Garden freebies online

You can even take suckers off of tomato plants and root them in moist soil. They will grow in to new, fruit bearing plants. There are many options when it comes to starting your seeds, and it can get expensive if you are buying peat pellets, peat pots or other containers in which to grow your seeds.

But if you want it for free, use what you already have! Use your recyclables! Yogurt cups and containers make great planters, as do milk cartons or cut-off jugs.

You can poke a few holes in the bottoms to help with drainage and then just fill with soil and plant your seeds! You can also use egg cartons or clementine orange boxes filled with soil. Make seed starting pots using recycled newspaper. See my post on 20 Frugal Re-purposed Seed Starting Containers for more ideas.

Bamboo is very useful in the garden and can be used for staking tomatoes, vertically growing cucumbers or peas, or to make a fun tipi or tunnel of pole beans. Again, check out Freecycle or Craigslist. Bamboo plots tend to outgrow their desired space and often you can find people who just want to get rid of the stuff, especially if you come and cut it!

Make your homestead dreams come true! The Homestead Goal Planner will help you prioritize your life and your homestead goals and keep you on track with good planning practices.

After all, goal with out a plan is just a dream! Similar to bamboo, recycled wooden pallets can be a wonderful resource to your garden. You can make fences, a compost bin, or a trellis out of them.

You can even fill them with soil for a vertical wall of herbs or greens. Where can you get them? Check your local feed store. Do you have a local brewery? They are also known to have many extra pallets to share. Keep your eyes opened when driving around town. Many places will leave pallets out back by the dumpsters or on the side of the road for pick up.

Tools are probably thought of to be the biggest expense in gardening. A tiller, shovels, trowels, hoes, rakes. There is so much you need. But guess what? If you plan ahead and mulch heavily with newspaper, compost and other green materials such as clippings or leaves, the grass and weeds should be dead by planting time the following spring.

You can plant directly into your composting mulch without tilling at all. This is also much better for the soil! Use your most useful tool- your hands! Use your hands to part the soil to drop the seeds in and pull up those weeds using good old fashioned muscle power!

Use what you already have. I spent many years planting with a spoon from my kitchen. It worked just as well as a little hand shovel. If you find there is a tool you really need try and borrow it from a friend or neighbor.

Barter for the use of a tiller. And one last time, use the free stuff offered by others on Freecycle or Craigslist. Post what you need and someone might have one they no longer need hanging around! So there you go. How do you cut costs when it comes to gardening? Totally agree with you!

I only use my hand shovel and garden gloves on a regular bases. I get both for about a dollar at Dollorama. Some tools can be purchased at garage sales, too. Such an interesting blog, Sarah, thank you! I only use egg shells to plant my vegetable seeds. I save them for the year and in April I have all I need.

I do boil them for a short time and put a hole in the bottom but then they are ready to go. Also, an excellent source of nitrogen. Love this post! Only be very careful about 7, bamboo can show up on the wrong side of the neighbors fence on the opposite side of the yard from where you planted it!

As for tools, I have one more suggestion, if you use the plastic milk jugs, then when the milk is gone, rinse it out and cut out a shovel opposite from the handle.

Great suggestion about the shovel! With the bamboo, I mean just to cut the stalks and use them for staking and supporting plants, not actually planting it. It can get everywhere! Do you mean Japanese knot-weed sticks? No, real bamboo.

Or a certain kind of it. I have a post on my personal blog about our trip to cut the bamboo. Please, please, please stay clear of Japanese knotweed. I live in the UK and it was introduced a couple of hundred years ago.

It will grow everywhere and outcompete all other plants, it is a total nuisance. The Environment Agency in the UK has a page about it link below and if you see it you are supposed to report it to them so they can get rid of it. The knotweed is crazy invasive and takes an axe to cut the bases… it attracts Japanese beetles and they eat absolutely everything in sight.

You can prevent the roots of bamboo from spreading by planting it in a bed with a wall of flashing buried about inches deep. This will keep the roots contained and make controlling it a lot easier than just planting it.

I made the mistake of planting bamboo grass that was advertised not to spread but now it is all over my yard and spreading and replacing my lawn. Round up will not kill the stuff. Burning will not kill it either. So be careful what you plant.

Happy Gardening. I know it can take over, that is why I mentioned it is easy to get for free and use not plant the canes in the garden for vertical growth of many vegetables. Thanks for your comment!

yummy yummy. Wow…one suggestion about using Cut, Non growing bamboo in your garden. How did such an Obvious and Clear suggestion get So misunderstood. But just so You, Sarah, know. The suggestion was very clear. Thank you for the suggestion, it Is a good one👍.

How do you cut up the newspapers as mulch? In strips, shredded, pieces? You want to use them as sheet mulch. Get few layers of newspaper wet and lay them down flat. You will have to have some sort of material to place on top to hold them down like grass, leaves or wood chips.

By the time the newspaper decomposes the weeds will have been choked out. Nice to have it all in one place…thank you!! Great post! My brother mulched his garden with ragweed! It helped keep this allergy-triggering plant under control, as well as nourishing his garden.

Very interesting about the ragweed! Thanks for sharing! Vegetarian animals manure can be composted or turned into the garden just fine.

This year will be different. I will have to get the mulch done and ready for the Fall. Well after I get my Fall garden done. I know some people need gloves. Personally I have tried, but I throw them off, I like the feel of the soil much better!

Something very soothing about getting your hands in rich garden soil. I feel the same! There is something about getting your hands in the soil. Something natural that I just love.

Parasites that will produce diarrhea in your canine bc they live in their digestive tracts. But with humans, apparently they live in weird places in our bodies.

This freaks me out a little, how do you know if you pick up a parasite like that? But that never lasts. If so what do you do? But this is a concern, is it a silly one? When it comes time to plant, you just crack the shell around the roots and plant the whole thing. Very informative!

Thanks for sharing over at the Homeacre Hop! Please join us again soon! Mary :. Wonderful, informative gardening tips — we have a pile of ground tree, but I was hesitant to use as mulch. I am delighted that you shared with Home and Garden Thursday, Kathy.

It will steal nitrogen from the soil if it is dug in, but not as a mulch. So be sure to move it aside to plant seeds and push back in place as they grow.

Thanks for stopping by! Love your ideas. Also, plant stores are always throwing out pots. So if need huge ones for potatoes, etc, you can get them for free. As for pallet gardening, I would be concerned about using them for food plants since the pallets could have some nasty chemicals in them.

Look for the letters HT on your pallets. That means they have been heat treated rather than chemically treated and can be used in the garden. Great information. Does anyone know where to go for free gardening decorative brick type stuff to put around trees, etc.

Very helpful post — thanks for sharing with our readers. You just got featured so please do come and grab your button. This was such a detailed post, I know it will be really useful for many gardeners and frugal living fans. Awesome tips.

Followed you from the Homestead Barn Hop. Love for you to come by Wildcrafting Wednesday and share. These are some great tips! I miss having a big yard with a garden and compose.

I do mulch my flower beds and small garden area. It really does help. Thanks for sharing your wonderful tips. store They make great little hot houses. What a great list of ideas! And we accumulate a lot at our house. Anybody have any thoughts or experience on this? Lookup lasanga gardening.

Uses paper or cardboard, leaves, cutting. No weeds and no digging. You can save TP or paper towel tubes to start seeds in. I am flattening my tubes as I plan to square them up to conserve space, starting my plants in bakery box greenhouses with old aquarium gravel under the upright tubes full of dirt.

You can plant the moist, decomposing cardboard tubes, splitting if needed. You can cover a garden with black yard bags to kill weeds, too. Then you put them away to reuse. You may want to check on newspaper, most has soy based ink now, which is from GMO soy…..

may not be the best for the garden. If it is not soy based, then it is usually petroleum based, which could also pose risks for garden contamination. We use eggshells to plant seedlings in often, then transplant right in the shell, cracking the bottom to let roots grow through.

I would expect the decomposition process to break all those proteins downs. Even GMOs are carbon-based organisms which are going to break down. Around my city we have lots of trees being cut down and mulched because of emerald ash borer bug infestation….

my question is can this mulch be used on gardens or not? I am not sure of the likeliness of transporting the borer through the woodchips. My gut would tell me to steer clear, especially if you have an infestation in your area.

Wood chips are problematic as mulch, robbing the soil of nitrogen, attracting termites, spreading ash borers or other pests. Leaves should be shredded first.

Manure should be aged before being used in the garden. Wineberries are exotic invasives that disrupt the ecosystem. Bamboo is even worse. Yes leaves should be shredded and manure aged- though I use alpaca and rabbit manures fresh with no problems.

We have winberries growing wild around here, along with wild blackberries- sure they can get out of control but if we cultivate them carefully we can control their growth. I never leave it in year round and remove and store it after each use. Thanks for reading and commenting! If we all started harvesting these invasive bamboo patches, and other plants that have already become invasive, then we might get the invasions under control.

There is a group of young people who are harvesting invasive Elaeagnus autumn olive, autumnberry in the midwest, using the delicious and nutrition-rich berries rich in lycopene to make products they can sell, and then using the branches of the shrub to build permaculture gardens.

Guess what, those berries will not be spread by birds to reproduce further. What if everyone with invasive Eleagnus started doing this? Making their own pies and sauces and jams and repurposing the wood?

Here in the South, Japanese honeysuckle has taken over. However, this Lonicera japonica is also used in Asian medicine to help with cold and flu viruses.

Kudzu, bamboo, honeysuckle…if we all got out there are made right use of these resources, we would control the invasiveness. As my husband and I head into retirement, we are looking to learn more about how to do these things. wonderful ideas and tips, except for one HUGE issue.

you say organic produce can be used to save the seeds to plant for yourself. this is misleading. organic methods of food production are often used on hybrid seeds. if you save seed from a hybrid, you have no idea what quality of plant and produce you will get out of it.

the only way to be sure you will get what you want is to plant from open pollinated or heirloom fruits and vegetables.

organic is best, hybrids are to be avoided. Pallets are not a good idea at all. Most are treated with chemicals to prevent rotting. Many will have paint on them as id marks for their original users. In many cities tree mulch is generated from park trees or Christmas trees, all of which have had chemicals applied to them at some point.

I have other sources telling me that the pallets they use are usually untreated lumber. I would love to find out how to discover this definitively. Marvelous article! Some of the things I already do are getting coffee grounds, eggshells and hair clippings from closeby neighbors to nourish the garden soil.

I use newspapers to stop weeds, and I save toilet paper rolls all year to use as seedling cups in spring. I also trade seed and rootlings with a neighbor who gardens.

list and see the freebies there! These are the same practices I use in my garden. I make my own mulch, compost. I save seeds from my produce. I find free pots to use for starter containers. Actually I have had many blog posts on how to garden for free.

I use coffee grounds for my flower and rose plants. Would it also be good for the vegetable garden? I got a free dumptruck size pile of mulch from my electric company because they cut down the trees and branches near wires. It was whatever was cut down and not sorted by plant.

We have a problem with poison ivy in my area. In the spring, I posted on Freshare that I wanted plants in any form.

I got houseplants that were divided, perenials that were divided, selfseeding annuals that were divided, old packets of seeds, and seeds that were saved from plants. Instead of renting or purchasing an expensive machine on your own, go in with a neighbor or friend and split the cost.

My next-door neighbor and I agreed to re-sod our front lawns at the same time, so we split the cost of renting a tiller, got a better deal on supplies by buying in larger quantity, and split the work.

We also have complimentary tools—shovels, wheelbarrow, etc. Look for local seed or plant exchange programs where gardeners gather to swap their surplus seeds, seedlings, or plants. Before buying, think about how you make your own for a lot less. the money. For example, you can make a rain barrel which will save you money on water, or you can make cute garden markers instead of buying them.

With a bit of creativity and resourcefulness, you can find affordable or even free supplies to help you get started or expand your garden. Update Your Old Shower and Tub on a Budget.

Find out how to Get Gardening Supplies for Free or Cheap. Filed Under: Frugal [ Oops, I typed the wrong URL when I logged in to comment. If you click on my name, it won't take you to my site. Newbie mistake. This comment has the right URL and of course the link to the post itself is correct.

Gina, those are GREAT ideas! I just posted a blog post about gardening freebies yesterday and thought afterwards that I should have included links on how to make a rain barrel, etc.

I think your post complements mine nicely and I linked to it. I hope you don't mind! I've started my own garden this year so all of those tips are very useful.

Thanks, [ Garage sales and flea markets are also sources of gardening tools.

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Frewbies should onlune shredded first. Lookup lasanga gardening. Thanks for your comment! Would you also like to Easy and affordable meals it all for free? Love this post! Kevin on June 18, at am. To get yours now just follow our link then fill in the form with your details to signup and get it delivered straight at your doorsteps. Making their own pies and sauces and jams and repurposing the wood? Great information. A good place to get started is at Seed Libraries. To grab one for free just follow our link below and sign up with your details to get it delivered at your threshold. Thank you for the HT Heat Treated reminder 👍! Do you love to garden? Looking for some great freebies to make this year's garden a success? Here is where to get some great free gardening Huge list of + free garden seed catalogs—and places where you can buy quality vegetable and flower seeds and plants online. These plant Free stuff for Home & Garden · Apply Now For a Chance to Sample Our Esprit de Fleur™ Essential Oil Nebulizer™! · free James Hardie® ColorPlus® siding samples Home & Garden Free Stuff & Freebies: Get thousands of freebies and free stuff at Duration Do you love to garden? Looking for some great freebies to make this year's garden a success? Here is where to get some great free gardening Do you love to garden? Looking for some great freebies to make this year's garden a success? Here is where to get some great free gardening Huge list of + free garden seed catalogs—and places where you can buy quality vegetable and flower seeds and plants online. These plant Free stuff for Home & Garden · Apply Now For a Chance to Sample Our Esprit de Fleur™ Essential Oil Nebulizer™! · free James Hardie® ColorPlus® siding samples Garden freebies online
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Furniture clearance sale really does help. Also, Product sample events sideways, there are freebiws things ffeebies can do to understand your soil that are Gadren, like a basic acidity test, omline the soil for organic matter, testing for amounts of clay, sand, and loam. Disclosure: This Free Gardening Stuff by Mail post may contain referral or affiliate links that help support this site at no cost to you. Do not sell my personal information. Did you know you can use eggshells as FREE plant food? Does one of your neighbors have a beautiful garden or are they always working in their yard? Burnt Ridge. Often, you can find some sort of deal on offer from a garden supply store. All you need to do is head to Amazon and check out what offerings are available. I do not send any of these items out myself, so please do not message me with orders. new MSE Have a search on Reddit for free seeds or plants. Do you love to garden? Looking for some great freebies to make this year's garden a success? Here is where to get some great free gardening Huge list of + free garden seed catalogs—and places where you can buy quality vegetable and flower seeds and plants online. These plant Free stuff for Home & Garden · Apply Now For a Chance to Sample Our Esprit de Fleur™ Essential Oil Nebulizer™! · free James Hardie® ColorPlus® siding samples Do you love to garden? Looking for some great freebies to make this year's garden a success? Here is where to get some great free gardening Free stuff for Home & Garden · Apply Now For a Chance to Sample Our Esprit de Fleur™ Essential Oil Nebulizer™! · free James Hardie® ColorPlus® siding samples Duration Request free seeds from nonprofit organizations. To get free milkweed seeds, the Live Monarch Foundation just asks for you to cover postage for Water Your Garden Guide. Get it now. Garden being The Urban Farm is Your Go-To Resource for Online Food-Growing Education Free Garden Stuff · Free Little Book of Seeds – Just finished, join WhatsApp! · Free Nature Planner Book · Free Bird Watching Pack · Free Woodland Trust Trees Garden freebies online
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I save seeds fdeebies my produce. That Furniture clearance sale they ohline been heat on,ine rather than chemically treated and Business stationery samples be used in the garden. list and see the freebies there! Just pop off the whole dried flower head and once you are home you can get the seeds out or just plant the whole thing. ORDER NOW: free James Hardie® ColorPlus® siding samples. So be careful what you plant. With them, you can fill your garden with wonderful plants in no time. Be sure to also check out the free gardening books on Amazon here. Plants such as blackberries and raspberries put up new shoots and suckers from their roots that are easily transplanted. So Feed a Bee is willing to mail out seeds to you that you can plant in your garden. Annie Montana Homesteader on January 8, at am. Your kitchen holds one of the best-kept free seeds secrets. A really easy way to get plants at a really low cost is to simply use things like coupons and promo codes. Do you love to garden? Looking for some great freebies to make this year's garden a success? Here is where to get some great free gardening Huge list of + free garden seed catalogs—and places where you can buy quality vegetable and flower seeds and plants online. These plant Free stuff for Home & Garden · Apply Now For a Chance to Sample Our Esprit de Fleur™ Essential Oil Nebulizer™! · free James Hardie® ColorPlus® siding samples Our household giveaways and samples category includes electronics, pet supplies, furniture, cleaning supplies, bathroom supplies, internet services and more Free Seeds You Can Get Right Now. The Free Seed Project offers around 10, (sometimes more) free seed packs to individuals every year. It usually includes a Do you love to garden? Looking for some great freebies to make this year's garden a success? Here is where to get some great free gardening Duration Free Seeds You Can Get Right Now. The Free Seed Project offers around 10, (sometimes more) free seed packs to individuals every year. It usually includes a Buguard™ is sending away free sample packs of its Insect Repellent so make sure to get one for yourself. To get one for free just follow our link then fill in Garden freebies online
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How to Get Free Fgeebies for Your Garden Learn frewbies Garden freebies online score free fruit, vegetable, tree, and flower seeds Gardej your Low-cost family meal offers garden. Get few layers of newspaper wet and lay them down flat. I would expect the decomposition process to break all those proteins downs. Happy gardening, friends. Are you looking for some great gardening freebies to get started on for your garden? Thanks, [ store They make great little hot houses. Check out my Tips for Attracting Bees to Your Garden here! aspx Kids will LOVE This one! Actual product may vary. Be sure to check out my gardening printables, including my complete garden journal, in my Etsy shop! Settings Accept. Barter with your gardening friends. Do you love to garden? Looking for some great freebies to make this year's garden a success? Here is where to get some great free gardening Huge list of + free garden seed catalogs—and places where you can buy quality vegetable and flower seeds and plants online. These plant Free stuff for Home & Garden · Apply Now For a Chance to Sample Our Esprit de Fleur™ Essential Oil Nebulizer™! · free James Hardie® ColorPlus® siding samples Buguard™ is sending away free sample packs of its Insect Repellent so make sure to get one for yourself. To get one for free just follow our link then fill in Our household giveaways and samples category includes electronics, pet supplies, furniture, cleaning supplies, bathroom supplies, internet services and more Water Your Garden Guide. Get it now. Garden being The Urban Farm is Your Go-To Resource for Online Food-Growing Education Garden freebies online
Visit dreebies online at twokidsandacoupon. This site onlije affiliate Garden freebies online. Love your ideas. Free home decor swatches them, you Gatden fill your garden with wonderful plants in no time. Ask your neighbors and friends who garden. It helped keep this allergy-triggering plant under control, as well as nourishing his garden. Is this a good idea? Jeanie Butler on January 15, at pm. This year will be different. Spring has sprung and that means it is time to start that garden. To get yours now just follow our link then fill in the form with your details to signup and get it delivered straight at your doorsteps. Community gardens often have free gardening supplies available for members. Something very soothing about getting your hands in rich garden soil. Understanding what your soil needs saves a lot of money and gets better results and a lot more produce. Do you love to garden? Looking for some great freebies to make this year's garden a success? Here is where to get some great free gardening Huge list of + free garden seed catalogs—and places where you can buy quality vegetable and flower seeds and plants online. These plant Free stuff for Home & Garden · Apply Now For a Chance to Sample Our Esprit de Fleur™ Essential Oil Nebulizer™! · free James Hardie® ColorPlus® siding samples Do you love to garden? Looking for some great freebies to make this year's garden a success? Here is where to get some great free gardening Missing Check out these 8 garden freebies perfect for getting growing for less. Choose from seeds, books, plant food, and more! Garden freebies online
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Garden freebies online - Missing Do you love to garden? Looking for some great freebies to make this year's garden a success? Here is where to get some great free gardening Huge list of + free garden seed catalogs—and places where you can buy quality vegetable and flower seeds and plants online. These plant Free stuff for Home & Garden · Apply Now For a Chance to Sample Our Esprit de Fleur™ Essential Oil Nebulizer™! · free James Hardie® ColorPlus® siding samples

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Confirmation ×. Ok Cancel. Rob Greenfield is sending out free seeds pack, make sure to get one now. To get one for yourself just follow our link to the linked page then complete the on-screen instructions to get yours delivered to you straight at your doorsteps.

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To get yours now just follow our link then fill in the form with your details to signup and get it delivered straight at your doorsteps. AirWick is giving you an opportunity to try out their Wildflower seeds for free.

Garden freebies online - Missing Do you love to garden? Looking for some great freebies to make this year's garden a success? Here is where to get some great free gardening Huge list of + free garden seed catalogs—and places where you can buy quality vegetable and flower seeds and plants online. These plant Free stuff for Home & Garden · Apply Now For a Chance to Sample Our Esprit de Fleur™ Essential Oil Nebulizer™! · free James Hardie® ColorPlus® siding samples

You can plant the moist, decomposing cardboard tubes, splitting if needed. You can cover a garden with black yard bags to kill weeds, too. Then you put them away to reuse. You may want to check on newspaper, most has soy based ink now, which is from GMO soy….. may not be the best for the garden.

If it is not soy based, then it is usually petroleum based, which could also pose risks for garden contamination. We use eggshells to plant seedlings in often, then transplant right in the shell, cracking the bottom to let roots grow through.

I would expect the decomposition process to break all those proteins downs. Even GMOs are carbon-based organisms which are going to break down. Around my city we have lots of trees being cut down and mulched because of emerald ash borer bug infestation….

my question is can this mulch be used on gardens or not? I am not sure of the likeliness of transporting the borer through the woodchips. My gut would tell me to steer clear, especially if you have an infestation in your area.

Wood chips are problematic as mulch, robbing the soil of nitrogen, attracting termites, spreading ash borers or other pests. Leaves should be shredded first.

Manure should be aged before being used in the garden. Wineberries are exotic invasives that disrupt the ecosystem. Bamboo is even worse. Yes leaves should be shredded and manure aged- though I use alpaca and rabbit manures fresh with no problems.

We have winberries growing wild around here, along with wild blackberries- sure they can get out of control but if we cultivate them carefully we can control their growth. I never leave it in year round and remove and store it after each use.

Thanks for reading and commenting! If we all started harvesting these invasive bamboo patches, and other plants that have already become invasive, then we might get the invasions under control. There is a group of young people who are harvesting invasive Elaeagnus autumn olive, autumnberry in the midwest, using the delicious and nutrition-rich berries rich in lycopene to make products they can sell, and then using the branches of the shrub to build permaculture gardens.

Guess what, those berries will not be spread by birds to reproduce further. What if everyone with invasive Eleagnus started doing this? Making their own pies and sauces and jams and repurposing the wood? Here in the South, Japanese honeysuckle has taken over.

However, this Lonicera japonica is also used in Asian medicine to help with cold and flu viruses. Kudzu, bamboo, honeysuckle…if we all got out there are made right use of these resources, we would control the invasiveness.

As my husband and I head into retirement, we are looking to learn more about how to do these things. wonderful ideas and tips, except for one HUGE issue. you say organic produce can be used to save the seeds to plant for yourself.

this is misleading. organic methods of food production are often used on hybrid seeds. if you save seed from a hybrid, you have no idea what quality of plant and produce you will get out of it. the only way to be sure you will get what you want is to plant from open pollinated or heirloom fruits and vegetables.

organic is best, hybrids are to be avoided. Pallets are not a good idea at all. Most are treated with chemicals to prevent rotting. Many will have paint on them as id marks for their original users. In many cities tree mulch is generated from park trees or Christmas trees, all of which have had chemicals applied to them at some point.

I have other sources telling me that the pallets they use are usually untreated lumber. I would love to find out how to discover this definitively. Marvelous article! Some of the things I already do are getting coffee grounds, eggshells and hair clippings from closeby neighbors to nourish the garden soil.

I use newspapers to stop weeds, and I save toilet paper rolls all year to use as seedling cups in spring. I also trade seed and rootlings with a neighbor who gardens. list and see the freebies there! These are the same practices I use in my garden.

I make my own mulch, compost. I save seeds from my produce. I find free pots to use for starter containers. Actually I have had many blog posts on how to garden for free. I use coffee grounds for my flower and rose plants.

Would it also be good for the vegetable garden? I got a free dumptruck size pile of mulch from my electric company because they cut down the trees and branches near wires. It was whatever was cut down and not sorted by plant. We have a problem with poison ivy in my area.

In the spring, I posted on Freshare that I wanted plants in any form. I got houseplants that were divided, perenials that were divided, selfseeding annuals that were divided, old packets of seeds, and seeds that were saved from plants. Each person gave us enough stuff for both of us. I went to a free lecture that the local cooperitive extension gave at the library about gardening.

Each person that attended, received a coupon for a free compost bin. Hello, I am getting the coffee grounds from Starbucks to add to my garden. Is this a good idea?

Does anyone else use it? Please call Thank you for reading this comment. Several good tips here. I can grow a hybrid this is not GMO, but a cross between 2 parent varieties that produces a know quantity third variety of seeds tomato plant organically and those tomatoes are organic. Yes I agree that the money aspect of gardening does put a lot of people off.

I think I can save some cash by following this advice. I am known for wasting money unnecessarily. I love the shovel and bamboo tip. I saw some people who are very lazy and they feel very attractive with their laziness!

Remember that egg shell make great pots for growing seedlings and then can be planted directly into the soil for additional nitrogen. I add about cups of ashes per 5 gallon bucket of compost before spreading it on the garden, or about a shovel-full per wheelbarrow of compost.

Coffee grounds dumped directly around their soil would probably also make blueberry bushes happy, otherwise I compost the coffee grounds before adding to a regular vegetable patch.

Also, thinking sideways, there are many things you can do to understand your soil that are free, like a basic acidity test, examining the soil for organic matter, testing for amounts of clay, sand, and loam.

Also analyzing your leaves for nutritional clues. Understanding what your soil needs saves a lot of money and gets better results and a lot more produce.

One last thing — no one mentioned collecting or reusing water on the garden. I was able to get a 55 gallon rain barrel for free through a workshop offered by a local water treatment plant.

They reused the barrels of their water amendments, gave us a tap, and showed us how to cut and make our own with them there to guide us.

Water is a very large expense to gardening, so saving rainwater is very helpful. My city offers a full refund on any compost bin purchased, so you can get a compost bin for free. Be careful about manure from cattle and horses.

If the animals grazed in areas where Grazon has been used, the chemical will pass through the animal and kill your plants — all of them!

If the animal owners have fed their livestock with hay, they might not know if the hay holds Grazon. Great list. Your email address will not be published.

Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Anna Northern Homestead on August 28, at pm. Leah on May 9, at am. Angel Burch on August 28, at pm. LOL Angel Reply. Sarah The Free Range Life on August 28, at pm. pond on January 11, at pm.

Sarah The Free Range Life on January 11, at pm. Vivienne Johnson on January 12, at am. pond on January 12, at pm. Sarah The Free Range Life on January 13, at am.

scarlet on June 10, at am. Rene' on September 16, at am. Sarah The Free Range Life on September 27, at pm. pauline on August 19, at am.

Kim on January 22, at pm. Tammy on June 2, at pm. That is a wonderful recycle, repurpose suggestion!! Thank you!! Amber Tales of Domestica on August 28, at pm.

Love these suggestions!!! Thank you for sharing!! Stephanie From the Burbs to the Boonies on August 28, at pm.

Margaret Odgers on January 19, at am. Kathi on August 28, at pm. Great subject, thank you for sharing these ideas! Jamie They Call Me A Hippie on August 29, at am.

Great list! Kathleen Yorba on August 29, at am. Sarah The Free Range Life on August 29, at pm. Jessica on January 11, at pm. Would it be safe to use the bedding from my guinea pig or hamster? Amy on February 24, at pm. Pinning now! Debbie on August 30, at am. Thank you.

As a new gardener anything free is GREAT! Sarah The Free Range Life on August 30, at pm. No matter who you are, free is always great! Growing Up Madison on August 30, at pm. Alexandra on August 30, at pm.

Worth the price… Nitrile gloves… thin, comfortable, good grip, indestructible. Lind on January 11, at pm. BeeTreeStudios on August 30, at pm. melisaanderson74 on August 30, at pm. Mary HomegrownontheHill on September 3, at pm.

Mary : Reply. Find out how to make a mini compost bin here. Did you know you can make your own flower pot cleanser using essential oils? Check out my recipe for Homemade Flower Pot Cleaner here. Free Soil Collection Kit Help scientists learn more about the soil in your area when you request a free soil collection kit.

Free Garden Catalogs There are so many companies that will send you free gardening catalogs and coupons just for asking! Find my entire list of free gardening catalogs here. Send for yours now so you can have all the supplies you need by spring!

As mentioned, many of these companies will send coupons along with your catalog for extra savings. FREE Mini Greenhouse This is one of my favorite garden freebies! See how to turn an old rotisserie chicken container into a mini greenhouse. This method is perfect for starting seeds indoors without buying seed starters.

See how to upcycle an old rotisserie chicken container into a mini greenhouse here. Most of these garden freebies look like they ship out pretty quick, so you should have them in time for growing season.

My mailman should love me here in a few weeks 🙂. If you are in a hurry, you can see that some of these freebies are ones you can find right around your own home.

Best Ways to Get Rid of Flies in Your Backyard. How to Repel Stink Bugs with Essential Oils. How to Plant Daffodil Bulbs and Care for Them. Skip to main content Skip to primary sidebar Home Contact DIY Health and Beauty Gardening Recipes Privacy Policy.

Free Garden Seed Catalog Offers 1. Free Gardening Ebooks 4. Spring has sprung and that means it is time to start that garden. We have plants already popping up here in Iowa and even have some strawberries starting to bloom. Do you need some more resources to help your garden grow this year?

This free gardening stuff by mail is not sent from us directly. These freebies come from the companies themselves, not from our team here at Two Kids and a Coupon.

We are merely sharing the word on where to find these fun freebies! To receive these items, click through each link and complete the form. Promotional offers do change frequently and while we update this page often, you may occasionally find an expired offer.

Looking for free gardening equipment and supplies? Be sure to also check out the free gardening books on Amazon here. Looking for where to get free stuff by mail? Check out our other posts and watch out for more great freebies coming soon!

Disclosure: This Free Gardening Stuff by Mail post may contain referral or affiliate links that help support this site at no cost to you. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Shop recommended items in our Amazon store at www. All opinions and love of saving money are completely and totally our own. Photos courtesy of depositphotos. Kim Ritter is a frugal living expert, blogger and mom of two from small-town Iowa.

What began as an effort to help her family save a few dollars a month has now transformed into a full-time passion to help other parents money. Visit her online at twokidsandacoupon.

com and follow her on Twitter at 2kidsandacoupon for more ways your family can have fun on a budget. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

By Nashura

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