Demo before purchase

To avoid coming off as a pushy, untrustworthy, and possibly unpleasant, ensure you're personable and show your caring, human side at the beginning of the call.

After all, at this stage in the sales cycle, you and the prospect probably don't know each other that well. You might ask the prospect how they've been, how their latest project went, if their dog is finally potty trained, whatever.

Time is precious, but so is rapport. And rapport does not stop here. Build it at the beginning of the call and ensure it's continually injected throughout all other parts of the sales demo as well to establish a human and trusting relationship.

Your sales demos should always follow an agenda. Prospects should be informed of this agenda prior to the demo beginning and can also be reminded of which stage of the agenda they're actually in throughout the demo. This sets expectations and keeps everyone organized and on task.

Knowing what will happen during the demo will put the prospect at ease. Emphasize there will be time at the end of the demo for the prospect to ask detailed questions but you can also stress questions are welcome at any time.

As you begin presenting the demo, mention any past conversations you've had with this specific prospect. This will remind them why they needed your assistance to begin with, why they considered doing business with you in the past, and how you determined you can help them during any previous conversations.

One way to neatly do this is by outlining the prospect's goals, plans, challenges, and timeline GPCT. Once they confirm this information is right, you can use this presentation slide or brief discussion as a springboard to jump into the meat of the demo.

As a rep, gaining the trust of the prospect is a critical component of closing any deal. To do this, provide some background information about your company.

This will establish your company as a reputable and innovative potential partner for the prospect. Now, it's time to explain your product or service.

When doing this, you'll want to ensure the explanation is both specific and tactful. Start with an overview or the product and it's basic features. Each feature being presented in the demo should tie back to why the product is the best solution for the prospect's challenge.

Next, bring in the "wow" factors. This should answer the question, "What unique value does the product offer? This is where personalization is key. For example, if a HubSpot prospect mentions they want to improve their blog's SEO, you could feature the SEO, Content Strategy, and Keywords tool.

You can also always refer back to any previous conversations and plans you worked on with the prospect during earlier conversations and ask a tie-down question to ensure you're all on the same page at this time as well.

Furthermore, if your company provides excellent customer service to help with the onboarding process and beyond, include that information in this part of the demo. Knowing help will be available when needed does wonders to reassure a doubtful prospect. Throughout the demo, try to anticipate possible objections the prospect might have by listening to their tone and even watching their facial expressions if they're on a video call or meeting in person.

By picking up on these emotions and concerns, you can frame your responses and answers in a more personalized way. You can also determine whether or not you should pull out that extra infographic or show an example of a customer successfully solving the same problem using the tools being referenced.

This builds social proof , credibility, and shows the prospect that others have succeeded by partnering with you. You've officially completed the delivery of the sales process. Now, the big question: Is the prospect interested in moving this conversation forward to possibly make a deal?

Let the prospect know upfront what's required on their end for the solution to be successful. If they're interested in learning more or keeping the conversation going, you can set up a follow-up conversation.

Or — even better — if the demo was highly effective in convincing the prospect, it might be time to begin a closing sequence to complete the deal yay! There are some best practices you'll want to make sure you follow and consider while working on your sales demos to meet the needs of your clients and develop a consistent, effective, and repeatable process for you and your fellow reps.

Personalize the sales demo to fit the needs of the specific prospect you're speaking with. You always want to distill your demo down and customize it to your audience's situation with only the essential information they need. To do this, make sure your demo demonstrates the ways your product is suited to address their pain points and meet their needs.

The complexity of the product can make this endeavor time-consuming. It may also be difficult for the client to remember everything you discuss. On the other hand, you can record several product demo videos and add them to your resource center. This resource center will serve as an online learning platform for your users.

Users will, thus, be able to locate any video they need when they need it and revisit them as many times as they have to. As part of your sales process, a carefully crafted and well-executed demo can be the difference between a high-performing sales team and an underperforming one.

Thus, by simply using the right demo in your sales pitch, you can significantly shore up your close rate and boost your revenue. Clearly, creating an effective product demo is no easy task.

As earlier noted, there are certain factors you must consider before deciding on the best type of product demonstration for you. At the awareness stage, the buyer is still in the discovery process. Here, you can use a short demo video to quickly introduce the potential customer to your product and its benefits in an engaging manner.

At the consideration stage, the buyer is beginning to compare products, so you need to show more depth. Webinars and live demos can help you show potential customers how your product can solve their specific problems.

Finally, at the decision stage, potential customers need a personalized demo that demonstrates exactly how your product can help them achieve their goals. This can be a live demo, a case study, or a targeted recorded demo. Once you settle on a tool, take the time to plan out what you want to say.

Keep in mind that a good product demo video should be short and to the point. It should also show not tell viewers how your product benefits them. Most importantly, it should be engaging, with quality visuals and a good story.

Go over your story a few times before you start recording, and make sure to edit for errors. Loom abandoned the use of many sales reps in favor of the low-touch onboarding model. For this, Loom uses multiple in-app video demos to show new sign-ups how to complete different tasks.

The videos are bundled together in a resource library that appears immediately after sign-up. They address different use cases of the software and demonstrate how users can use them to address their pain points. In this brief 2-minute video, Airtable demonstrates several use cases, taking a broad approach that shows users how they benefit from the product.

If not, how much does it cost, and what services will it include? How much time will it take to set up the software? Training: How will your business receive training online, in-person, at your business, at a distant location?

What will training include and involve? How many people can be trained? Does the cost of training include a one-time occurrence, or does it also include future new hires?

Support : After the software is implemented, how will the vendor provide long term support? Is customer support included or an additional cost? What avenues of support are available to clients online chat, phone support, or forums? Be sure to also ask the vendor about pricing tiers , what each one includes, and which functionalities are sold separately.

Check your list of must-have features and see if those features are automatically included or if they require additional charges. No one likes surprise costs. Without training and support, your business may struggle to implement and use the software. It never hurts to start the conversation about training and support as early as before the demo.

Ask the software vendor what training and support services they offer and whether these services are already included in the price or if they cost extra.

Always verify what salespeople say through reviews written by clients. At every stage, you should involve the people who will be using the software for their work. Before talking to the software vendor about training and support services, first talk with the employees who will use the platform.

Ask them what their concerns are, how comfortable they are with using new technology, and how they would prefer to receive training and support. Once you know the needs of the team, take them to the software vendor to make sure they can be accommodated.

Cyberattacks and data breaches can be costly in ways that are both tangible and intangible. Your business may already have a cybersecurity incident response plan , but when using software, you have to make sure the vendor in question takes data security seriously too.

Data security should be an ongoing conversation between you and the software vendor. Before committing to their product, know what kind of security and protections the vendor has in place for its databases, how it will protect your information and that of your customers, what their cybersecurity incident response plan is i.

Have they ever experienced a data breach before? If they have, while it is not necessarily a deal breaker, it may be a red flag.

Yes, many website builders offer trial or demo versions that allow users to test their platform and features before committing to a purchase A product demo or product demonstration is a presentation that demonstrates the value, benefits, and uses of your product or software. Its main Benefits of Demos. For prospective customers, a sales demo shows them your product features before they purchase, and can even set them up

Demo Your Product to Help Customers Make a Buying Decision

Demo before purchase - The study clearly illustrates that buyers want hands-on experience with a product before they buy. Product demos were cited by study Yes, many website builders offer trial or demo versions that allow users to test their platform and features before committing to a purchase A product demo or product demonstration is a presentation that demonstrates the value, benefits, and uses of your product or software. Its main Benefits of Demos. For prospective customers, a sales demo shows them your product features before they purchase, and can even set them up

Demonstrators may be employees of the store where the demonstration is being performed, employees or the manufacturer of the product, or independent contractors who work for a temp agency. Most are not trained to seek out customers likely to buy the product. In-store demonstrations allow potential customers to touch or taste a product before they buy.

By the mids Ron Popeil states that "I was working in the Woolworth's store in Chicago selling the Chop-O-Matic, standing eight or 10 hours a day.

I would do six demonstrations an hour. My vocal cords were so strained that I wouldn't want to talk to anybody when the day was over.

Door-to-door , and by-appointment salespeople demonstrate such products as Tupperware , encyclopedias, vacuums, and carpet stain removers.

Prototypes are often demonstrated in trade shows, and are called " tech demos ". Product demonstrations have been a staple of state fairs for many years.

The first product demonstration in a format that would later be called an infomercial is attributed to a demonstration of the Vitamix blender. Many countries around the world do not place legal restrictions on outdoor product marketing and demonstrations.

Salespeople set up temporary sites to demonstrate their wares in order to attract sales. A wide variety of products are demonstrated roadside throughout the China. Such products include frying pans, induction cookers , rubber gloves, vegetable peelers and slicers, stain removers, and knives.

Though uncommon today, the street demonstration was ubiquitous in such places as the Boardwalk in Atlantic City. Video product demonstrations can also be found on the Internet at the homepages of companies or on web hosting sites such as YouTube.

One notable example is the viral video Will It Blend? demonstrating Blendtec blenders. Product demonstration videos have become increasingly important for the sale of music equipment. With the increase of online shopping , there are fewer opportunities to try a product prior to purchase.

This has a particular problem for music equipment which, unlike other technology, the quality of the sound produced may come down to a more personal preference and may not be as closely related to the specifications of a particular product. YouTube is one of the main hosts of music equipment videos, and channels may be run by retailers, publishers, musicians or even manufacturers themselves.

Contents move to sidebar hide. Article Talk. Read Edit View history. Prospects should be informed of this agenda prior to the demo beginning and can also be reminded of which stage of the agenda they're actually in throughout the demo. This sets expectations and keeps everyone organized and on task.

Knowing what will happen during the demo will put the prospect at ease. Emphasize there will be time at the end of the demo for the prospect to ask detailed questions but you can also stress questions are welcome at any time.

As you begin presenting the demo, mention any past conversations you've had with this specific prospect. This will remind them why they needed your assistance to begin with, why they considered doing business with you in the past, and how you determined you can help them during any previous conversations.

One way to neatly do this is by outlining the prospect's goals, plans, challenges, and timeline GPCT. Once they confirm this information is right, you can use this presentation slide or brief discussion as a springboard to jump into the meat of the demo.

As a rep, gaining the trust of the prospect is a critical component of closing any deal. To do this, provide some background information about your company. This will establish your company as a reputable and innovative potential partner for the prospect.

Now, it's time to explain your product or service. When doing this, you'll want to ensure the explanation is both specific and tactful. Start with an overview or the product and it's basic features.

Each feature being presented in the demo should tie back to why the product is the best solution for the prospect's challenge. Next, bring in the "wow" factors. This should answer the question, "What unique value does the product offer? This is where personalization is key.

For example, if a HubSpot prospect mentions they want to improve their blog's SEO, you could feature the SEO, Content Strategy, and Keywords tool. You can also always refer back to any previous conversations and plans you worked on with the prospect during earlier conversations and ask a tie-down question to ensure you're all on the same page at this time as well.

Furthermore, if your company provides excellent customer service to help with the onboarding process and beyond, include that information in this part of the demo. Knowing help will be available when needed does wonders to reassure a doubtful prospect.

Throughout the demo, try to anticipate possible objections the prospect might have by listening to their tone and even watching their facial expressions if they're on a video call or meeting in person.

By picking up on these emotions and concerns, you can frame your responses and answers in a more personalized way. You can also determine whether or not you should pull out that extra infographic or show an example of a customer successfully solving the same problem using the tools being referenced.

This builds social proof , credibility, and shows the prospect that others have succeeded by partnering with you. You've officially completed the delivery of the sales process.

Now, the big question: Is the prospect interested in moving this conversation forward to possibly make a deal? Let the prospect know upfront what's required on their end for the solution to be successful. If they're interested in learning more or keeping the conversation going, you can set up a follow-up conversation.

Or — even better — if the demo was highly effective in convincing the prospect, it might be time to begin a closing sequence to complete the deal yay! There are some best practices you'll want to make sure you follow and consider while working on your sales demos to meet the needs of your clients and develop a consistent, effective, and repeatable process for you and your fellow reps.

Personalize the sales demo to fit the needs of the specific prospect you're speaking with. You always want to distill your demo down and customize it to your audience's situation with only the essential information they need.

To do this, make sure your demo demonstrates the ways your product is suited to address their pain points and meet their needs.

Prospects and customers only care about the features that impact them in a positive way, so you'll want your demo to highlight those. With everything you present and share throughout the demo, you must explain the "why" behind it.

Why is your product better than your competitor's products? Why is your product or service ideal for managing the prospect's issue? Why should your prospect want to do business with you? Why do your current customers love your product? These are the types of points and comments that may just move your prospect from an interested lead to a new and loyal customer — they differentiate you from other companies and make your demo significantly more convincing.

TrustRadius recently conducted a study that evaluated opportunities, gaps and changing undercurrents between buyers and sellers of technology, and the results were quite interesting to say the least.

The study found that buyers preferred resources that provided them with genuine insights into the product. The study found buyers citing the product demo as one of the key information sources they rely on when making a purchasing decision, as the product demo was rated at the top in all 3 aspects of the buying process.

The study clearly illustrates that buyers want hands-on experience with a product before they buy. Product demos were cited by study participants as being most helpful, and providing the most trustworthy information that offered a realistic view into how the product actually works, and of course a real-time view of how it may be of value to them.

Product demo webinars are one of the most efficient ways to increase conversion rates and develop trust in the product being promoted and the brand promoting it.

There really is no better way to provide an audience with a product demonstration and in real time! Using a webinar platform to create your product demo offers you unparalleled flexibility and the unique personalized perspective your customers crave. So get started today! Your email address will not be published.

Help Center Join an event Log in en. Online meetings Meet with up to 40 attendees who can see, hear, and talk to each other in one room. Live webinars Present your content to a broader audience of up to attendees in real-time.

Automated webinars Put your webinars on autopilot and win back your time in the process. On-demand webinars Let your audience watch your webinar recordings in return for their email addresses. Paid webinars Sell access to your online courses and training sessions. Huge virtual events Scale up and stream your content to 10, attendees.

Product demos and marketing Use online events to turn cold contacts into hot leads. Online courses and training sessions Deliver knowledge, engage with students, measure their progress. Online business meetings Use collaboration tools to improve team communication.

Custom services A custom, scalable webinar and online events solution you can rely on.

Examples of self-service SaaS models Low-cost frozen cuisine Slack, TurboTax, and Dropbox. By Dwmo Demo before purchase you get to a demo, purdhase should have prchase established a good rapport with befode prospect, so take that knowledge into your demo session. Product demos elevate sales processes to new heights of efficiency and effectiveness. Before you can define and optimize your sales process, you need to determine what model fits your business so you can create the best methodology for your SaaS offering. Write a Review.

Demo before purchase - The study clearly illustrates that buyers want hands-on experience with a product before they buy. Product demos were cited by study Yes, many website builders offer trial or demo versions that allow users to test their platform and features before committing to a purchase A product demo or product demonstration is a presentation that demonstrates the value, benefits, and uses of your product or software. Its main Benefits of Demos. For prospective customers, a sales demo shows them your product features before they purchase, and can even set them up

If you want your product demonstrations to be effective, you need to train your reps properly. This means going above and beyond using a script as a marketing strategy.

Rely on proper training more than a script. The starting point is structured training. Here are some things you should include in your training modules to better prepare your sales reps:.

Strong salespeople deliver great presentations because they know what they are trying to achieve. That takes proper training for your marketing team members. So let your sales reps get their hands on the product to test it for themselves.

You need to get them to convert, so focus on what matters to them. Walking the viewer through the entire process can be painful for everyone. Rather than boring your audience with meticulous details, focus on the big points.

Think about what your prospects really want to learn, how you can help their workflows, and cut to the chase. The demo is the part where everything comes together — or falls apart. That's why it's so important to get it right. Take the time to prep, understand your prospect, and tie your product back to their needs.

This way, you'll have a realistic likelihood of closing the deal and having your audience walk away feeling like that was a great use of their hour. Product demos have the same elements as any sales presentation. In addition, they offer an opportunity for product-led growth and allow you to showcase a new product for your target audience.

This means there is room for things to go wrong, like technical glitches and product malfunctions. Take a look at some of the most common mistakes salespeople see during interactive product demonstrations and what you can do to avoid them.

If you have technology or product malfunctions during your product demo, simply be sure to talk about the functions you were unable to show during the demo.

Next, record a perfect demo to share. Finally, incorporate any new information you discovered and clarify that you've solved the challenges faced during the live demos to your potential client. Not only will this show prospects that your company can think on their feet, but you now have demo videos to use for email campaigns, during onboarding, and to embed on product landing pages.

A product demo is so much more than just showing how your product works. Interested in launching innovative product demos? You can reduce the amount of back-and-forth dramatically, however, by cutting the telling and moving on to the showing.

Product demos show the prospect exactly what your product will provide them. Any good demo will highlight the specific tools and benefits for which your prospect is searching, as mentioned by them on your discovery call.

So, where does the product demo land in the overall sales process? It should come after the lead has shown some sign of interest in your product, and therefore has become a prospect.

This could occur at a number of points in the process, depending on their needs and purchasing habits. For instance, you might propose a sales demo when a lead:. For prospective customers, a sales demo shows them your product features before they purchase, and can even set them up with a trial account to make later onboarding much easier.

Demos are a major step in the continuance of your sales cycle. They go beyond a simple sales pitch and immerse your prospect in what it means to have access to your service. Plus, they provide a solid foundation on which to base your next follow-up email or phone call.

Note that these steps work together seamlessly, so you should read through and prepare your collateral for all of them before contacting your leads, prospects, and clients. Think of it like a PBJ. No, you do not. Nor do you buy anything but smooth peanut butter and strawberry jelly, you heathen.

Point being, this is your crash course. Read through these sales tips for your demo process before you begin your prep, and you will see much more success. Instead, do what you need to do to ensure that you are clear-cut in your outreach from the beginning.

That includes:. Before you can sell your product, you have to sell the demo. To put it on the calendar , your prospects must believe in its value. Let them know:.

Then push for it. Be clear about your belief that they need this and your guarantee of its true worth. Personalization can range from creating a completely customized demo for a prospect based on their needs to using a certain demo flow for a specific type of customer.

The result: They get to see what their dashboard would look like in real life if they go with us. While the features of your software are nice, the main thing your prospects want to know is if your solution actually solves their problems.

You want to build an agenda that flows naturally from one step to the next, rather than a full-on monologue. Using talk tracks can help with this. Start with a killer feature of your product that serves an important need for your prospect.

Think about it: Would you want a doctor to share centuries worth of medicinal trials, research, and history with you, then mention after that long discussion that he has a prescription to make your infection go away?

Or would you rather he lead with the good news? Contextualize why they should care about all the words coming out of your mouth. By doing this, you achieve three things:. The product demo is not the time to bombard decision-makers with minutiae. Sketch the big picture first, and go into details later.

While completing a discovery call before may be the norm, modern prospects like their info fast and personalized, meaning they may cringe at the thought of another call.

That said, discovery is an essential part of sales. This not only keeps the conversation moving along, but also provides additional insight you may not have received yet, and can influence how you spend the remainder of your demo.

Instead of relying solely on textual descriptions or static images, a demo brings the product to life, showing exactly how it works and how it can benefit the customer. This clear and tangible presentation of value helps potential buyers better understand how your product can meet their needs.

Product demos provide a platform to address specific pain points and challenges that potential customers may have. This personalized approach enhances the relevance of your product and increases the likelihood of conversion.

Potential customers can see the product in action, which helps establish authenticity and minimizes skepticism. Product demos are engaging by nature. This engagement leads to better retention of information and a stronger connection with your brand. An engaging demo experience can leave a lasting impression, making your product more memorable.

Seeing a product in action can expedite the decision-making process for potential customers. Interactive demos can enable companies to build consensus in the buying process, without requiring repetitive demos to multiple stakeholders.

This can reduce the time spent on research and consideration, leading to quicker purchasing decisions. Product demos enable you to receive direct feedback from potential customers. As they interact with the product, they may ask questions, share concerns, or provide insights.

This feedback is invaluable for improving your product, enhancing its features, and refining your marketing and sales strategies. In a competitive market, standing out is crucial. A compelling product demo allows you to showcase what makes your product unique and superior to competitors.

Product demos streamline the sales process by providing a tangible and persuasive presentation. They serve as a powerful tool for sales representatives to guide potential customers through the buying journey. Well-prepared demos can help overcome objections, address doubts, and ultimately close deals more effectively.

They facilitate understanding, build trust, and provide a memorable experience that can set the stage for long-term customer relationships and business success. Businesses rely on different types of product demos to engage audiences and showcase their offerings in the most compelling way.

Each type caters to diverse preferences and varying stages of the customer journey. Unlike static product tours, interactive demos empower potential customers to explore a product in a meaningful way.

Many companies choose to add interactive product demos to their homepage or marketing campaigns to engage prospects looking to self-evaluate. Self-guided product tours offer a customer-driven way to explore features.

This allows users to learn about the product at their own pace, diving deeper into the functionality that matters most to their specific pain points. Ultimately, many teams choose to embed product tours via an interactive demonstration on their product page, driving user satisfaction in the evaluation process.

Once prospects are ready to talk to sales, live demos can play a critical role in closing the deal. By addressing the specific pain points and challenges of prospects, personalized demos bring customization to the sales process.

These demos typically follow a qualifying marketing interaction or discovery call. Live demos enable teams to achieve personalization in sales, by helping prospects visualize how a product will work for their needs, or within their specific environment. While video demos hold potential, they come with downsides such as limited interactivity and personalization.

Popular video demo tools enable businesses to create compelling product demo videos that capture attention and convey value effectively. Companies can use product demos throughout the enterprise buying cycle.


Product Demos That Sell: 7 Elements of Insanely Persuasive Sales Demos

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