Sample testing sign-ups

For example, you can filter Hotjar recordings by:. Rage clicks : users repeatedly clicking over an element that could indicate a website bug, a broken link, or an image that they think is clickable but isn't. So they decided to conduct user tests and see what their tool was missing.

Doodle also used Hotjar Surveys to ask open-ended questions about their features and the overall user experience, so they could understand what their customers truly loved about the tool. The Hotjar Feedback widget lets users highlight parts of your website or product they have trouble with or enjoy.

org , a donation platform making it easy for people to donate and for nonprofits to collect their donations, had a problem: donors were struggling with the process of making donations, and abandoned the site as a result. Dave Sharp, Every. Dave first sat down with users to ask them questions about how they felt about different website elements.

While he learned a lot through these in-person discussions with users, he was aware of potential bias: users tend to try to 'say the right thing' to please the interviewer, skewing results. To complement and validate these insights, he needed objective data.

Dave then turned to Hotjar Recordings, filtering his session recordings by URL and then watching them by relevance to gain clarity on the qualitative insights from interviews.

Very few users were first adding their card details and then proceeding to donate which was the intended user flow because the two buttons were parallel.

He also added an FAQ section to help users understand what donating with Every. org meant in terms of fees and taxes. Don't just assume everything is going well—conduct a interview where you watch users navigating your website, so you can see exactly where they stumble and ask follow-up questions. For example, you can use Hotjar to schedule interviews with users from different nationalities and job titles.

Steffen Quistgaard, Senior Marketing Specialist for re:member , a credit card company, noticed visitors from affiliate pages abandoning their credit card application form more often than usual. Steffen wanted to find out exactly why the application was confusing people, so he conducted user tests.

So he turned to click heatmaps for more insight. After Steffen examined click maps , a category of heatmaps that show the number of clicks in a specific spot, he saw that users were:. Steffen and his team then redesigned the forms to add information in a way that was visible, accessible, and referable:.

Use scroll maps and click maps to ensure users are seeing this key information. returning to develop a nuanced understanding of user behavior.

The team at Materials Markets , a portal for material buyers and suppliers, noticed they had a high bounce rate and wanted to identify blockers in the user experience. Andrew, the co-founder, watched Hotjar Recordings every day for 20 minutes to see how users were behaving on the site and realized people were:.

The team also reviewed heatmaps for both desktop and mobile devices. Do this by adding images to surveys across your web pages and invite user feedback on elements like logos, messaging, color palettes, homepage layouts, or ads.

DashThis used Hotjar Surveys to ask people questions about the onboarding flow and then analyzed the relevant recordings of the users who had responded. They learned:.

They also redesigned buttons, making them bolder and more visible on small screens. Do people have the resources they need to easily complete tasks with your product?

Ensure your users have all the information they need to complete their jobs to be done by asking them with interviews, a feedback widget, or surveys.

Simply download the PDF version of our checklist here and share it with your team. Define your objective : what exactly are you hoping to learn from your users? Get crystal clear.

Identify your target audience : who are your users? What are their demographics? Develop tasks and scenarios : create tasks and scenarios that reflect real situations your users might encounter when interacting with your product.

Recruit participants : identify potential users and recruit them using survey or interview tools. Consider using a user testing platform to find participants who match your target audience. Select your testing tool : find one that fits within your budget while also meeting your goals.

Hotjar has a free forever Basic plan that gives you access to unlimited heatmaps and 35 session recordings every day. Prepare materials and equipment : prepare any materials or equipment, such as survey questions, consent forms, or recording equipment.

Perform user testing sessions and document the results : follow your test plan and document any issues you find. Analyze the data : review the data and look for patterns or trends.

Consider using a spreadsheet to organize and analyze your data. Share your insights : create a summary of your findings and share them with your team. Use your user testing results to improve your product or service. Iterate and retest : adapt your product based on user feedback, then test again.

Celebrate your successes and use what you've learned to continue to improve your product. User tests strengthen your relationship with your audience in multiple ways: you understand what they like the quantitative and why they like it the qualitative.

But user testing is not a done-once-dusted-forever kind of exercise. As your users evolve, so do their needs. Some common test cases for cross browser testing include:. Basic Cross-browser Functionality Testing:.

Layout and Responsiveness:. Cross-Device and Cross-Platform Testing:. Level Up Your Cross-browser Testing With Katalon TestCloud. Integration testing for a registration page is about checking to see how that registration page interacts with other system components and external services.

Some important integration test cases for this page include:. Database Integration:. Email Integration:. Third-Party Authentication Integration:. Read More: Top Test Cases For API Testing You Will Need. These test cases tend to check the more abstract aspects of the software.

It delves into how users interact with the software and how they perceive the overall experience. For example:. Testing for your signup page is not challenging, but it is highly repetitive by nature.

Automating test cases on Registration page is a recommended strategy, but writing test scripts from scratch then continuously maintaining them after each code change is actually quite counterproductive.

For example, thanks to its Record-and-Playback features, you can easily capture test objects and record a sequence of activities. It can then be re-executed in regression testing sessions, saving QA teams a lot of time and effort.

If testers wrote those test scripts from scratch, they also have to actively maintain them, and as the application grows, the number of test scripts to create and maintain grows accordingly, and it is quite a challenge to keep up with that.

Meanwhile, with Katalon, you can simply let the Self-healing feature do the work. It detects changes in the system and automatically update the test scripts, freeing up resources for your team to focus on other high-value activities.

Katalon Platform also supports running scripts on a wide range of devices, browsers, and testing environments , allowing QA teams to perform a lot of testing activities in just 1 place instead of having to spend time configuring environments and constantly switching tools.

After executing tests, Katalon Platform enables teams to review test results with the comprehensive and customizable test reports in LOG, HTML, CSV, and PDF formats before forwarding them as email attachments.

There is a debugging mode for testers to conduct a root cause analysis for a specific failed case. Not that just, Katalon is also a forerunner in the AI testing space. You can leverage a lot of AI-powered features built into the platform to supercharge your testing.

Start Testing With Katalon For Free. The State of Software Quality Shape the future in 5 minutes. Contact us Log in. Why Katalon. Katalon is a modern, comprehensive quality management platform that helps teams of any size deliver the highest quality digital experiences.

Business Outcomes. Success Stories. Easy, speed. Platform Overview. Modern and comprehensive software quality management platform Read more. Test Authoring. Katalon Studio. Katalon TestOps. Katalon Runtime Engine. Katalon TestCloud.

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TABLE OF CONTENTS. Read More: A Complete Web Testing Checklist Free Test Case Template To Download To best write your test cases, you should always have a test case template, which we have prepared in PDF, Doc, and Excel sheet formats for you to download.

PDF Doc Excel Or Simply Manage All of Your Test Cases With Katalon TestOps 1. Functional Test Cases For Registration Page Functional testing is a must-have for any areas of the website or software, not just the registration page.

Read More: Top Functional Testing Tools To Significantly Enhance Your Testing Activities 1. Mandatory Fields and Instructions: Verify the presence of all mandatory fields on the registration page.

Ensure clear and concise instructions are provided on how to fill out the registration form. Test the registration page's behavior when trying to submit the form with just the email field filled out.

Test the registration page's behavior when trying to submit the form with just the password field filled out. Ensure that error messages are displayed specifically for each empty mandatory field when attempting to submit the form with missing information. Check if the registration page provides inline validation for each field, indicating whether the provided information is valid or not as the user fills out the form.

Test the behavior of the registration page when submitting the form with valid information in all mandatory fields. Verify that the registration page prevents submission if any mandatory field is left empty.

Confirm that the registration page maintains the data entered in the fields even after a submission attempt with missing information, so users don't need to re-enter valid data.

Ensure that the registration page does not allow leading or trailing spaces in mandatory fields e. Test the case where the email field is pre-filled with an example email address or placeholder text, ensuring that it is cleared when the user begins typing. Verify that the registration page provides tooltips or help icons near mandatory fields to explain any specific requirements or constraints.

Create Test Cases Without Code With Katalon Studio Free 2. Field Validation: Test the behavior when submitting the form with empty or blank fields individually. Test the response to submitting the form with all fields empty.

Validate email format and response for invalid email addresses. Verify the enforcement of password strength criteria length, special characters, numbers, etc. Ensure the password and password confirmation fields match. Verify that the registration page correctly identifies and handles email addresses with multiple " " symbols e.

Test the registration page's handling of excessively long email addresses, ensuring it enforces a reasonable character limit and displays an error message if exceeded. Check the registration page's response to entering a password without any alphanumeric characters e.

Verify that the registration page properly handles passwords with spaces, special characters, or non-alphanumeric characters and validates them according to the specified criteria. Test the behavior when the password and password confirmation fields contain leading or trailing spaces, and ensure they are correctly handled and trimmed.

Verify that the registration page detects and prevents the use of commonly used or easily guessable passwords e. Test the registration page's response when the password and password confirmation fields contain long strings of the same character e. Error Handling: Check the response when providing an email address already registered.

Verify that error messages are clear and user-friendly for various issues e. Test the response to using a username that is already taken. Verify that the registration page gracefully handles any internal server errors or exceptions that may occur during the registration process and displays a user-friendly error message.

Test the registration page's response when the server or network experiences high traffic or slow response times, ensuring it doesn't display misleading error messages.

Verify that the registration page provides context-specific error messages for different issues e. Test how the registration page handles the case when a user with a previously locked account tries to register again, ensuring it provides instructions for account recovery instead of displaying a vague error.

Check the registration page's response when a user submits a registration form with a username that is a reserved keyword or term e. Verify that the registration page effectively handles cases where a user's session expires during the registration process, prompting them to log in again and preserving their entered data.

Read More: A Complete Guide on Database Testing 4. Email Verification: Basic email verification workflow Verify the sending of a verification email to the provided address upon successful registration. Test the ability to resend verification emails if needed.

Check that the registration page handles cases where a user attempts to use an expired verification link, providing instructions for re-sending the verification email. Test the behavior when a user clicks on the verification link multiple times, ensuring that additional clicks do not cause any unintended side effects.

Verify that the registration page clearly communicates the need to check the spam or junk folder for the verification email, ensuring users are aware of this possibility.

Test the registration page's handling of cases where the email verification link has been tampered with or contains invalid characters, ensuring it detects and responds to such situations securely.

Check the registration page's response when the user enters the verification code manually, ensuring it correctly validates the code and confirms the email address.

Verify that the registration page enforces a time limit for completing the email verification process and prevents users from using outdated verification links. Test how the registration page handles the situation when a user attempts to verify an email address that is already associated with an active account, ensuring it provides appropriate guidance.

Media: Confirm that users can upload a profile picture during registration if applicable. Verify that users can successfully upload a valid image file e. Test the registration page's response when users attempt to upload an image in an unsupported format e. Ensure that it displays an appropriate error message.

Check if the registration page enforces a maximum file size for profile pictures and accurately displays an error message if the size exceeds the limit. Verify that uploaded profile pictures are appropriately resized or cropped to generate thumbnails for user profiles.

Test the ability to cancel a photo upload in progress and ensure it stops the upload process without causing errors. Ensure the registration page allows optional profile information input e. Terms and Policies: Typeform sign-up page with Terms and Policies acceptance section Verify that users are presented with the terms of service and privacy policy on the registration page.

Check that users are required to accept the terms of service and privacy policy before proceeding with registration. Ensure that there is a link provided for users to access the full terms of service and privacy policy documents.

Test that screen readers and assistive technologies can properly read and navigate the terms and policy text. Verify that an appropriate error message is displayed if a user attempts to register without accepting the terms. Check that the terms and policy text is presented in a clear and readable format, avoiding dense legal language when possible.

Ensure that the system records the date and time of a user's acceptance of the terms and privacy policy, associating it with the user's account. If the application serves a global audience, verify that terms and policy documents are available in multiple languages, and users can choose their preferred language.

Test the process for users to revoke their consent to the terms and privacy policy after registration and how it affects their account. Duplicate Account Prevention: Test the ability to prevent duplicate accounts using the same email address.

Verify that prohibited characters and spaces in usernames are disallowed. Check if the registration page treats email addresses with different casing e. com" and "user email. com" as unique or not. Verify correct handling of very long usernames within input length limitations.

Test the registration page's response when a user tries to register with a username that is already in use by another account, ensuring it prevents registration and displays a relevant error message. If the registration page allows users to sign up using social media accounts e.

Test the behavior when a user deactivates their account and later attempts to re-register with the same email address or username. Read More: Test Cases For Login Page 2. Security Test Cases For Sign-up Page The Registration page is also one of the first layers of security for the system.

Here are some security test cases you need to consider for your Registration page: 1. Input Validation: Verify that the registration page properly validates user input and rejects any data that contains potentially harmful characters e.

Test for Cross-Site Scripting XSS vulnerabilities by attempting to inject malicious scripts into input fields and ensure that the page sanitizes and escapes user-generated content.

Test for Cross-Site Request Forgery CSRF vulnerabilities by simulating unauthorized form submissions and confirming that the registration page employs CSRF tokens to prevent such attacks.

Check if the registration page correctly handles input containing HTML entities or URL-encoded characters and ensures they are properly decoded.

Password Security: Verify that the registration page enforces strong password policies, including requirements for length, special characters, and a mix of upper and lower case letters.

Test for password hashing and encryption by registering and checking how the password is stored in the database, ensuring it is not stored in plaintext. Confirm that the registration page does not display the entered password in plaintext, even momentarily, during the registration process.

Test for password brute-force attacks by attempting to register with commonly used passwords and verifying that the system detects and prevents such attempts. Check if the registration page provides password strength feedback to users, guiding them on creating strong passwords.

Session Management and Authentication: Verify that the registration page enforces secure session management practices, including using secure cookies and properly expiring sessions after a period of inactivity.

Test Scenarios of a Registration Form: · Verify that the Registration form contains Username, First Name, Last Name, Password, Confirm Password Test that the user is able to login with the correct credentials. Test that the email and password fields are mandatory. Test that the user is Maximize user sign ups with our comprehensive sign up test cases. Ensure seamless user experience and address cross-browser compatibility

Sample testing sign-ups - A comprehensive list of test cases for a registration page covering User Interface, Positive and Negative Test Cases for user registration Test Scenarios of a Registration Form: · Verify that the Registration form contains Username, First Name, Last Name, Password, Confirm Password Test that the user is able to login with the correct credentials. Test that the email and password fields are mandatory. Test that the user is Maximize user sign ups with our comprehensive sign up test cases. Ensure seamless user experience and address cross-browser compatibility

Very few users were first adding their card details and then proceeding to donate which was the intended user flow because the two buttons were parallel. He also added an FAQ section to help users understand what donating with Every.

org meant in terms of fees and taxes. Don't just assume everything is going well—conduct a interview where you watch users navigating your website, so you can see exactly where they stumble and ask follow-up questions.

For example, you can use Hotjar to schedule interviews with users from different nationalities and job titles. Steffen Quistgaard, Senior Marketing Specialist for re:member , a credit card company, noticed visitors from affiliate pages abandoning their credit card application form more often than usual.

Steffen wanted to find out exactly why the application was confusing people, so he conducted user tests. So he turned to click heatmaps for more insight. After Steffen examined click maps , a category of heatmaps that show the number of clicks in a specific spot, he saw that users were:.

Steffen and his team then redesigned the forms to add information in a way that was visible, accessible, and referable:. Use scroll maps and click maps to ensure users are seeing this key information. returning to develop a nuanced understanding of user behavior. The team at Materials Markets , a portal for material buyers and suppliers, noticed they had a high bounce rate and wanted to identify blockers in the user experience.

Andrew, the co-founder, watched Hotjar Recordings every day for 20 minutes to see how users were behaving on the site and realized people were:. The team also reviewed heatmaps for both desktop and mobile devices.

Do this by adding images to surveys across your web pages and invite user feedback on elements like logos, messaging, color palettes, homepage layouts, or ads.

DashThis used Hotjar Surveys to ask people questions about the onboarding flow and then analyzed the relevant recordings of the users who had responded. They learned:.

They also redesigned buttons, making them bolder and more visible on small screens. Do people have the resources they need to easily complete tasks with your product? Ensure your users have all the information they need to complete their jobs to be done by asking them with interviews, a feedback widget, or surveys.

Simply download the PDF version of our checklist here and share it with your team. Define your objective : what exactly are you hoping to learn from your users?

Get crystal clear. Identify your target audience : who are your users? What are their demographics? Develop tasks and scenarios : create tasks and scenarios that reflect real situations your users might encounter when interacting with your product. Recruit participants : identify potential users and recruit them using survey or interview tools.

Consider using a user testing platform to find participants who match your target audience. Select your testing tool : find one that fits within your budget while also meeting your goals. Hotjar has a free forever Basic plan that gives you access to unlimited heatmaps and 35 session recordings every day.

Prepare materials and equipment : prepare any materials or equipment, such as survey questions, consent forms, or recording equipment.

Perform user testing sessions and document the results : follow your test plan and document any issues you find. Analyze the data : review the data and look for patterns or trends.

Consider using a spreadsheet to organize and analyze your data. Share your insights : create a summary of your findings and share them with your team.

Use your user testing results to improve your product or service. Iterate and retest : adapt your product based on user feedback, then test again. Celebrate your successes and use what you've learned to continue to improve your product.

User tests strengthen your relationship with your audience in multiple ways: you understand what they like the quantitative and why they like it the qualitative.

But user testing is not a done-once-dusted-forever kind of exercise. As your users evolve, so do their needs. So make user tests a cyclical part of your product optimization process, and watch your product stickiness, customer satisfaction, and retention soar.

Studying successful user testing examples helps you understand different use cases for user testing methods while setting expectations for results. A user testing checklist helps you delegate and regulate better.

Designers and developers can use it to develop a common project timeline and deliver projects on schedule. User testing examples create a knowledge base of use cases.

This helps product heads identify and create experiments to access different categories of user information click percentages, navigation, and behavior cohorts for their products. Hotjar Logo. Contact Sales.

Sign in. Get started free. User testing guide User testing types User testing steps User testing examples User testing tools. Copyright © , QA Touch, Free Test Case Management Tool.

All rights reserved. Initiative by DCKAP. Terms Of Use Privacy Policy. Hit enter to search or ESC to close. Close Search. Software Testing Test sign Off Your Software Testing Sign Off Template Is Here By Adepu Bindu January 11, January 18th, No Comments 6 min read. Blog Software Testing Your Software Testing Sign Off Template Is Here January 11, Adepu Bindu.

What Is QA Sign Off Document In Software Testing? Recommended Read: The Ultimate Guide To Software Testing Why A QA Sign Off Document Is Needed? Who Is Responsible For Creating A Sign Off Document? How is the software testing sign off document created? Criteria for QA sign-off. During the exit criteria, QA checks the following strategy that is mention below: Execute every necessary test plan.

The appropriate level of coverage should be met. You should complete all of the essential tasks. All of the high-priority test cases and test plans should execute successfully. All activities should be budget constraints more than the cost of the project. All activities should not exceed the deadline.

QA Sign Off Template We have mentioned the simple steps in detail you should consider including in your Software Testing sign off document. You can use this as a reference and modify it to your requirements: Name of the Project E. g: January 11th, Date of ending the project E.

g: Integration testing, Security testing, Cross-browner testing, Acceptance testing Different Browsers Tested E. g: Crome etc. Different Devices Tested E.

g: Production, Staging, Development, UAT Test Cases A link to a complete list of all test cases involved in this project. Test Coverage Give a link to a report showing test coverage.

New Features A list of features tested in this project Any Critical issues observed Spotlight the critical issues you want people to know about. All issues Give a link to your issue-tracking tool that shows all known issues in this project. Final Thoughts: It is a great way to run through final checks on the project you just tested — other than that, you may also find some rifts in the test coverage.

ON THIS PAGE What Is QA Sign Off Document In Software Testing? Why A QA Sign Off Document Is Needed? QA Sign Off Checklist Is Here… Criteria for QA sign-off.

QA Sign Off Template Final Thoughts:. Related Posts What is software Testing? From Definition to Execution This is the era of techies and digital marketing. The chance of getting…. The Agile Testing Life Cycle: A Helping Guide for Seamless Software Quality Agile Testing is a crucial componеnt of Agilе softwarе dеvеlopmеnt mеthodologiеs, a dynamic….

Relaxing Debugging: ASMR Insights into Software Testing ASMR Insights into Software Testing Welcome to a world in which whispers make…. Leave a Reply Cancel Reply. Share Tweet Share Pin. Start Your FREE Lifetime Subscription Today Speed up turning your test strategy into milestones.

Start automating your testing in less than 6 minutes, with QA Touch Signup for free. Product Features Integrations Testimonials Pricing Request A Demo Login. Resources QA Masterclass Community QA Touch API Help. HELLO, NEED ANY HELP?

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Test Case Writing for the Signup page/ Step-by-Step test case writing on Google sheet.

Sample testing sign-ups - A comprehensive list of test cases for a registration page covering User Interface, Positive and Negative Test Cases for user registration Test Scenarios of a Registration Form: · Verify that the Registration form contains Username, First Name, Last Name, Password, Confirm Password Test that the user is able to login with the correct credentials. Test that the email and password fields are mandatory. Test that the user is Maximize user sign ups with our comprehensive sign up test cases. Ensure seamless user experience and address cross-browser compatibility

Measure NPS over time. User Research. The best user research questions and how to ask them. Maze empowers teams to unlock invaluable user insights—and improve products continuously. A-mazeing to meet you! Welcome Screen. Sign up to [Product] on the [Sport Addict Plan]. On a scale of , how was your experience with the interface?

Opinion Scale. How did you find the process of signing up? Multiple Choice. What are your thoughts on the design and layout? Open Question. Was the navigation as expected? What could we do to improve this? How did you find language usage across the website?

Any additional feedback on your experience with the website? Thank You! Thank You Screen. Test your website sign-up flow. What you'll learn:. How to use 1.

Use this template to run a test. We may be biased, but the best way to discover what improvements need to be made to your website sign-up flow is by simply testing it out with your users.

Clear up visual clutter. Is your website filled with loud designs? For example, multiple assets may distract attention from where your customers are actually supposed to click—meaning you could miss out on valuable sign-ups. Do a copy-check.

Is it clear what your user is supposed to do? If your website is text-heavy, potential sign-ups may get lost in your words without seeing where they can actually sign up.

Related templates. Validate live website sign-up funnel flow Validate your website sign-up flow. View this template.

PRO Improve site navigation. Improve site navigation Improve your website's information architecture. PRO Get preference on web designs. Test the registration page's behavior when trying to submit the form with just the password field filled out.

Ensure that error messages are displayed specifically for each empty mandatory field when attempting to submit the form with missing information. Check if the registration page provides inline validation for each field, indicating whether the provided information is valid or not as the user fills out the form.

Test the behavior of the registration page when submitting the form with valid information in all mandatory fields. Verify that the registration page prevents submission if any mandatory field is left empty.

Confirm that the registration page maintains the data entered in the fields even after a submission attempt with missing information, so users don't need to re-enter valid data.

Ensure that the registration page does not allow leading or trailing spaces in mandatory fields e. Test the case where the email field is pre-filled with an example email address or placeholder text, ensuring that it is cleared when the user begins typing. Verify that the registration page provides tooltips or help icons near mandatory fields to explain any specific requirements or constraints.

Create Test Cases Without Code With Katalon Studio Free 2. Field Validation: Test the behavior when submitting the form with empty or blank fields individually. Test the response to submitting the form with all fields empty. Validate email format and response for invalid email addresses.

Verify the enforcement of password strength criteria length, special characters, numbers, etc. Ensure the password and password confirmation fields match. Verify that the registration page correctly identifies and handles email addresses with multiple " " symbols e.

Test the registration page's handling of excessively long email addresses, ensuring it enforces a reasonable character limit and displays an error message if exceeded. Check the registration page's response to entering a password without any alphanumeric characters e. Verify that the registration page properly handles passwords with spaces, special characters, or non-alphanumeric characters and validates them according to the specified criteria.

Test the behavior when the password and password confirmation fields contain leading or trailing spaces, and ensure they are correctly handled and trimmed. Verify that the registration page detects and prevents the use of commonly used or easily guessable passwords e. Test the registration page's response when the password and password confirmation fields contain long strings of the same character e.

Error Handling: Check the response when providing an email address already registered. Verify that error messages are clear and user-friendly for various issues e.

Test the response to using a username that is already taken. Verify that the registration page gracefully handles any internal server errors or exceptions that may occur during the registration process and displays a user-friendly error message.

Test the registration page's response when the server or network experiences high traffic or slow response times, ensuring it doesn't display misleading error messages. Verify that the registration page provides context-specific error messages for different issues e.

Test how the registration page handles the case when a user with a previously locked account tries to register again, ensuring it provides instructions for account recovery instead of displaying a vague error.

Check the registration page's response when a user submits a registration form with a username that is a reserved keyword or term e. Verify that the registration page effectively handles cases where a user's session expires during the registration process, prompting them to log in again and preserving their entered data.

Read More: A Complete Guide on Database Testing 4. Email Verification: Basic email verification workflow Verify the sending of a verification email to the provided address upon successful registration.

Test the ability to resend verification emails if needed. Check that the registration page handles cases where a user attempts to use an expired verification link, providing instructions for re-sending the verification email.

Test the behavior when a user clicks on the verification link multiple times, ensuring that additional clicks do not cause any unintended side effects. Verify that the registration page clearly communicates the need to check the spam or junk folder for the verification email, ensuring users are aware of this possibility.

Test the registration page's handling of cases where the email verification link has been tampered with or contains invalid characters, ensuring it detects and responds to such situations securely. Check the registration page's response when the user enters the verification code manually, ensuring it correctly validates the code and confirms the email address.

Verify that the registration page enforces a time limit for completing the email verification process and prevents users from using outdated verification links.

Test how the registration page handles the situation when a user attempts to verify an email address that is already associated with an active account, ensuring it provides appropriate guidance.

Media: Confirm that users can upload a profile picture during registration if applicable. Verify that users can successfully upload a valid image file e. Test the registration page's response when users attempt to upload an image in an unsupported format e.

Ensure that it displays an appropriate error message. Check if the registration page enforces a maximum file size for profile pictures and accurately displays an error message if the size exceeds the limit.

Verify that uploaded profile pictures are appropriately resized or cropped to generate thumbnails for user profiles. Test the ability to cancel a photo upload in progress and ensure it stops the upload process without causing errors.

Ensure the registration page allows optional profile information input e. Terms and Policies: Typeform sign-up page with Terms and Policies acceptance section Verify that users are presented with the terms of service and privacy policy on the registration page.

Check that users are required to accept the terms of service and privacy policy before proceeding with registration. Ensure that there is a link provided for users to access the full terms of service and privacy policy documents.

Test that screen readers and assistive technologies can properly read and navigate the terms and policy text.

Verify that an appropriate error message is displayed if a user attempts to register without accepting the terms.

Check that the terms and policy text is presented in a clear and readable format, avoiding dense legal language when possible. Ensure that the system records the date and time of a user's acceptance of the terms and privacy policy, associating it with the user's account.

If the application serves a global audience, verify that terms and policy documents are available in multiple languages, and users can choose their preferred language.

Test the process for users to revoke their consent to the terms and privacy policy after registration and how it affects their account.

Duplicate Account Prevention: Test the ability to prevent duplicate accounts using the same email address. Verify that prohibited characters and spaces in usernames are disallowed. Check if the registration page treats email addresses with different casing e.

com" and "user email. com" as unique or not. Verify correct handling of very long usernames within input length limitations. Test the registration page's response when a user tries to register with a username that is already in use by another account, ensuring it prevents registration and displays a relevant error message.

If the registration page allows users to sign up using social media accounts e. Test the behavior when a user deactivates their account and later attempts to re-register with the same email address or username.

Read More: Test Cases For Login Page 2. Security Test Cases For Sign-up Page The Registration page is also one of the first layers of security for the system.

Here are some security test cases you need to consider for your Registration page: 1. Input Validation: Verify that the registration page properly validates user input and rejects any data that contains potentially harmful characters e. Test for Cross-Site Scripting XSS vulnerabilities by attempting to inject malicious scripts into input fields and ensure that the page sanitizes and escapes user-generated content.

Test for Cross-Site Request Forgery CSRF vulnerabilities by simulating unauthorized form submissions and confirming that the registration page employs CSRF tokens to prevent such attacks.

Check if the registration page correctly handles input containing HTML entities or URL-encoded characters and ensures they are properly decoded. Password Security: Verify that the registration page enforces strong password policies, including requirements for length, special characters, and a mix of upper and lower case letters.

Test for password hashing and encryption by registering and checking how the password is stored in the database, ensuring it is not stored in plaintext. Confirm that the registration page does not display the entered password in plaintext, even momentarily, during the registration process.

Test for password brute-force attacks by attempting to register with commonly used passwords and verifying that the system detects and prevents such attempts. Check if the registration page provides password strength feedback to users, guiding them on creating strong passwords. Session Management and Authentication: Verify that the registration page enforces secure session management practices, including using secure cookies and properly expiring sessions after a period of inactivity.

Test the registration page's response when attempting to register with an existing, but locked or banned, user account, ensuring it provides appropriate feedback.

Test the behavior when attempting to register with a previously registered email address and ensure that it does not reveal whether an email is registered or not. Check if the registration page uses account lockout mechanisms after multiple failed registration attempts to prevent brute-force attacks.

Verify that the registration page employs rate limiting to protect against registration attempts from the same IP address at an unusually high frequency. Data Privacy and Protection: Ensure that the registration page complies with data privacy regulations e.

Test the registration page's response to user requests to delete their accounts and personal data, confirming that it handles data deletion requests securely and effectively. Check that the registration page stores sensitive user data, such as passwords and email addresses, securely using strong encryption and hashing techniques.

Verify that the registration page does not expose sensitive information in error messages or response headers, protecting against information disclosure.

Account Recovery and Verification: Test the security of the email verification process by attempting to manipulate the verification link to gain unauthorized access or verifying with expired links.

Test the password recovery feature to ensure it securely allows users to reset forgotten passwords without exposing sensitive information.

Confirm that the registration page does not provide hints or notifications about the existence of specific user accounts during the password recovery process. Test for user enumeration vulnerabilities by attempting to reset the password for both registered and non-registered email addresses and verifying that the system does not reveal which addresses are valid.

A Complete Guide 3. Performance Test Cases On The Registration Page Performance testing helps determine how well the registration page can handle an increasing number of concurrent users.

Load Testing: Test the registration page with a low load e. Gradually increase the load on the registration page to simulate medium traffic e. Conduct a peak load test with a high number of concurrent users e. Test the registration page's ability to handle a sudden spike in traffic by rapidly increasing and decreasing the number of concurrent users.

Evaluate the registration page's performance during a sustained load over an extended period e. Read More: Load Testing vs Performance Testing: A Complete Guide 2. Scalability Testing: Assess the registration page's ability to scale horizontally by adding more server instances and ensuring that the load is distributed evenly.

Test the registration page's ability to scale vertically by increasing the system's resources e. Verify that the system can automatically provision additional resources in response to increased load auto-scaling without causing downtime or performance degradation.

Measure the registration page's performance when dealing with different volumes of user registrations e. Response Time and Throughput: Measure the average response time of the registration page under normal load conditions to establish a baseline. Assess the response time of the registration page as the load increases, ensuring it remains within acceptable limits.

Calculate the throughput by determining the number of registrations processed per second under various load levels. Test the registration page's response time during periods of peak activity to identify performance degradation or bottlenecks.

Verify that the registration page can handle bursts of registrations without a significant increase in response time. Stress Testing: Test the registration page's performance under extreme conditions, such as a significantly higher load than expected during peak usage.

Verify the registration page's resilience by gradually increasing the load beyond its capacity until it reaches a breaking point, noting how it fails. Evaluate how the system recovers from a stress test, including the time it takes to return to normal performance levels once the stress is removed.

Assess how the registration page handles long-duration stress tests e. Verify that the registration page gracefully degrades under stress, prioritizing essential functionality and maintaining core registration capabilities.

Resource Utilization and Efficiency: Monitor CPU utilization during performance testing to ensure it stays within acceptable levels. Evaluate memory usage to identify potential memory leaks or excessive consumption during registration.

Test the registration page's database queries and assess database response times under varying loads. Check network bandwidth usage to ensure that the registration page does not cause network congestion. Cross-browser Test Cases For The Registration Page Cross-browser testing is when you assess the compatibility and functionality of a website or web application across browsers, platforms, and versions.

Some common test cases for cross browser testing include: 1. Basic Cross-browser Functionality Testing: Verify that the registration page loads correctly in the latest versions of popular browsers e. Check that placeholders or labels within input fields are displayed correctly and aligned consistently across browsers.

Test keyboard navigation to ensure users can move through form elements using the keyboard tab key. Ensure that the registration page is usable and displays appropriately on both desktop and mobile browsers. Test the registration form's submission process in each browser, ensuring users can submit their registration details successfully.

Test how each browser handles form validation attributes e. Check for discrepancies in date and time format input fields if applicable across browsers. Verify that special characters e. Test the behavior of browser autofill features when filling out the registration form.

Ensure that date pickers and calendar widgets if used work consistently across browsers. Layout and Responsiveness: Verify that the registration page layout remains consistent across browsers, including correct placement of form elements and labels. Test how the registration page responds to changes in browser window size and ensure elements are appropriately resized or repositioned.

Check that media queries and responsive design elements work as expected on various screen sizes and resolutions. Test how the registration page handles viewport changes when users zoom in or out. Verify that the page maintains readability and usability at various zoom levels.

Test the behavior of touch events and gestures on mobile browsers, ensuring smooth interactions and form input. Ensure that font rendering, text alignment, and spacing remain consistent across browsers and devices. Cross-Device and Cross-Platform Testing: Test the registration page on different operating systems e.

Verify that the page is usable on both touch and non-touch devices e. Test how the registration page handles device-specific input methods e. Check for differences in browser behavior between desktop and mobile versions e.

Test the registration page's functionality on different browsers available on mobile devices, such as Chrome for Android and Safari for iOS. Level Up Your Cross-browser Testing With Katalon TestCloud 4. Integration Test Cases Integration testing for a registration page is about checking to see how that registration page interacts with other system components and external services.

Some important integration test cases for this page include: 1.

100 Test Cases For Registration Page (With Template + Detailed Guide) The email sihn-ups should accept sitn-ups Sample testing sign-ups addresses. Accessibility in user-centered design: usability Sanple checklist Shawn Lawton Henry's website, UIAccess, is focused on accessible, user-centered Discounted meal promotions. Discount kitchen tools page discount cooking tools load and allow all of them to register without any glitches. Andrew, the co-founder, watched Hotjar Recordings every day for 20 minutes to see how users were behaving on the site and realized people were:. With the former approach, you would need to use an Xpath identifier or element id to locate the email address on the field.

By Faukus

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