Limited time offer

For your own limited offer, consider a seasonal product you might offer to incentivize both new and returning customers to purchase.

Image courtesy of Theimpulsivebuy. Target often offers limited time two-for-one deals on their products -- in fact, they have a "Buy 2 Get 1 Free" landing page for their video games. For your own offer, you might try offering added value, like a gift card, on a product to encourage initial interest.

Image courtesy of Target. Tobi, an e-commerce clothing store, does an impressive job regularly attracting visitors to its site through deals and limited offers. The use of emojis helps the offer stand out in the user's inbox, and could even help a user more easily spot the email again after she opened it.

Similar to Tobi, you might also consider offering an all-encompassing sale on a specific product category, like 'Denim'. Whether a user is interested in shopping for denim or not, the offer will likely peak users interest enough to attract more traffic to your site.

Not going to lie -- the ticking clock at the top of their web page even incentivized me to peruse some of Macy's temporarily on-sale products.

Additionally, the "lowest of the season" messaging could urge hesitant shoppers to purchase products today from Macy's, rather than waiting to compare competitor's prices.

Perhaps you offer your own "Lowest Prices" deal, which could motivate shoppers to purchase your products immediately. Image courtesy of Macy's. To sum up, there are plenty of strategies you can employ to find success with your own limited offer deal. Here are a few suggestions, inspired by the deals listed above:.

Next, let's consider what type of wording you'll want to use in your limited time offer to truly motivate users to purchase immediately. These are the types of phrases you'll see accompanying limited time offers, and for good reason -- all of these phrases convey a sense of urgency, and even inspire a sense of anxiety in viewers.

When you see "Don't wait! Of course, you want to be cautious with your limited time offer wording. If you're too aggressive or pushy, you risk frustrating viewers into deleting the message completely. When wording your limited time offer, you'll want to consider why this deal is special, and how long the deal lasts.

Additionally, it's critical you include an exciting and compelling CTA. It's necessary to tell viewers why your deal in particular is special. If it isn't the biggest sale of the year, maybe it's the first deal you've ever offered on a specific product, or a new seasonal product only offered for a limited time.

Ultimately, users need to know why they should care about this deal over all the other deals flooding their inbox. Additionally, it's vital you clarify the time period of the deal. You'll need to let your viewers know how long they have to act on your offer.

Finally, you'll want to include a compelling CTA. Who wouldn't want that? Alternatively, you might try "Sign Up for Savings", "Claim Your Free Wallet", or "Send Me The Coupon".

The consequence is that different age groups should often be targeted in different ways for optimal results. For example, during a game of memory, when given a long list of items to remember and then tested, we remember the beginning and the most recently remembered items at the end but we tend to forget stuff in the middle.

Loss aversion is a primeval part of humanity, written in our DNA by survival and evolution. The stakes are obviously not so high as life and death for most people but it still has a powerful effect on our behavior.

Limited time offers tap into the part of the brain that deal with this primeval fear of losing out, triggering emotions that many of us rarely have need of. For ecommerce websites it is an obvious, even essential target, necessary for conversion rate optimization.

When combined with the other cognitive biases listed above, and using a ecommerce strategy using limited time offers is a zero risk strategy that guarantees increased sales. In order to leverage the above mentioned psychological effects an onsite retargeting tool such as OptiMonk is necessary, enabling the collection of psychographic data and the precise real time delivery of personalized messages throughout the conversion funnel.

Skip to content. What is OptiMonk? Build your list Increase sign-up rates from single to double digits. Increase sales Help visitors shop and boost ecommerce revenue. Grow AOV Maximize Customer Lifetime Value with proven tactics.

Stop abandonment Explore powerful strategies to win back lost sales. BY TYPE. BY GOAL. BY BUSINESS PROFILE. ON DEMAND. Your pre-sale promotion is key to making a successful sales event. The goal of your pre-event marketing should be to build anticipation of the event Your promotional material must be designed for sharing on social media and highlight a limited-time offer, the aim is to start a snowball effect and a bandwagon effect.

This is how your campaign can go viral. Trust building through reciprocity. About micro conversions. Outcome bias. Loss aversion and the endowment effect. Instill a sense of competition. The Ostrich Effect. Anchoring Bias. Confirmation Bias, Conservatism Bias and Salience. How you target different age groups must take these psychological effects into consideration.

Share this. Prev Previous Post How to Build a Buyer Persona with Psychographics. Written by. Csaba Zajdo. Csaba Zajdo is the founder of OptiMonk.

As an ecommerce veteran, Csaba has over 15 years of experience in working with ecommerce stores. His mission is to reinvent the ecommerce industry and help stores, by creating delightful shopping experiences for each customer.

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Limited time offers are a tried-and-true marketing tactic that encourage customers to act now. Creating a sense of urgency and a need to cash in 1. Promote Your Limited-Time Sale. Whether you're throwing a weekend-long sale or a discount code valid for 24 hours, a well-timed popup can A limited-time offer is any kind of discount, deal, special gift, or reward a buyer can get if they make a purchase from you during a certain

Limited-Time Offer: 20 Compelling Examples + How To Copy Them

Limited time offer - A limited-time offer is a type of sales promotion that offers products and services in a special deal (such as a special price, discount, gift Limited time offers are a tried-and-true marketing tactic that encourage customers to act now. Creating a sense of urgency and a need to cash in 1. Promote Your Limited-Time Sale. Whether you're throwing a weekend-long sale or a discount code valid for 24 hours, a well-timed popup can A limited-time offer is any kind of discount, deal, special gift, or reward a buyer can get if they make a purchase from you during a certain

Users are more likely to blame themselves for giving their data out than you for asking for it. We all make extraordinary efforts to avoid a potential loss, a buying situation is no different.

With respect to ecommerce, the avoidance of potential loss provides sellers an important consumer behavior to leverage.

Firstly, the ecommerce website must provide something of perceived value, this is typically a juicy discount offer, — the proverbial carrot to the customer horse. Then we must add the potential of loss. This is achieved by making the offer or discount available only for a limited time.

The potential loss of that special offer is a powerful incentive, that if done right will trigger buying emotions and affect behavior in your favor.

In addition, simple logic dictates that adding in an additional discount if action is taken quickly, will have an even greater effect, that an opportunity you have now will be lost if action is not taken today, or NOW. Here a countdown timer is a powerful method of eliciting the potential loss emotions.

To add fuel to the buying urge fire, add in a sense of competition to the mix. By doing so, you can further ratchet up the fear of loss, speeding up the buying process by increasing the buyers motivation, this can been seen during a while stocks last campaign or a closing down sale, both have a similar effect.

It is the idea that everyone will be jumping on this amazing offer, this once in a lifetime sale. This is an important effect to leverage because this fear is not seen as caused by you the vendor, but rather the other shoppers, — they are the ones that need to be beaten to the purchase.

Ecommerce platform plugins provide a means to increase the feeling of competition by providing real time updates about others who are buying. The Osrich effect is probably the most well known of psychological effects that affect reasoning so I will dispense with the detailed explanation and go to an example of its use.

We could not read them all, even if we wanted to considering the number of websites most of us view each day.

Your visitors will do anything to avoid the pain of reading it. Which leads me succinctly to my next cognitive bias. People over rely on the first piece of information they see when a website loads, which is precisely why the home page is so important, and more precisely, within the home page, the above the fold message is so critical.

Your ATF message, magnet link and CTA, or perhaps a special offer message overlay or header banner. These three cognitive biases make a potent mix. They will be handled together because they often occur together and are difficult to tell apart.

Confirmation bias is where we tend to listen only to information that confirms our pre-conceptions. This provides a way to target older people who are set in their ways, patterns of thought and behavior. Why these all matter is that as we age and memories deteriorate we become more conservative, less receptive to new information.

The consequence is that different age groups should often be targeted in different ways for optimal results. For example, during a game of memory, when given a long list of items to remember and then tested, we remember the beginning and the most recently remembered items at the end but we tend to forget stuff in the middle.

Loss aversion is a primeval part of humanity, written in our DNA by survival and evolution. The stakes are obviously not so high as life and death for most people but it still has a powerful effect on our behavior.

Limited time offers tap into the part of the brain that deal with this primeval fear of losing out, triggering emotions that many of us rarely have need of.

For ecommerce websites it is an obvious, even essential target, necessary for conversion rate optimization. When combined with the other cognitive biases listed above, and using a ecommerce strategy using limited time offers is a zero risk strategy that guarantees increased sales.

In order to leverage the above mentioned psychological effects an onsite retargeting tool such as OptiMonk is necessary, enabling the collection of psychographic data and the precise real time delivery of personalized messages throughout the conversion funnel.

Skip to content. What is OptiMonk? Build your list Increase sign-up rates from single to double digits. Increase sales Help visitors shop and boost ecommerce revenue.

Grow AOV Maximize Customer Lifetime Value with proven tactics. Stop abandonment Explore powerful strategies to win back lost sales. BY TYPE. BY GOAL. BY BUSINESS PROFILE. ON DEMAND. Your pre-sale promotion is key to making a successful sales event.

The goal of your pre-event marketing should be to build anticipation of the event Your promotional material must be designed for sharing on social media and highlight a limited-time offer, the aim is to start a snowball effect and a bandwagon effect.

This is how your campaign can go viral. Trust building through reciprocity. About micro conversions. Outcome bias. Loss aversion and the endowment effect. Instill a sense of competition. The Ostrich Effect. Anchoring Bias. Confirmation Bias, Conservatism Bias and Salience.

How you target different age groups must take these psychological effects into consideration. Share this. Prev Previous Post How to Build a Buyer Persona with Psychographics. Written by. Csaba Zajdo. Look at how thredUP , a second-hand clothes store, uses this tactic combined with a sense of urgency.

The thredUP team kills two birds with one stone. This limited-time offer popup appears a couple of seconds after a first-time visitor lands on their website, and it helps the company build their email list , too. As new shoppers become subscribers, the brand can maintain engagement by sending new offers and promotions via email.

Great job, thredUP! There is no need to create a dedicated landing page to announce a new promo. If you want to implement it quickly and without the help of a developer, Getsitecontrol is the tool for you.

Getsitecontrol is an app that helps you quickly add floating bars and popups to your website and use them to announce sales. Interested, uh? Well then, without further ado, here are the steps to create your own limited-time offer popup.

Once that is done, follow the steps in the instructions to install Getsitecontrol on your website. When you have completed the formalities, you can go ahead and choose a popup template from the gallery. When you find a template you like, open it and hit the Take this template button to bring it to the Getsitecontrol dashboard for editing.

From the Design tab of the dashboard, you can edit the content of the template. Click the relevant section on the menu on the right to change its text:.

To do that, set up a button that will copy the coupon code for them, so that they can use it at checkout right away. Click the Page 2 button in the bottom-right corner of the screen to open the second page of the popup.

When you get to the button, open its settings and remove the current Close widget action associated with it. Now that the content of the popup is ready, we can move on to its appearance, which is also a determining factor in the success of the offer.

The element that gets the most attention is the image, so choose it wisely. You can change the image by clicking on it in the preview. Then, browse the built-in gallery or upload an image from your device. If necessary, change the image settings to adjust how it fits in the popup:. Use the Theme section to further modify the design of your popup.

And that covers the content and appearance of the popup. The Targeting tab is where you decide when and where the promo will pop up on your website. As you can imagine, this is a crucial step for the success of your offer, so think carefully about where, when, and for how long you want people to see your popup.

To do that, simply keep the default settings of the page targeting Display widget on :. Since ours is an offer for the first purchase, show your popup to new visitors only. Next, add a time condition to the Start displaying widget section to give your visitors a chance to look around before they see your offer:.

People tend to dismiss popups without even looking at them if they see them too soon. This condition aims to prevent that. Finally, we recommend programming the popup to stop displaying after a visitor has taken action in our case, submitted the email form.

Then, remove the pre-set condition Stop displaying for 1 day after the user closed it. And that concludes our suggestions for targeting settings.

Getsitecontrol allows for countless other targeting options, including the exit-intent trigger we mentioned above, so feel free to experiment to achieve different results. Promote your limited-time offers and build your email list with captivating templates. No coding or credit card needed.

You're reading Getsitecontrol blog where marketing experts share proven tactics to grow your online business. This article is a part of Lead generation section.

Popups are a popular strategy to grow email lists, promote offers, and just generally drive people towards performing important actions on your site. Not all popups are created equal, though, and there's a big difference in performance between an optimized popup design and an unoptimized one.

Obviously, you want your popups to be one of the former, and that's what we're focusing on in this post. Building an email list is important, and when it comes to growing that list, your first thought is probably those email opt-in popups you see on what seems like every website on the Internet.

Our research shows that email popups convert an average of 6. So, love 'em or hate 'em, they can help you grow your list much faster than embedded signup forms. In this post, we're going to help you achieve those results — or better — by sharing seven tips for how to create an effective, conversion-hungry email popup that, most importantly, won't annoy your visitors.

Automations Set up automated workflows and let them work while you sleep. Contacts Get your contact list organized and build audience segments. Broadcasts Send promotional emails about new products, sales, and events.

Shopify App Install Getsitecontrol app for Shopify and grow your store faster. Resources Blog Fresh ideas and actionable guides to help you grow your online business. Help center Questions about Getsitecontrol? Use cases Find out how to use widgets, with detailed tutorials and examples.

Community Stay in the loop and access new templates in our Slack community. Artem Tiulnikov Apr 28, — 10 min read. Join 5K subscribers. Want to know how? Keep reading this post to find out. Do limited-time offers work? The driving force of short-term sales is the combination of exclusivity, urgency, and scarcity.

Limited-time offers paired with a countdown timer As the name of the category implies, these are limited-time offers that have a countdown timer to them. Countdown timers urge visitors to act fast and expose them to the fear of missing out. Limited-time sale for product category If you have multiple product categories on your website and you want to promote specific product types, start a category sale.

Sitewide sales If promoting select categories is not relevant in your case, a limited-time sitewide sale might be a good idea. Check it out: To make the deal more attractive, they specify the categories participating in the sale. Flash sales When you run a flash sale, you greatly drop prices on select products for a very short period of time.

Flash deals push visitors to impulse buy your products and help you sell your surplus stock. Seasonal clearance A seasonal clearance is a sale held only several times a year and anticipated by the customers. A seasonal sale is an excellent opportunity to promote limited-time offers year-round.

The best part here? Step 1.

No coding or Limite card needed. Timf leads me succinctly orfer my next cognitive bias. Lijited Limited time offer is multiplied when you only provide Tech gadget sample kits gift for a limited time Limited time offer guessed it! Ecommerce Growth. The email also had a now expired countdown timer to communicate how fast they needed to act to secure the deal. Send an Inventive Limited-time Offer Via Email Being one of the leading marketing strategies in eCommerce, email marketing helps deliver a limited-time offer to your customers and place it right in front of their eyes.


Farmers home Furniture - 20% Off Sale - Limited Time Offer

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