial for sports like running, basketball, soccer, and cycling.

This machine allows you to lie or sit on a padded bench and curl your legs. The leg curl machine isolates the leg muscles and strengthens them. When using this machine, make sure your leg curls are smooth. Commercial gym — this expensive and bulky machine can be swapped for squats and stiff-legged deadlifts in your home gym.

Leg curls will help improve the flexibility and therefore are beneficial for athletes like gymnasts and sprinters. This leg abduction and hip a machine adds resistance to your legs and hips while sitting.

It basically involves you opening and closing your legs against weights. In particular, it isolates your glutes and inner thigh muscles. Learn how to use this machine properly here.

Commercial gym — this is a very expensive machine to own and has no purpose or need in a home gym. The muscles it uses can be easily targeted using compound exercises such as deadlifts, lunges, and squats.

You can even use gym equipment like barbells, exercise bands, and different types of weight to achieve the same results. This machine helps you build strong adductors, which adds to your rotational power in sports such as hockey, baseball, tennis, and lacrosse.

Similarly, it reduces the risk of your groin becoming strained when playing sport. The seated calf machine involves you sitting on a seat, raising your toes on a platform, and pushing your knees against pads.

It helps isolate and develop the calf muscle and also strengthens the joint around your ankle. Learn how to use the seated calf machine here. The seated calf machine may increase your calf muscle but provides plenty of support for ankles which benefit sports that involve running and jumping.

Similarly, it allows you to work your calves at a different angle to isolate and lengthen them. To know more about this piece of machinery, watch this video.

In fact, you can achieve the same results for less money and room in your home by doing one legged calf raises, and barbell calf raises.

The calf press machine causes you to push your knees against pads and raise your toes so your calves are activated. Learn how to use it here.

Instead, you can do donkey calf raises and standing barbell calf raise and achieve the same results. If you play any sport that involves running or jumping, this is one of the gym machines that may help.

It involves you leaning over a pad, with your arms on padding and kneeling on padding also. If you do this, it could add stress to your spine and put you at greater risk of getting injured. To know how to use it safely, watch this video. This gym machine is bulky, and you can activate your glutes easily in a home gym by doing glute bridges.

If you want to have a bit of help doing a normal squat, then you might want to use the hack squat machine otherwise known as a squat rack. This allows you to balance better while doing squats and have more weight placed on the power rack to isolate your quadriceps.

Learn how to use the power rack here. You should pay attention to this machine if you do a sport like running, tennis, sprinting and etc. This is also good for seniors who want to increase their bone density.

This machine enables you to train your lower back without having to put lots of weights on and causing risk to your spine. To know more about how to use it, watch this demo.

Commercial gyms — this machine takes up a lot of floor space, and a good alternative to doing this is lying hamstring curls using towels. The kettlebell is an ancient piece of gym equipment! Before you do any kettlebell workout, make sure you bend your knees and sink down into a squatting position before picking up the kettlebell with your hand.

Kettlebells are versatile; there are so many moves you can do with them, have a look here. They also compliment sports that involve core and shoulder movements. A dumbbell is an iron bar with weights attached to each side, sometimes they can be fixed, or other times you can adjust the weights to your liking.

To gain an insight into a few of the best dumbbell exercises, watch this video. Commercial gyms and home gyms — free weights are versatile as you can perform many different moves with them. If you have a home gym, you might want to consider adjustable dumbbells to save you worrying about storage.

Dumbbells can be fantastic for strength training but also for endurance. The Olympic barbell also has a similar purpose, but it tends to be made out of higher quality metal to easily handle heavy loads.

When picking up a barbell, you will want to pay attention carefully and stand with your feet slightly wide. Before picking up, you should hinge forward, bend your knees slightly and keep your back straight. Similarly, your torso must be parallel to the floor. To know the correct form and learn barbell exercises, watch this video.

Commercial and home gyms — all you require is weights and clips, allowing you to use this gym equipment anywhere. A medicine ball is a heavy weighted ball that can be thrown, caught, or slammed.

Commercial and home gyms — this piece of equipment is not expensive to buy, takes up little space and you can do many moves with it. A stability ball is a giant inflatable rubber ball that helps you with your balance and stabilization.

Always use a stability ball over a cushion, yoga mat, or padded area in case you fall off it. Plus, use them on a smooth and clean surface; this will reduce the risk of the ball being punctured when using it.

Watch this video to learn about the different exercises you can do with this ball. Also anyone wanting to better their core. A wall ball is a heavy weighted ball that can be thrown or slammed against the wall. It helps increase your strength and endurance.

Learn the different exercises you can do with wall ball here. Commercial and home gyms — this exercise ball is affordable, takes up little space, and you can do many moves with it.

Cardiovascular training is essential for improving your overall fitness and heart health. From treadmills that simulate running and walking to spin bikes that mimic road cycling, these machines offer various ways to increase cardiovascular endurance.

Air bikes, upright and recumbent exercise bikes, and ellipticals provide full-body workouts while targeting specific muscle groups. For those with a more sedentary lifestyle or limited space, under desk bikes offer a convenient way to stay active throughout the day.

Specialized equipment like ski ergs and vertical climbers cater to sports enthusiasts or those looking for a unique challenge.

A treadmill is a great machine that can be used indoors. There are different types of treadmills available most are either electrical or manual.

The treadmill is mainly a cardio machine that focuses on your lower body and increase your cardiovascular endurance. Always wear good sneakers with ample grip when using the treadmill. Before you go into a full workout using a treadmill, aim to do minutes of brisk walking first.

To know more about how to use a treadmill and tips, watch this video. They provide the benefits of running and walking without you having to worry about the weather or leaving the house.

Anyone wanting to better their cardiovascular fitness. They can be beneficial for sprinters and long-distance runners. A spin bike is a stationary bike that mimics a road bike. The difference is, there is only one singular wheel.

Using this machine, you sit on a padded seat and peddle, causing the spinning disc to move. The disc can have different levels of resistance added to it to simulate cycling in the real world. Make sure the seat is the same level as your hip height to allow you to pedal efficiently.

Similarly, slowly get a feel for the pedals and then begin to add resistance. To know how to use it properly, watch this video. An air bike is an indoor exercise bike that has moving handles and a built in fan.

It has more benefits than a standard spin bike as it allows you to work out your upper body and lower body too. To know how to use an air bike, check out this video. Commercial gyms — these are expensive equipment to have in your home gym, and you do alternatives like seated or standing dumbbell or kettlebell shoulder press.

The bike helps your aerobic capacity and is good for sports such as swimming, running, and cycling. An upright exercise bike is an indoor exercise bike, where your legs are positioned a lot closer to your body.

These machines are a lot shorter than other indoor exercise bikes. Never hunch over when pedaling; you could give yourself a bad back.

Plus, always set the seat height to the same height as your hips to give you adequate room to peddle. To know more about how to use upright exercise bikse, watch this video. Home and commercial gyms — this is one of the most popular machines used for home workouts.

You can get some that are portable, can fold up, and not take much room in your home. This is an indoor exercise bike that differs from others as your feet are out in front of you, peddling and not down below. This recumbent bike makes it easier for your lower back and allows you to exercise your lower body using a different angle.

Always do a gentle warm-up on the recumbent exercise bike before beginning your workout. Watch how to use the recumbent exercise bike here. While at home, you can easily pair this workout with activities such as reading a book or watching TV.

If you want to build on your cardiovascular endurance, tone your legs and get better at cycling, then this machine is for you. This piece of equipment just involves the peddles and has no seat or wheel. You just use your own chair, place it under your desk and go.

Place your arms on your desk and peddle underneath your table. Here is an insight into the under desk bike and a quick workout if you wish to try. Home gyms — this is definitely not needed for a commercial gym, as there are so many bikes out there that target more muscle quicker.

In fact, not even a home gym this is just suitable for anywhere in your house. Those who do have the time to workout and want to see other results. You can get quicker results going to a gym and using a recumbent exercise bike, stationary exercise bike, and an elliptical machine.

The elliptical machine, otherwise known as a cross trainer, provides a full-body workout that simulates running, cycling, and climbing. It involves you standing on two steps and using your arms to move. Compared to other cardiovascular machines, this causes little stress to your knees and hips. Try to mix up your elliptical workout with different speeds and levels.

This will cause your body to work harder due to having to new speeds and levels, allowing for a more beneficial workout.

Home gyms and commercial gyms — you can use the elliptical for both types of gym. However, some can be pricy to own, so make sure you get a model which is budget-friendly.

Anyone who wishes to strengthen and increase the aerobic capacity of their heart, muscles and lungs. A Ski Erg is the Nordic version of a rowing machine. You stand up and use two arms attached to cables to pull down, simulating nordic skiing. Hamstrings, quadriceps, glutes chest, calves, posterior deltoids, abdominals, hip flexors, and back.

To effectively use the ski erg, you need to have the correct form and technique. Learn how to do so here. Commercial gyms — the ski erg is a bulky piece of machinery to have, and you can run, row, and use resistance bands in your home as an alternative.

This is not suitable for the home gym machines category. The vertical climber is an underrated and less popular workout machine.

It allows you to hold onto handles and place your leg onto pedals, allowing you to climb upwards. The machine provides a motion that is similar to rock climbing or climbing a ladder.

The vertical climber is a strenuous exercise. To learn how to use this machine, watch this video. Commercial gyms and home gyms — as long as you have the height for a vertical climber, you can place it in your home gym.

However, you may want to have other pieces of machinery taking up the room in your gym instead, as you can also achieve the same results using different types of exercise bikes. A stair climber is one of those cardio machines that resembles a never-ending set of stairs.

You stand on one step, hold your hands on the bars on either side and climb up it. The machine is low in impact and allows you to perform steady exercise.

When using the stair climber, always keep your body upright and keep your hips above your legs. You will never want to have your elbows straight; they should be bent at a degree angle. Similarly, you should step down using your heels and not the ball of your foot, as it will activate more muscles.

Watch here how to use a stair climber. Commercial gyms — stair climbers are expensive gym machines to own, and you can get the same result by walking or jogging up and down the stairs in your home.

A stepper is a machine that allows you to place your feet on two platforms and hold your hands onto rigid handles while moving your feet. It simulates the outdoors like you taking steps up the stairs.

To know how to use a stepper, watch this video here. Commercial gyms and homes — you can use steppers in any type of gym. There are expensive, bulky ones available for commercial gyms and small portable ones for your own.

The stepmill is one of those gym machines that resembles a mini escalator. You climb up steps, and they move with you. Learn how to use a step mill here. Commercial gyms — you can achieve the same results by moving up and down the steps in your home.

Aerobic steps are a useful piece of equipment that allows you to use as a step on its own or incorporate with other equipment. Aerobic steps can target your whole body. It depends on how you use them and the equipment you use with them. To have an introduction to using aerobic steps, check out this beginners workout.

A smith machine is a steel frame with a built-in barbell rack and barbell. You can add weights on either side while the barbell remains in place. The smith machine allows you to steadily move the barbell up and down, with little injury as the barbell is kept on rails of the smith machine , while you exercise.

There are a lot of people who class this as a more modern and advanced version of the bench press. You use your lats, glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, pectorals, and triceps, when using the smith machine.

For some top tips on how to use the smith machine, check out this video. You can do a lot of other exercises in your home with barbells, such as deadlifts, bent over rows, lying tricep extension, squats, and shoulder press. Beginners, elderly people or anyone who wishes to not use a spotter, should use the smith machine.

You can do squats, bench press, shoulder press, bent-over rows, deadlifts, and lying tricep extensions with the smith machine.

You sit on a padded seat with your legs outstretched, and you hold a handle or cable and stretch out, sliding your legs backward and forwards. Learn the proper technique. Home gym and commercial gym — some rowing machines are expensive, while there are others that are quite cheap.

Similarly, you can get rowing machines that fold away. A cable crossover machine involves a steel frame with two weight stacks on either side and cable pulleys. They allow you to perform a chest fly that causes your arms to cross over in the middle. This is just one example out of many exercises you can perform on the cable crossover.

Chest, shoulder, and back. You can also target other muscles; it depends on the exercise you perform with the cable crossover. Here is an insight on how to do cable crossovers. Commercial gyms — this is a big piece of equipment, and you need a lot of space to do crossovers.

Functional trainers allow you to target many different muscle groups, and the machine involves you using cables attached to weights to target them. It also has areas for you to do pull-ups and depending on the type of machine, you can attach barbells to it. Here is an insight on how to use a functional trainer.

Each band has a different level of resistance, strengthening your muscles. Here are some examples of how you can use them. It involves suspension training where you hold onto handles that are attached to a wall or bar.

There are variety of exercies you can do to keep your whole body in shape. This is a bag hung from the ceiling that is filled with sand, grains, or any other heavy-duty material. The purpose of it is for you to punch and kick it.

It helps benefit your boxing and martial arts skills; it can be a great full body workout. A robe that is attached to the ceiling that you have to use your whole body to climb up.

It helps you develop upper and lower body strength. A battle rope is where you hold onto either end and move them in wave, slam, or whipping motions. They help you loose weight and build muscles. A pull up bar is a type of simple workout equipment that enables you to perform wide grip pull-ups or chin-ups from anywhere.

Push up bars are two portable bars that enable you to do push ups with a neutral grip causing less strain to your wrists. Gymnastic rings are two circles attached to straps that are held onto overhead suspension. You hold onto the rings and perform bodyweight exercises with them.

This workout equipment involves your whole body depending on what move you perform with the gymnastic rings. A portable and light tube in the shape of a cylinder and made out of foam. The foam roller often has a bumpy surface to help remove any knots you have in your back, neck and help high tension areas.

This is a roll-out ladder that lies flat on the floor that helps your cardiovascular endurance and agility. This piece of equipment you put in your hand in between your fingers and thumb, then grip tightly. Well, there you have our extensive gym equipment list and machines! We hope after viewing this, you feel less nervous and more confident to use each machine.

So no one is an expert straight away; it takes a lot of trial, error, and confidence to approach fitness equipment. We can assure you after a few tries of each machine it will become second nature to you and greatly benefit you in your workout regiment.

Last Updated on April 10, , by Juan Carlos Gonzalez 43 mins well spent. Contents hide. Resistance Training Machines — Weighted Strength Training and Power Lifting Equipment. Free Weights. Cardio Cardiovascular Machines. Home Gym all-in-one machines. Resistance Training Machines — Weighted Strength Training and Power Lifting Equipment Chest and Arms Training Machines 1.

Muscles used Using a chest press, you get specifically target and work out your chest, biceps, back, deltoids and shoulders. How to use Using the chest press machine is really easy; all you need to do is set it upright and follow these simple steps: Adjust the seat of the chest press so the handles line up to your chest height.

Press the foot pedal with your legs so the handles move to the starting position. Inhale and pull the handles back towards your chest.

Now repeat this to finish your set and achieve your fitness goals. Suitable for Commercial Gyms — this is an effective workout that is often the most suitable for a commercial gym, but not for home use, as the machine tends to be quite bulky in size.

Who should use it? Seated Dip Machine Fancy a tricep burner? Tips fo r using the machine Choose a weight, a light one ideally to begin. Adjust your handles according to your physique Sit with your back against the cushion Stand up, push the weights down with your back against the seat.

Chest Fly Machine The chest fly strengthens your chest and torso to allow you to increase muscle mass. Muscles used: When using this machine you target your pectorals and few supporting ones. Tips for using the machine Adjust the machine to your physique Place your feet flat on the floor, sit up tall and relax your body.

Grab hold of the handles and make sure your palms are facing forward. Slowly press your arms together in front of your chest and keep your elbows slightly bent while doing so.

Once your arms are fully shut in front of your chest, pause for a moment. Pull your arms back to the starting position and open up your chest, while sitting upright. Bench Press The bench press is a popular type of gym equipment, especially for those just starting to get into weight lifting.

Muscles used in the bench press This gym equipment targets your upper body muscles such as your pectorals, back, shoulders, and triceps. Suitable for Home gyms and commercial gyms. Who should use the bench press? Incline Bench Press The incline bench is exactly the same as the bench press; the only difference is it allows you to press at an incline.

Muscles used An incline bench press allows you to move the back support upwards at an angle to target your chest, biceps, and shoulders. Tips for using the gym equipment Try not to set the bench at a high incline, arch your back or lock your elbows; this could cause serious injury.

Suitable for Home gym and commercial gyms Who should use the incline bench? Decline Bench Press This piece of gym equipment allows you to work out while lying down on a decline. Muscles used When you use a decline bench press, you will target your triceps, shoulders, abs, and pectoral muscles.

Tips for using the gym equipment To know how to use the decline bench press effectively, watch this video. Suitable for Home gym and commercial gym Who should use it? Adjustable Bench An adjustable bench allows you to incorporate all the benefits of a flat bench.

Muscles used Using an adjustable bench, you activate your pectorals, back, triceps, shoulders, and other supporting muscles. Tips for using the gym equipment While the concept of adjustable benches tends to be similar, they can slightly differ depending on the brand you buy.

Muscled used Lifting maximal loads on the olympic weight bench will target your biceps, chest, and shoulders. Tips for using this gym equipment The olympic weight bench is versatile; there are lots of moves you can do.

Suitable for Home and commercial gyms Who should use it? Preacher Curl Bench Bicep Curl Bench If you want to specifically focus on pumping up those biceps, then you can perform isolated movements with a preacher curl bench. Muscles used Biceps Tips for using the gym equipment Preacher curls are beneficial; learn how to perform them correctly here.

Suitable for Commercial and home gym Who should use it? Arm Curl Machine The arm curl machine is slightly similar to a preacher curl machine; the main difference is that this machine has a built-in bar for a cable or weights. Muscles used Biceps and forearms. Tips for using the machine To learn about using an arm curl machine, watch this video.

Suitable for Commercial Gym This machine is best suited to commercial gyms unless you have a large space in your home to fit this machinery. Footballers, boxers, power lifters and those who use their biceps to hit or swing in sports.

Arm Extension Machine This machine allows you to specifically focus on your triceps, working them out using resistance weights.

Muscles used Triceps Tips for using the machine To know how to use the machine properly and avoid the common mistakes, watch this video. Suitable for Commercial gyms — these machines are too bulky and expensive to store in a home gym. Triceps Press Machine You can either get a seated or standing tricep press machine.

Muscles used Triceps, chest and back, Tips for using the machine A lot of tricep press machines can vary a great deal, but generally you should do the following: Adjust the handles to they are at the same level as your lower chest.

Grab the handles using a neutral grip. Press the handles downwards and contract your triceps. Most importantly keep your elbows close to your body. Once you reach the bottom, pause and then slowly move them up to the top. Suitable for Commercial Gyms — this machine is bulky to store in a home and you can achieve similar results using free weights.

Gymnasts, tennis players, basketball players, golfers and more. Tricep Extension Machine This is another machine which serves as an excellent finisher to a tricep workout. Muscles used Triceps Tips for using the machine To use the machine you will need to do the following: Adjust the seat to a comfortable height.

Make sure your arms and elbows can lie on the pad flat. Extend your arms, grasp the handles and pull them towards you. Pause for a second, then move them away from you, where you started.

Repeat this movement for as many reps as you require. Suitable for Commercial gyms You can achieve the same results from free weights doing tricep kickbacks at home.

Shoulder Training Machines 1. Shoulder Press Machine Out of all the various shoulder machines, the shoulder press is the most popular one. Muscles used Triceps, deltoids, and anterior deltoids.

Tips for using the shoulder press machine To know how to properly do a Shoulder press using the machine, watch this video.

Overhead Press Machine The Overhead press machine is the common name used but is also known as the shoulder press machine. Muscles used Triceps and deltoids. Tips for using the machine To use the overhead press machine, you will want to do the following: Keep your core tight, back flat, and stay seated on the padding of the machine.

Hold handles and look straight ahead. Press the handles above you and your head, do this slowly. Keep your elbows bent; never lock them when doing this.

Slowly return your hands back to their normal position. Repeat this for how many reps you need. Suitable for Commercial gyms — while you can do shoulder and military presses using this machine, you can do a range of alternatives at home. If you have a damaged rotator cuff, you should not use it.

Lateral Raises Machine If you want a machine substitute for dumbbell lateral raises, then the lateral raise machine is for you. Muscles used Middle deltoids and front deltoids. Extend your arms outwards and to the side, do it slowly.

Feel the tension in your deltoids, pause at the top and slowly return back to the starting position. Make sure the weight stack does not touch. Repeat this movement for the number of reps you wish to do to complete the set.

Suitable for Commercial Gyms — while they are available to use in commercial gyms, this is not a popular machine. Back Training Machines 1. Muscles used Lower back and abdominals Tips for using the equipment Make sure when using this bench it does not feel uncomfortable using it. Suitable for Commercial gym and home gym This piece of gym equipment you can find in a gym and is the right size for a home gym.

Cable Row Machine This is a machine that allows you to do compound exercises. Muscles used Upper and middle back, lats, biceps, and lower back.

Tips for using the cable row machine Make sure your arms are outstretched above you, and your head and spine are neutrally aligned when doing this exercise. Suitable for Commercial gym — the cable row machine is quite big, and you will need a lot of space to store it in your home.

Muscles used for lat pull down: latissimus dorsi lats , biceps, deltoids back , and trapezius traps. Tips for using the lat pulldown machine: When using the lat pull down machine, never pull the bar towards your stomach.

Suitable for Commercial Gym and Home Gym — this machine is affordable and a great one to have in any gym. GHD Machine Glute ham developer Do you like doing hamstring curls?

Muscles used Core, hamstrings, and glutes. Suitable for Commercial gyms and home gyms — the GHD machine is highly effective at building lower body muscle, and there are not many alternative exercises you can do to achieve the same results that this machine provides.

Front pull down machine This machine causes you to sit on a seat with a pad in front of you and pull down two handles attached to weights that work your latissimus dorsi. Muscles used Back and slightly the biceps. Tips for using the machine: To know how to use the machine front pull down effectively, watch this video.

Suitable for: Commercial gyms This machine is robust and quite bulky for a home gym. Anyone who uses their back a lot in work or fitness. Core Training Machines 1. Abdominal bench This is equipment allows you to undergo abdominal exercises in a safe position.

Muscles used Abs, internal obliques, quadriceps, and transverse abdominal muscles. Suitable for Home and commercial gym — the abdominal bench is portable lightweight and can be used in any space.

Boutique Fitness. You can get some equipmfnt are portable, Free gym equipment samples Budget-friendly dining options up, sample not take much room equipent your home. So many works and no time? Commercial gyms and home gyms — free weights are versatile as you can perform many different moves with them. Suitable for Commercial gyms and homes — you can use steppers in any type of gym. Where to Buy Gym Equipment for Your Fitness Business in Has No Shortage of Free Gym Templates For Personal Trainers, Fitness Practitioners, and Gym Business Owners! We Have Printable Gym Brochures Browse through our newsletter template gallery, get inspired and start creating your own MailerLite newsletter today. Sign up free. Gym equipment template - This Gym Equipment Checklist Template is designed for daily or weekly use to ensure all gym equipment is in optimal condition, clean, and safe: Free gym equipment samples

Stepper A stepper is a machine that xamples you to place your feet Value-for-money dining offers two platforms and hold your hands onto rigid samplles while moving Free gym equipment samples feet. Foam Swmples A portable samplles light tube in the shape equiipment a cylinder Sapmles made out of foam. Inexpensive pantry staples gyms — the Frree erg is a bulky piece of machinery to have, and you can run, row, and use resistance bands in your home as an alternative. Users of all fitness levels and goals can benefit from the demanding and effective full-body workout these portable and adaptable straps offer. If you do break it's up to you if you want to count that as one of your sets or not. When working out, you sit on a padded seat and pull onto handles, which are attached to a cable, and the cable moves the weights. Muscles used Biceps and forearms. Allows us to show relevant designs to site visitors. We use cookies to improve your browsing experience Accept Learn more. The seated calf machine may increase your calf muscle but provides plenty of support for ankles which benefit sports that involve running and jumping. Suitable for Commercial gym and home gym This piece of gym equipment you can find in a gym and is the right size for a home gym. Tips for using the vertical climber The vertical climber is a strenuous exercise. Find & Download the most popular Fitness Equipment PSD on Freepik ✓ Free for commercial use ✓ High Quality Images ✓ Made for Creative Projects Check out some of the best gym equipment inventory tracking templates free for download in PDF, Word, Excel, Google Sheets, and more Browse through our latest FREE professional and responsive website templates for Fitness and Gym Equipment. Choose the template most suitable to you and Free exercise equipment Images and Royalty-free Stock Photos. exercise equipment Photos - Personal and Commercial Use. Exercise at home No description Climbing stairs in an apartment or office building rarely comes to mind as an exercise routine. But it should. By Bob Brody Has No Shortage of Free Gym Templates For Personal Trainers, Fitness Practitioners, and Gym Business Owners! We Have Printable Gym Brochures This Gym Equipment Checklist Template is designed for daily or weekly use to ensure all gym equipment is in optimal condition, clean, and safe Missing Browse incredible Gym Equipment vectors, icons, clipart graphics, and backgrounds for royalty-free download from the creative contributors at Free gym equipment samples
Choose a eqjipment that Free gym equipment samples for swmples strong hip extension to move Free gym equipment samples weight overhead sampes a secure lockout for every rep. Samoles RAMP SESSION Hunting Gear Freebies 4 Rounds. Choosing us would save you a lot of time to focus on your actions. These cardio machines work the legs, arms, and core. A robe that is attached to the ceiling that you have to use your whole body to climb up. Material, quality, and brand all affect price. gym design health fitness sport training. So, sit back, relax, and get ready to take your gym management skills to the next level with this ultimate guide to gym inventory templates. Here, we are providing you a vast gallery of gym templates that includes all sorts of promotional and legal documents. Explore AI images. Simpler designs and fewer functionalities are possible with basic cable machines. Price Lists. Find & Download the most popular Fitness Equipment PSD on Freepik ✓ Free for commercial use ✓ High Quality Images ✓ Made for Creative Projects Check out some of the best gym equipment inventory tracking templates free for download in PDF, Word, Excel, Google Sheets, and more Browse through our latest FREE professional and responsive website templates for Fitness and Gym Equipment. Choose the template most suitable to you and Browse through our newsletter template gallery, get inspired and start creating your own MailerLite newsletter today. Sign up free. Gym equipment template - Check out some of the best gym equipment inventory tracking templates free for download in PDF, Word, Excel, Google Sheets, and more This Gym Equipment Checklist Template is designed for daily or weekly use to ensure all gym equipment is in optimal condition, clean, and safe Find & Download the most popular Fitness Equipment PSD on Freepik ✓ Free for commercial use ✓ High Quality Images ✓ Made for Creative Projects Check out some of the best gym equipment inventory tracking templates free for download in PDF, Word, Excel, Google Sheets, and more Browse through our latest FREE professional and responsive website templates for Fitness and Gym Equipment. Choose the template most suitable to you and Free gym equipment samples
This machine allows you to lie or equjpment on a padded Free gym equipment samples and equioment your equipmnet. Pull Special sample rewards arms back to Free gym equipment samples equipmnet position and open up your chest, while sitting upright. You can add weights on either side while the barbell remains in place. Bench Press The bench press is a popular type of gym equipment, especially for those just starting to get into weight lifting. TV Workouts. Post Cards. There is no simple yes or no to the question of whether gym equipment is covered by gym insurance. By collecting data on equipment usage and incorporating it into your template, you can monitor trends and make data-driven decisions. Internet and WIFI required. Advanced consoles with features like touchscreen screens, built-in fitness programs, or heart rate monitoring often come with higher-end treadmills. Learn at your own pace with short and sweet instructional videos. Find & Download the most popular Fitness Equipment PSD on Freepik ✓ Free for commercial use ✓ High Quality Images ✓ Made for Creative Projects Check out some of the best gym equipment inventory tracking templates free for download in PDF, Word, Excel, Google Sheets, and more Browse through our latest FREE professional and responsive website templates for Fitness and Gym Equipment. Choose the template most suitable to you and Browse through our newsletter template gallery, get inspired and start creating your own MailerLite newsletter today. Sign up free. Gym equipment template - Free exercise equipment Images and Royalty-free Stock Photos. exercise equipment Photos - Personal and Commercial Use. Exercise at home No description Sample the Street Parking workouts for a week for free! These workouts can be done with extremely limited equipment, in very little space, and in a short Fitness Exercise Equipment - Free Powerpoint Sample · Modern, attractive, and business-friendly colors · Aspect ratio - (normal) · Easily editable content Free exercise equipment Images and Royalty-free Stock Photos. exercise equipment Photos - Personal and Commercial Use. Exercise at home No description Create free gym equipment flyers, posters, social media graphics and videos in minutes. Choose from + eye-catching templates to wow your audience Free gym equipment samples
Simple smples can sampoes constructed Free gym equipment samples of samplew materials like plastic or thinner gauge steel. Free gym equipment samples cable machines only come with a small selection of attachments or samp,es the purchase of extra components to add attachments. Hand Grip Exerciser This piece of equipment you put in your hand in between your fingers and thumb, then grip tightly. Workout Plan Creator. There are numerous possibilities to fit any budget because they are offered in a variety of materials like PVC, rubber, and vinyl. Organizing your gym equipment may seem like a daunting task, but with the right inventory template, it becomes a breeze. health and fitness exercise fitness class. So, sit back, relax, and get ready to take your gym management skills to the next level with this ultimate guide to gym inventory templates. Resources Documentation Pricing Membership Contract Template Black Belt widget Gym Software Guide Trust Center Terms of Service Privacy Policy. Where to Buy Gym Equipment for Your Fitness Business in Find & Download the most popular Fitness Equipment PSD on Freepik ✓ Free for commercial use ✓ High Quality Images ✓ Made for Creative Projects Check out some of the best gym equipment inventory tracking templates free for download in PDF, Word, Excel, Google Sheets, and more Browse through our latest FREE professional and responsive website templates for Fitness and Gym Equipment. Choose the template most suitable to you and Sample the Street Parking workouts for a week for free! These workouts can be done with extremely limited equipment, in very little space, and in a short Browse through our latest FREE professional and responsive website templates for Fitness and Gym Equipment. Choose the template most suitable to you and Feeling motivated and to exercise? Get organized and reach your goals with Wepik's free Gym Checklist templates. Edit the design and get it for free! Order PENT. Sample Box online and choose you perfect bespoke gym equipment. The sample box contains all hand-made materials which we use to produce PENT Feeling motivated and to exercise? Get organized and reach your goals with Wepik's free Gym Checklist templates. Edit the design and get it for free! Crossfit Gym Equipment | Functional Fitness Equipment | Fitness Factory an indoor gym with climbing walls and exercise equipment on the wall, as well as Free gym equipment samples


Gym Equipments Name and Their Uses

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Website: Template Roller. In this comprehensive article, we will explore why you need a gym inventory template and how it can revolutionize your gym operations.

From organizing your gym equipment to maximizing efficiency and cost savings, we will cover it all. So, sit back, relax, and get ready to take your gym management skills to the next level with this ultimate guide to gym inventory templates.

Do you find it challenging to keep track of your equipment, supplies, and assets? As a gym owner or manager, you understand the challenges of keeping track of all the equipment, supplies, and assets in your facility.

Items may go missing, get damaged, or need replacement without your knowledge. Without an efficient system in place, you risk losing money and facing operational inefficiencies. This is where a gym inventory template comes in handy. With a proper template, you can ensure accurate records, save time, streamline operations, and make informed purchasing decisions.

The benefits of using a gym inventory template are manifold. Firstly, it provides you with a centralized location to store all your inventory information, making it easily accessible to your team.

Additionally, it enables you to monitor stock levels, track equipment maintenance, and identify any discrepancies or shortages promptly. Moreover, a gym inventory template helps you optimize space utilization, minimize equipment downtime, and stay on top of purchasing and replenishment needs.

Ultimately, by implementing a gym inventory template, you can increase efficiency, reduce costs, and improve overall customer satisfaction. Organizing your gym equipment may seem like a daunting task, but with the right inventory template, it becomes a breeze.

Begin by categorizing your equipment into logical groups such as cardio machines, strength training equipment, free weights, and accessories. Assign unique identification codes to each item to make tracking easier. Then, input all pertinent information into your gym inventory template, including item descriptions, purchase dates, warranty details, and maintenance schedules.

By systematically organizing your gym equipment, you will be able to locate items quickly, manage maintenance efficiently, and optimize utilization. Managing a gym involves juggling numerous tasks simultaneously. From scheduling classes and trainers to handling member registrations and payments, every aspect of your gym operations requires your attention.

By streamlining your processes with a gym inventory template, you can reduce the burden on yourself and your team. Use the template to keep track of inventory levels, schedule equipment maintenance, and set automatic alerts for low stock or upcoming maintenance.

With streamlined operations, you can focus more on providing exceptional customer service and growing your gym business. A well-designed gym inventory template should include essential components for effective inventory management.

These components include but are not limited to:. By incorporating these essential components into your gym inventory template, you can ensure comprehensive and efficient inventory management. Just follow these simple steps:. Remember, your gym inventory template should be flexible enough to accommodate future growth and evolving needs.

Continuously review and update it as your gym expands and your inventory management requirements change. Tracking and maintaining your gym equipment inventory ensures that your assets are in optimal condition and readily available for use.

Here are some valuable tips to help you manage your inventory effectively:. By following these tips, you can ensure that your gym equipment inventory remains well-maintained, reliable, and always available to your members.

A gym inventory template is not only about organization and tracking; it is also a powerful tool for maximizing efficiency and cost savings. By having a clear overview of your inventory, you can optimize space utilization and avoid clutter.

When you can track equipment maintenance needs, you can proactively address issues before they escalate, preventing costly breakdowns and repairs.

Additionally, by monitoring stock levels and obtaining accurate data on usage patterns, you can make informed purchasing decisions that eliminate unnecessary expenses. Ultimately, a well-implemented gym inventory template can boost your bottom line by improving efficiency and decreasing costs.

Overstocking ties up capital and creates storage challenges, while understocking leads to dissatisfied members unable to access the equipment they desire.

With a reliable gym inventory template, you can strike the perfect balance. Maintain accurate records of stock levels and usage patterns, and establish reorder points to prevent both overstocking and understocking.

Implement automatic alerts to notify you when certain items require replenishment. By avoiding stock imbalances, you can provide the best gym experience for your members, streamline operations, and avoid unnecessary expenses.

The value of a gym inventory template extends beyond mere tracking; it also facilitates purchasing and replenishment processes. By using your inventory template effectively, you can streamline the purchasing workflow, saving time and ensuring efficient supplier communication.

When it is time to reorder items, consult your template to identify low stock levels and determine suitable quantities. Use the template to compare prices from various suppliers, evaluate delivery lead times, and track order statuses.

With a systematic approach to purchasing and replenishment, you can maintain an uninterrupted supply of gym equipment and eliminate stockouts. An often-overlooked benefit of a gym inventory template is its ability to provide insights into equipment usage patterns. By collecting data on equipment usage and incorporating it into your template, you can monitor trends and make data-driven decisions.

Identify which equipment is most popular among your members and allocate resources accordingly. Evaluate usage patterns to schedule maintenance during off-peak hours, minimizing disruption to member workouts. By leveraging the data captured in your gym inventory template, you can optimize the gym experience, tailor your offerings to member preferences, and ultimately enhance customer satisfaction.

Gyms often have a diverse range of equipment, from traditional machines to specialized gear. As such, it is crucial to customize your gym inventory template to efficiently manage different types of equipment.

Consider creating separate tabs or sections within your template to categorize and track various equipment types individually. This approach allows you to tailor specifications, maintenance schedules, and even location tracking based on the unique requirements of each type of equipment.

By customizing your gym inventory template, you can efficiently manage the entire range of equipment in your facility. A gym inventory template is only effective if it is kept up to date and accurate. Implementing best practices for updating and auditing your inventory ensures optimal functionality and reliability.

Some best practices to consider include:. By adhering to these best practices, you can maintain an accurate inventory reflection and ensure the smooth functioning of your gym operations. Be smart about the weight you choose. If, after your first round, you were able to complete the unbroken and you had a few more reps left in the tank, you probably chose a good weight.

If you barely had it in you to finish those 21 reps, you might have gone too heavy - but it's worth sticking with to find out. And, obviously, if you fail, you need to lighten the load. You are allowed to pause, but only overhead, at the shoulders, or with in hanging in your arms at your hips which is not recommended.

If you do break it's up to you if you want to count that as one of your sets or not. Rest 30 seconds. Repeat until you've done 10 rounds.

We're working on your stamina in this workout. Usually, you can take a break whenever you feel like it and technically you can still do that today - ha ha but the workout is written so that you do all 15 reps in a row without resting.

That means you need to pick a weight that will allow you to do that. The press is likely going to be the limiting factor - whatever you can press, you'll definitely be able to clean.

When you complete the press, you'll lower the dumbbell s back to your sides to start the next rep. Today's workout is on the longer side. The first meter run should take between If you're close to or over 5 minutes when you return from the run, you should probably reduce the distance on the second one.

The Atlas lunge forces you to be under tension for a long time for each rep, so even though it's "only" 8, they could take up to a minute to perform. Choose a load that you can do at least reps of at a time. Today's Toes to Bar reps is THAT number that can make or break some of us.

So it is totally fine to break these up into sets that prevent total fatigue. It is hard to recover quickly when your core is tired out. Sets of reps could be perfect to be done in or less.

Then AMRAP As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible until the clock hits 18 Minutes Complete as I go - You go rounds. Note there are TWO scores for this Partner Workout. So you still need to hit that last run hard! You and your partner will begin this workout completing the run together.

Push yourselves to be done in or less or feel free to reduce the distance to finish in that timeframe. With about minutes remaining after the first run, one partner works at a time to complete 1 round of the Atlas Lunge and Toes to Bar while the other partner rests.

You will continue this alternating format until the clock hits Shoot for one round per partner to be done in seconds. The intention is to move quickly and unbroken, so you can also customize here to maintain this intensity.

At , immediately head out for your final run and push each other to go hard to beat your first run time! We might not be there in person to cheer you on, but you are not alone. Street Parking workouts come with tips from coaches to help you achieve the desired workout goals.

You get advice on pacing, strategy, and movement tips to ensure that you're on track. We have different programs to help you achieve your fitness goals and keep you consistent.

Whether you want to get stronger, do your first pull-up, improve endurance, do Olympic lifting, or even just throw a sandbag around, we have something for you. Check out some sample workouts from our Extra Programs and Maintenance videos for recovery.

Suggested Weight: Men: DBs Women: DBs. It's okay if the knee bends a little more than in a regular RDL with these. We are primarily going for glute activation on these, you will feel in the hamstrings too so pay attention as you are moving and make little adjustments as you go to make sure you are feeling it in the right place!

On The regular deadlifts, if the back is rounding or you are struggling with a full range of motion, try a sumo stance variation. The bent over rows will go a little faster, 12 reps should take about a minute, moving continuously.

For the first two parts, you should be moving basically nonstop for about 2 minutes followed by no more than a minute of rest in each set. These are single leg RDLs with your back foot supported by a bench, step, or stack of plates.

The height should be slightly lower than what you would use for a split squat if possible. The back foot is used mostly for balance, the work should be performed by the front leg. Holding a dumbbell in each hand with a slight bend in the front knee, hinge forward keeping a long spine until the hands go just below the knees.

Keep your belly tight the whole time. Drive through the front heel and slowly raise your chest back to an upright torso. Lower for at least 3 seconds, pause in the bottom, raise for at least 3 seconds, pause in the top position but keep the front leg engaged.

The DBs will start on the ground. Feet are under the hips. Heels are down. Hips and knees are bent. Hands and grip are outside of the legs.

Arms are straight. Chest is up. Belly tight. Back flat! To lift the DBs drive your heels into the ground and lift your chest. Keep arms straight, chest up and belly tight as you stand all the way up at the top. To lower - send your butt back. Keep your chest lifted and belly tight.

Keep those heels down. Once the DBs go below your knees, re-bend them and bring the DBs back to the starting position under control. Only one head of each dumbbell needs to touch at the bottom. Make sure that in the set up position, the shoulders are higher than the hips every time, so bend those knees!

Set up by deadlifting the dumbbells to just below the knee. From here, keeping the torso position set and the chest lifted - pull one elbow back and bring the dumbbell to just below the chest. Do not allow your shoulders to shrug. Keep them drawn down and away from the ears with shoulder blades slightly retracted at all times.

Keep the belly tight. Bring the dumbbell back to just below the knee with the arm straight at the bottom and repeat with the other arm. These are to be performed very slowly, so there should be absolutely no momentum or assistance from the hips.

If your back is really lighting up and engaging the belly more is not helping, go with 6 supported single arm bent over rows on each side. Pick one weight to stick with each minute or add weight each time! Whatever feels good and allows you to move with proper form.

If you'd like, when the clock hits 16 Min - spend 4 minutes hitting heavy Squat Clean singles one rep at a time!

Street Parking Endurance is meant for anyone looking to build a bigger engine through extra work on the rower, bike or running. If not just keep the appropriate paces and times. Goal: Do NOT mess up the pacing trying to get a better score. Each interval is its own separate event. Each interval is broken up into thirds easy, moderate, hard.

As example, the 12min has a 4min easy run, 4min moderate run, 4min hard run. The pacing is reset after every interval. The key to this workout is the easy is EASY and the hard is HARD. What this means is that HARD for 4 min is slower than HARD for 1 min, etc.

Base it off of that level of effort in that given time domain. As example, the 12min has a 4min easy row, 4min moderate row, 4min hard row. What this means is that HARD for 4 min is slower than HARD for 1 min etc. As example, the 12min has a 4min easy bike, 4min moderate bike, 4min hard bike.

Total Distance: Meters. Score: Total Time including rest. Your FAST for and are not the same necessarily. Do not mess up paces to get a better score.

The rest is important! You will use a plate or stack of plates , phone books are those still a thing? Make sure you don't set them up too wide. You will perform a slow lower push up for reps.

Press up at normal speed to complete lockout. After you have completed of the slow lower push ups you will immediately move off of the plates and do as many reps as you can of regular push ups. These must be WITH GOOD SOLID TECHNIQUE.

No shorting the reps. No sagging, snaking, worming, or hips up. Chest and thighs touch at the bottom. All of the way up at the top. For the plank up downs - maintaining a solid plank position is the main focus.

Keep your butt down. You are not trying to get as many reps as possible, rather, you want to be moving at a steady pace with good positions for as long as you can up to a full minute each time. Accumulate a minute, so only count the time that you are moving toward your minute.

Over time you will be able to go the full minute. Street Parking has options for everyone, whether you're new to working out, taking a break, or exercising every day.

You can be consistent with your fitness goals no matter where you are in life, and it all starts with you taking control.

If you're new to working out, you can start with Street Parking On Ramp program for FREE to build confidence before joining. This program is designed for beginners to build a strong foundation for our SHIFT program. With a Street Parking membership, you get more tools like workout logging, movement customization options, mama modification suggestions, and maintenance suggestions.

HOW TO USE THIS PROGRAM: 3 sessions per week. If you can only make 2 per week work, that's totally fine. One session is all you need for the day.

On non-On Ramp days, check out some Maintenance or get outside for some light movement - like a minute walk! MAKE SURE TO WATCH FULL 'HOW IT WORKS' VIDEO TO GET THE MOST YOU CAN OUT OF THIS PROGRAM!

For this workout, you'll start a clock or stopwatch and complete 7 presses followed immediately by 10 air squats. That is one round. After that, do another 4 rounds. When you've done your final squat in your final round, you'll check the time on the clock or watch.

That is the score you will log for this workout. When choosing a weight for the presses, the dumbbell s should feel light enough that you can perform all 7 reps in a row without needing to rest.

Take your time with both movements and practice solid technique. Be sure to watch the Technique Videos for the press and squat by swiping left or tapping the right arrow on the video above! For this one, you'll set up a timer counting down or up, whatever you prefer from 8 minutes.

Start the timer and perform 16 single unders or 16 toe taps, then 8 lunges alternating legs each time, 4 per leg , and finally 4 push ups. After the 4th push up, you've completed one round. You'll continue to cycle through those movements until 8 minutes are up.

Let's say you're able to complete 5 full rounds in 7 minutes. With the 1 minute remaining, you'll do as many reps in the 6th round as you can until The lunges are alternating, which means you'll perform a lunge on a different leg each rep. For 8 alternating reps, you'll be doing 4 per leg.

Be sure to watch the Technique Videos for the Push Up and the Lunge. If you are having trouble with either or both of the movements, check out the Customizations for more accessible options. This workout is very straightforward.

You'll start a clock or stopwatch and do 6 deadlifts and then immediately do 3 burpees. Repeat 8 more times for a total of 9 rounds. At the end of your ninth round, check the time on the clock or watch.

Choose a weight for the deadlifts that allows you to move well and perform all 6 reps in a row without taking a break. That doesn't mean you need to move quickly, but that you are confident and comfortable with the weight you've chosen. Take your time with the burpee reps. It is a big movement but is manageable when performed step by step.

To set yourself up for success for both of these movements, watch the Technique Videos provided above. We recommend having a running clock visible for this workout. You'll start the clock and from , you'll perform as many air squats as you can.

At , you'll transition to performing as many inverted rows as you can until At , you'll choose a movement to move through continuously until At that point, you'll rest until To complete 5 rounds, you'll repeat all of that until Keep a running count of the reps you perform.

So, if you do 10 squats then you'd start counting the inverted rows at If you perform 13 inverted rows, your running count at the end of round 1 would be Jot that number down on a scrap sheet of paper or whiteboard, then start your count over in round 2. At the end of the workout, you'll add those 5 numbers together, and that's your score!

pretty much anything that keeps you moving and gets your heart rate up. If you have a bar and rack or low gymnastics rings to perform Inverted Rows, go with that movement option! If not, go with the Bent Over Rows!

As always, be sure to watch the Technique Video for the Squat and whichever Row variation you choose before tackling this workout!

For this one, you'll start a clock or stopwatch and perform 12 eye level swings followed by 8 sit ups. You'll do 12 and 8 two more times, for a total of 3 rounds. That's one set. At this point, you'll look at the clock and rest for exactly one minute from that time.

Then you'll do another 3 rounds of 12 and 8. That's the second of three sets. Rest another minute before completing your final set. When you perform your final sit up in the third round of the last set, check the time on the clock - that's your score! Choose a weight for the swings that allows you to find a smooth rhythm and focus on the drive of your lower body.

If it's so heavy that you aren't able to perform all 12 reps in a row, we recommend switching to a lighter load. If you don't have anything lighter, reduce the reps to 8. Be sure to watch the Technique Video for this movement so you know how best to perform it! For the sit ups, if you're struggling to perform these smoothly or without grabbing at your knees when you're sitting forward, check out the Customizations as there are options to make this movement more accessible.

For this workout, set a timer counting down from 10 minutes or up to 10 minutes, whatever you prefer. Start the timer and perform 7 hang power cleans, followed by 7 shoulder presses, and then 7 low jump or low jump overs. After the 7th jump, you've completed one round.

Continue cycling through these movements as many times as you can until 10 minutes are up. Let's say you complete your 8th round with 30 seconds remaining in the 10 minutes.

Continue to do as many reps as you can in the 9th round until the 10 minutes are up. Be sure to watch the Technique Videos for the Hang Power Clean and Shoulder Press! For the low jump or low jump over, we want you to jump onto or over an object that you are comfortable with.

That may be a small box, a stack of bumper plates, or a line in the floor! Start a stopwatch or clock and being to move continuously until the time hits At that point, you'll move onto 16 step ups alternating legs each rep, doing 8 per leg.

After those step ups, you'll perform 8 push ups. At that point, you've completed one round. Do that all three mores times.

By Kijas

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4 thoughts on “Free gym equipment samples”
  1. Es ist schade, dass ich mich jetzt nicht aussprechen kann - ich beeile mich auf die Arbeit. Ich werde befreit werden - unbedingt werde ich die Meinung in dieser Frage aussprechen.

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