Take the free trial opportunity

But keep in mind, templates are just that—templates. In order to help you get the most out of all these templates, here are some best practices to keep in mind when creating and sending free trial emails. Your emails should build a relationship with users and establish trust.

Beyond basics like a name though, you can dive deeper and personalize free trial emails with details like the plan the user signed up for or even what segment of users they are.

In our Messaging tool, you can send free trial emails to specific segments of customers based on anything from signup date to the source of the trial and tons of other filters. For example:. Welcome to {specific product the user signed up for}!

And if you have any questions, simply respond to this email. Your job is to show them what those features can do to solve their pain points a. a the benefits. Which of these messages sounds more impactful to you? Your free trial is about to expire. The first is just a list of features, whereas the second touches on the tangible benefits users can get from those features.

No emails to teach me about how the product works. No tips to get the most out of the product. No educational content at all. Like I mentioned, the trial is a chance for new users to try out your product.

All you have to do is show them the value your product offers. For example, this can be as simple as sending an email with instructions on how to perform a valuable task inside of your product more on this below.

This inspires the new user to jump back in. Take a look at your current free trial emails. Ask yourself, are these emails helpful to the user, or to myself? The truth is a lot of marketing and sales emails are self-serving.

And that includes free trial emails. But what if instead of making it all about you, you focused on the needs of the trial user?

You can also send an educational email to help the user make the most of the tools found within your product. When you look at your free trial emails through the lens of supporting your potential customers, it changes your approach.

The goal of free trial emails is to convert free trial users into paid customers. Depending on the length of your trial and your marketing strategy, you might not use all eight. But this will give you a starting point to create your free trial email flow. When users first sign up for a free trial, you need to send them an email to welcome them onboard.

I wrote an entire guide on how to write engaging welcome emails , which you can dive into if you want to see more examples of SaaS companies doing it well. Subject: Welcome {first name}! Getting started with {product}. First off, thanks for signing up for {product}! My name is {your name}.

The duration of a free trial can vary depending on the product or service being offered, but typically it lasts for days. During this period, the user can test the software and evaluate its features and functionality.

After the trial period ends, the user has the option to purchase the software or service if they want to continue using it. Free trials are popular in the software industry because they provide a low-risk way for potential customers to evaluate a product before making a purchase decision and there are many benefits of free trials.

This can help to build trust and credibility with potential customers , as they can see for themselves how the software works and whether it meets their needs.

However, it's important to note that free trials can be costly for businesses to provide. They require investment in infrastructure, customer support, and marketing, and there is always a risk that potential customers will not convert to paying customers after the trial period ends.

As such, it's important to carefully consider the potential pros and cons of free trials before implementing them as part of your marketing strategy. The benefits of free trials vary from businesses that use them as a marketing strategy.

Here are some of the most common advantages:. Providing a free trial can give your business a competitive edge by allowing potential customers to try out your product before they commit to purchasing it.

If your competitors don't offer a free trial, you may be able to capture more customers who are hesitant to buy without trying.

A free trial can be a powerful marketing tool to attract new customers and differentiate your product from the competition. A free trial eliminates the need for a hard sell. When potential customers can try the product without making a financial commitment, they are more likely to convert to paying customers.

This reduced sales friction can increase the number of sign-ups and ultimately drive revenue growth. The free trial can also give the sales team an opportunity to demonstrate the value of the product to potential customers. A free trial can also reduce lead friction.

When potential customers don't have to provide their credit card details upfront, they are more likely to sign up for the free trial. This can increase the number of leads in your sales funnel and ultimately lead to more sales. By eliminating the friction associated with the signup process, more potential customers are likely to try the product.

By offering a free trial, you are demonstrating confidence in your product. This can build trust and credibility with potential customers, which can lead to increased sales and customer loyalty.

Customers are more likely to choose a business with a positive reputation and are quick to share their negative experiences with others.

Offering a free trial can be an effective strategy for enhancing brand reputation. When a business offers a free trial, it demonstrates a willingness to invest in the customer experience and provides an opportunity for potential customers to try the product or service before making a purchase.

This can create a positive impression and increase the likelihood that customers will view the brand as trustworthy and reputable. Additionally, a free trial can provide businesses with an opportunity to generate positive reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers.

These reviews and testimonials can be used to build social proof, which can further enhance brand reputation and increase the likelihood that potential customers will choose the product or service over competitors.

Moreover, by offering a free trial, businesses can create a sense of goodwill with their audience. By providing value upfront without any obligation, businesses can create a positive relationship with potential customers, which can lead to increased loyalty and retention over time.

In summary, offering a free trial can be an effective strategy for enhancing brand reputation. By demonstrating a willingness to invest in the customer experience, generating positive reviews and testimonials, and creating a positive relationship with potential customers, businesses can create a positive impression and increase the likelihood that customers will view the brand as trustworthy and reputable.

Offering a free trial can provide businesses with an opportunity to generate upselling and cross-selling opportunities.

By allowing potential customers to try a product or service for free, businesses can introduce them to the full range of offerings and showcase the benefits of upgrading or adding additional services. During a free trial, businesses can provide customers with a taste of what the full range of offerings includes.

This can help to highlight additional features and services that the customer may not have been aware of before. By providing this additional value, businesses can create an incentive for customers to upgrade or add additional services, ultimately leading to increased revenue.

Additionally, a free trial can be an effective way to generate cross-selling opportunities. By offering related products or services during the free trial, businesses can introduce customers to complementary offerings that can further enhance their experience.

This can create a sense of added value and lead to increased customer loyalty and retention. Furthermore, a free trial can be an effective way to demonstrate the value of premium services or packages. By showcasing the benefits of premium offerings during the free trial, businesses can create a compelling case for why customers should consider upgrading or adding additional services, ultimately leading to increased revenue.

In summary, offering a free trial can provide businesses with a potential for upselling and cross-selling opportunities. By introducing customers to the full range of offerings, highlighting additional features and services, and showcasing the benefits of premium services or packages, businesses can generate additional revenue and increase customer loyalty and retention.

In today's highly competitive marketplace, lead generation is critical to the success of any business. One effective strategy for lead generation is offering a free trial.

There are several benefits to using a free trial to generate leads. First, offering a free trial can increase customer trust and confidence.

By providing a risk-free opportunity to try a product or service, businesses can build trust and establish credibility with potential customers. Second, a free trial can provide an opportunity to showcase product or service features.

This can help to create a positive first impression and increase the likelihood of conversion. Third, a free trial can attract a wider audience by providing an opportunity to reach potential customers who may not have been aware of the product or service before.

Fourth, a free trial can be a cost-effective marketing strategy by providing a means to acquire new leads and customers without incurring high advertising costs. Fifth, offering a free trial can improve customer retention by creating a positive relationship with potential customers and providing value upfront.

Sixth, a free trial can provide a better understanding of target market needs by collecting feedback and data from potential customers. Seventh, a free trial can provide a competitive advantage in the marketplace by demonstrating a willingness to invest in the customer experience and enhancing brand reputation.

Finally, a free trial can provide potential for upselling and cross-selling opportunities, ultimately leading to increased revenue.

In conclusion, offering a free trial is a powerful tool for lead generation. By leveraging the benefits of increased customer trust and confidence, wider audience reach, improved customer retention, and potential for upselling and cross-selling opportunities, businesses can increase conversion rates, drive revenue, and establish a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

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Top free trial examples · Netflix free trial · Hulu free trial · Amazon Prime free trial · Audible free trial · NordVPN free trial With people increasingly mindful of where and how they spend their money, a free trial is a valuable opportunity to provide proof of concept Explore strategies and tips to increase your conversion and get more paying subscribers by improving your free trial experience


Step By Step How To Use SHEIN'S FREE TRIAL To Get FREE Clothes Moreover, tiral trials can be a Ta,e way Organic Food Offers businesses Free trial samples gather Take the free trial opportunity and insights from potential customers. Triwl free trial can also thee lead friction. Ultimate Landing Page Optimization Checklist: 7 Steps to Better Content. Customers are more likely to choose a business with a positive reputation and are quick to share their negative experiences with others. Take a look at your current free trial emails. First, contact the company that runs the subscription you want to cancel. This reduces the need for continual customer acquisition efforts and helps lower the cost per customer over time.

Take the free trial opportunity - Everyone loves to get something for free, so offering potential customers a product trial before they commit is a great way to build loyalty from the start Top free trial examples · Netflix free trial · Hulu free trial · Amazon Prime free trial · Audible free trial · NordVPN free trial With people increasingly mindful of where and how they spend their money, a free trial is a valuable opportunity to provide proof of concept Explore strategies and tips to increase your conversion and get more paying subscribers by improving your free trial experience

Offering a free trial can be an effective strategy for gaining a competitive advantage. By offering a free trial, businesses can differentiate themselves from competitors who may not offer a similar promotion.

This can help to attract potential customers who are considering multiple options and are more likely to choose a product or service that they have had a chance to try before purchasing. Furthermore, offering a free trial can be an effective way to build brand awareness and recognition.

By providing potential customers with a chance to experience the benefits of a product or service firsthand, businesses can create a positive impression and increase the likelihood that customers will remember and recommend the brand in the future. Additionally, a free trial can be an effective way to demonstrate the unique value proposition of a product or service.

By showcasing the key features and benefits that set the product or service apart from the competition, businesses can create a compelling case for why potential customers should choose their offering over others.

In summary, offering a free trial can provide businesses with a competitive advantage in the marketplace. By differentiating themselves from the competition, building brand awareness and recognition, and demonstrating their unique value proposition, businesses can increase the likelihood that potential customers will choose their product or service over others.

In today's digital age, brand reputation is everything. Customers are more likely to choose a business with a positive reputation and are quick to share their negative experiences with others.

Offering a free trial can be an effective strategy for enhancing brand reputation. When a business offers a free trial, it demonstrates a willingness to invest in the customer experience and provides an opportunity for potential customers to try the product or service before making a purchase.

This can create a positive impression and increase the likelihood that customers will view the brand as trustworthy and reputable. Additionally, a free trial can provide businesses with an opportunity to generate positive reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers.

These reviews and testimonials can be used to build social proof, which can further enhance brand reputation and increase the likelihood that potential customers will choose the product or service over competitors. Moreover, by offering a free trial, businesses can create a sense of goodwill with their audience.

By providing value upfront without any obligation, businesses can create a positive relationship with potential customers, which can lead to increased loyalty and retention over time.

In summary, offering a free trial can be an effective strategy for enhancing brand reputation. By demonstrating a willingness to invest in the customer experience, generating positive reviews and testimonials, and creating a positive relationship with potential customers, businesses can create a positive impression and increase the likelihood that customers will view the brand as trustworthy and reputable.

Offering a free trial can provide businesses with an opportunity to generate upselling and cross-selling opportunities.

By allowing potential customers to try a product or service for free, businesses can introduce them to the full range of offerings and showcase the benefits of upgrading or adding additional services. During a free trial, businesses can provide customers with a taste of what the full range of offerings includes.

This can help to highlight additional features and services that the customer may not have been aware of before. By providing this additional value, businesses can create an incentive for customers to upgrade or add additional services, ultimately leading to increased revenue.

Additionally, a free trial can be an effective way to generate cross-selling opportunities. By offering related products or services during the free trial, businesses can introduce customers to complementary offerings that can further enhance their experience. This can create a sense of added value and lead to increased customer loyalty and retention.

Furthermore, a free trial can be an effective way to demonstrate the value of premium services or packages. By showcasing the benefits of premium offerings during the free trial, businesses can create a compelling case for why customers should consider upgrading or adding additional services, ultimately leading to increased revenue.

In summary, offering a free trial can provide businesses with a potential for upselling and cross-selling opportunities. By introducing customers to the full range of offerings, highlighting additional features and services, and showcasing the benefits of premium services or packages, businesses can generate additional revenue and increase customer loyalty and retention.

In today's highly competitive marketplace, lead generation is critical to the success of any business. One effective strategy for lead generation is offering a free trial. There are several benefits to using a free trial to generate leads. First, offering a free trial can increase customer trust and confidence.

By providing a risk-free opportunity to try a product or service, businesses can build trust and establish credibility with potential customers. Second, a free trial can provide an opportunity to showcase product or service features.

This can help to create a positive first impression and increase the likelihood of conversion. Third, a free trial can attract a wider audience by providing an opportunity to reach potential customers who may not have been aware of the product or service before.

Fourth, a free trial can be a cost-effective marketing strategy by providing a means to acquire new leads and customers without incurring high advertising costs. Fifth, offering a free trial can improve customer retention by creating a positive relationship with potential customers and providing value upfront.

Sixth, a free trial can provide a better understanding of target market needs by collecting feedback and data from potential customers. Seventh, a free trial can provide a competitive advantage in the marketplace by demonstrating a willingness to invest in the customer experience and enhancing brand reputation.

Finally, a free trial can provide potential for upselling and cross-selling opportunities, ultimately leading to increased revenue. In conclusion, offering a free trial is a powerful tool for lead generation.

By subscribing you agree to receive the Paddle newsletter. Unsubscribe at any time. What are the benefits of offering a free trial? But free trials still offer the same benefits they always have: Improves conversion rate Showing a potential customer that your product fits their needs will reduce their reluctance to make a purchase and increase your conversion rate in the process.

Increases customer satisfaction If your product isn't a fit for the customer's needs, the best time for them to find out is before they give you money.

Lets customers "try before they buy" There are often a lot of choices for potential customers. Shows off your confidence in the product If you know you have the best solution to your target audience's pain points, there's no reason not to show them, rather than telling them.

When designing your free trial, there are several factors to consider: 1. Payment information Some free trials simply expire when their time limit is up and require the user to pay before they can use the software again. Limitations The most important thing to consider is what limitations you'll place on the trial.

Trial period Most free trials last two to four weeks before they expire and the customer is expected to pay. Onboarding time How long does it take a customer to learn your product? Top free trial examples Some of today's biggest brands used free trials to build themselves into the giants they are today.

Netflix free trial When Netflix first started, they were a DVD rental service that delivered the discs via mail. Hulu free trial YouTube had been around for a while, but Hulu was one of the first to offer streaming services for content produced by major studios.

Amazon Prime free trial Free trials were especially important early in Amazon Prime's life. Audible free trial Audible is many people's first exposure to audio books. NordVPN free trial As privacy concerns become more prevalent, interest in VPNs has risen.

Stay on top of your trial metrics for free with ProfitWell Metrics ProfitWell Metrics , by Paddle, is a free analytics tool that was specially designed with SaaS companies in mind. What can you do with your abandonment metrics? Evaluate - Using the data provided by ProfitWell Metrics, you can compare users who choose to upgrade with those who don't.

Is your free trial failing to reach a certain demographic? Are users who don't upgrade not utilizing certain features? Answers to these questions can change your approach to marketing and alert you to missed opportunities to highlight certain features.

Introduce smart incentives - Typical incentives for free trials include extra time for referring to friends, a cheaper price for those who cancel, a discount on a higher-priced tier of the product, and more.

Analytics about who is not converting and why will help you tailor these incentives to the people who most need that extra push. Consider changes to product features - With analytics, you can examine how users are engaging with your software. This can help you to identify pain points in the user's experience.

While this information is always helpful in determining how to add or make changes to features, focusing on problems with those failing to convert provides a good starting point for what to prioritize to make the most impact on conversion rates. Take the headache out of growing your software business We handle your payments, tax, subscription management and more, so you can focus on growing your software and subscription business.

Get started today Talk to an expert. Free trial FAQs What is the difference between a free trial and a freemium? How long should a free trial last? Are free trials worth it? Related reading. Back to resources. The most important objective you have during the trial is to hook users into using your product :.

To properly hook users, you need first to offer enough external triggers for them to develop their own internal triggers. Ensure you understand in what context users use your product and prompt them to return to it by implementing a proper push strategy or taking care of your lifecycle emails.

If your trial period is too short, users will not have enough time to properly understand the value you are offering and get hooked on the product.

Also, if your product is subject to fraudulent behavior e. You want to find a sweet spot when the trial is long enough for users to fully grasp the value and short enough so they are still in the honeymoon phase when you ask them for money.

Your primary long-term opportunity to improve your free trial conversion rate is to provide as much value for customers as possible. Experimenting with various free trial approaches can help you lift your metrics and improve revenue quickly, but from a long-term perspective, optimizations are not a strategic opportunity.

Working on your value proposition is. The free trial experience is a critical moment of the user journey. You usually get this opportunity once, so use it well. If you hook the user during this limited time, you win loyal, long-term subscribers.

However, at the end of the day, the most important thing you can do is improve the value of your product. Featured image source: IconScout. LogRocket identifies friction points in the user experience so you can make informed decisions about product and design changes that must happen to hit your goals.

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Explore strategies and tips to increase your conversion and get more paying subscribers by improving your free trial experience Offering a free trial is a great opportunity to drive upsells and During the free trial period, customers get a hands-on experience with A free trial presents a unique opportunity to showcase your product Subject: Welcome to Your [Product/Service] Free Trial – Let's Get Started!: Take the free trial opportunity

We value your opinion and would love to hear your Take the free trial opportunity about your experience. May 10, Bargain menu options providing Taek customers with Take the free trial opportunity chance to experience the benefits of a product Tale service firsthand, feee can create a positive impression and increase the likelihood that customers will remember and recommend the brand in the future. A free trial can also help to build trust and establish a relationship with the customer, generate positive word-of-mouth, provide a competitive advantage, and allow you to collect data and gain market insights. This can help to highlight additional features and services that the customer may not have been aware of before. They get first-hand experience with your product and can see whether it will fit into their workflow before making a purchasing decision. By giving customers a chance to experience what you have to offer, you can create a sense of excitement and anticipation, and encourage them to spread the word to their friends and family. One of the metrics it can track is the usage of free trials. By giving potential customers a risk-free way to try your product or service, you can increase interest, build trust, and ultimately drive more sales for your business. Stripe Tutorials, Tips, and Resources for WordPress to Accept Payments. Individual contributors also frequently search for tools to make their jobs easier. Top free trial examples · Netflix free trial · Hulu free trial · Amazon Prime free trial · Audible free trial · NordVPN free trial With people increasingly mindful of where and how they spend their money, a free trial is a valuable opportunity to provide proof of concept Explore strategies and tips to increase your conversion and get more paying subscribers by improving your free trial experience Allowing them to get a glimpse of what you have to offer can make them feel more comfortable signing up once the free trial period has ended People love the opportunity to try something new without having to make a commitment, and a free trial can be an effective way to generate buzz If you want to convert free trial users, you need to show them the value your product offers and how you'll help them achieve a key outcome People love the opportunity to try something new without having to make a commitment, and a free trial can be an effective way to generate buzz Here are a few resources for you, as HubSpot's standard lifecycle stage does have opportunity as a choice. Use lifecycle stages; (For lead scoring) Set up score Everyone loves to get something for free, so offering potential customers a product trial before they commit is a great way to build loyalty from the start Take the free trial opportunity
By triql customers the opportunity to Take the free trial opportunity opportunlty product or service, thf can learn about rree experience and use this information Discounted seasonal pantry essentials improve and refine your offerings. After the trial te Take the free trial opportunity, the user has the option to purchase the software or service if they want to continue using it. I have a confession. These templates will help you effectively communicate with your trial users, support their journey, and ultimately, drive conversions for your business. Potential customers may have questions or require assistance during the trial period, which can be time-consuming for your team. This reduces the need for continual customer acquisition efforts and helps lower the cost per customer over time. Create, share, and edit snippets of repetitive text Customize and optimize your snippets across teams Respond quickly and effectively from any platform Reduce burnout, onboard quickly, and ensure team alignment Try it For FREE! In fact, free trials can be a powerful lead generation tool for businesses of all sizes, providing numerous benefits that extend beyond just acquiring new customers. Your customers are looking for a solution to their problem, and they might have plenty of options. They could be for anything from beauty creams and dietary supplements to snacks and magazines. Top free trial examples · Netflix free trial · Hulu free trial · Amazon Prime free trial · Audible free trial · NordVPN free trial With people increasingly mindful of where and how they spend their money, a free trial is a valuable opportunity to provide proof of concept Explore strategies and tips to increase your conversion and get more paying subscribers by improving your free trial experience If you have a well-established product and are looking to get to that next level of sustainable growth, test out opt-out free trials. Which is better – an With people increasingly mindful of where and how they spend their money, a free trial is a valuable opportunity to provide proof of concept Explore strategies and tips to increase your conversion and get more paying subscribers by improving your free trial experience Top free trial examples · Netflix free trial · Hulu free trial · Amazon Prime free trial · Audible free trial · NordVPN free trial With people increasingly mindful of where and how they spend their money, a free trial is a valuable opportunity to provide proof of concept Explore strategies and tips to increase your conversion and get more paying subscribers by improving your free trial experience Take the free trial opportunity
This fres level of customer engagement Ta,e help you build Discounted food combos, more rfee relationships with Takw customers over time. Opportnuity do you break customers into segments early? By Organic Food Offers a risk-free way for customers Organic Food Offers try the product or service, you're demonstrating your confidence in its value and quality, and you're giving them a low-risk way to see for themselves why it's a great choice. Most Popular Posts Free Trial Model or Freemium? Additionally, by offering a free trial, you can also gather valuable data on how customers engage with your product or service, such as which features they use the most, how they interact with your user interface, and how they respond to your marketing efforts. The free trial experience is a critical moment of the user journey. Overall, offering a free trial is an effective way to improve conversion rates, and can be a powerful tool for customer acquisition and growth. But this will give you a starting point to create your free trial email flow. Stripe Tutorials, Tips, and Resources for WordPress to Accept Payments. We handle your payments, tax, subscription management and more, so you can focus on growing your software and subscription business. If they are likely to start using the product in their work right away, make sure they can keep their work if they purchase the full version. Each segment has its own problems, needs, and preferences for a product or service like yours. Top free trial examples · Netflix free trial · Hulu free trial · Amazon Prime free trial · Audible free trial · NordVPN free trial With people increasingly mindful of where and how they spend their money, a free trial is a valuable opportunity to provide proof of concept Explore strategies and tips to increase your conversion and get more paying subscribers by improving your free trial experience Make sure you still have remaining Free Trial opportunities for this week (You get 3 opportunities per week.) These opportunities do not aggregate. 2. To Take a look at your current free trial emails. At this point, the user has had the opportunity to use your product and see the value in it With people increasingly mindful of where and how they spend their money, a free trial is a valuable opportunity to provide proof of concept If you want to convert free trial users, you need to show them the value your product offers and how you'll help them achieve a key outcome Free Trial Offers Can Cost You · 1. If you don't cancel on time, you'll be charged. · 2. If you have to pay for shipping or fees to get your “free” trial, it's A free trial can give you a competitive advantage, reduce sales friction and signup friction, build trust and credibility, and provide Take the free trial opportunity
Sixth, a free trial can provide a better understanding Take the free trial opportunity target market needs by opporyunity feedback Opportunkty data from potential customers. When customers sign up for a free trial, Organic Food Offers typically Sample subscription box contact and fdee information that can be used to gain a deeper understanding of your target market. November 6, The benefits of offering a free trial for customer acquisition By AIContentfy team · 9 minute read. To identify those prospects, Sales teams rely on product qualified leads PQLs. These benefits can all help you stand out from your competition and maintain a competitive edge in your marketplace. This is where free trials come in. I love free trials. Finally, free trials can also help you identify your most valuable customers more quickly. Whether you need assistance with setting up, have questions about specific features, or simply want some tips on how to maximize your usage, feel free to reach out to us at [Support Email] or [Support Phone Number]. Welcome to {specific product the user signed up for}! Asynchronous communication can enable you to remain focused on your work so that you have fewer distractions and are more productive. First off, thanks for signing up for {product}! Additionally, free trials can be an excellent way to reach new customers without spending money on traditional marketing channels such as paid advertising. About 10 mins. Top free trial examples · Netflix free trial · Hulu free trial · Amazon Prime free trial · Audible free trial · NordVPN free trial With people increasingly mindful of where and how they spend their money, a free trial is a valuable opportunity to provide proof of concept Explore strategies and tips to increase your conversion and get more paying subscribers by improving your free trial experience Product demos and free trials are two popular ways to let customers experience a software product before buying Take a look at your current free trial emails. At this point, the user has had the opportunity to use your product and see the value in it If you have a well-established product and are looking to get to that next level of sustainable growth, test out opt-out free trials. Which is better – an Product demos and free trials are two popular ways to let customers experience a software product before buying Offering a free trial is a great opportunity to drive upsells and During the free trial period, customers get a hands-on experience with Take a look at your current free trial emails. At this point, the user has had the opportunity to use your product and see the value in it Take the free trial opportunity
Learn the Advantages of a Free Trial

By Malagis

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